Any cultural movement or sub-society is nothing more than a will towards republicanism. There is a pattern within it. The more it tries the more dysfunctional and neurotic it becomes. Heirarchism, elitism, fundementalist creeds, conformity and chemical supplimentation as the illusion begins to crumple for the individual participants. It is so predictable it can be calculated within game theory models. (Which the government has been actively expirementing with since the early 60's coincidentally enough.)
As Freud posited for the addiction to opiates culture is a means to escape the nagging panic steming from the nihilistic chaos for which the human primate finds itself. To return to the fluid passivity and the calming, oceanic embrace of hir mother. As we sleep through the dark and cold night the waking mind disolves like the sun at twilight and our unconscious runs wild as if a microcosm of universe itself. The sun is the giver of life while drowning out its true nature. It's the ancient metaphor.
Culture serves as a sense of herd insularity around a collective ideology (a shortcut to thinking) and is no different that any other product for consumption. A game being played to escape these internal desires. particularly attractive to the adolscent just starting to develop a distinct sense of self defined and differentiated from the external world. But as one grows older they become dull, wary and defeated that no matter what they try it is always a fleeting effort. The solution of revolution a cheap substitute like a crackhead ghost hunting at dawn.
As Freud posited for the addiction to opiates culture is a means to escape the nagging panic steming from the nihilistic chaos for which the human primate finds itself. To return to the fluid passivity and the calming, oceanic embrace of hir mother. As we sleep through the dark and cold night the waking mind disolves like the sun at twilight and our unconscious runs wild as if a microcosm of universe itself. The sun is the giver of life while drowning out its true nature. It's the ancient metaphor.
Culture serves as a sense of herd insularity around a collective ideology (a shortcut to thinking) and is no different that any other product for consumption. A game being played to escape these internal desires. particularly attractive to the adolscent just starting to develop a distinct sense of self defined and differentiated from the external world. But as one grows older they become dull, wary and defeated that no matter what they try it is always a fleeting effort. The solution of revolution a cheap substitute like a crackhead ghost hunting at dawn.