I know the type. Their viewpoint is that if you're not expending your time and effort making some rich person even richer, and spending on consumerist crap whatever crumbs were handed your way for spending at least half your waking hours doing things other than what you need/want to do, then you're worthless, lazy, a bum, or whatever other insult they wish to use. These are the scumfucks that want more "law and order" so that if you're not rounded up into the workforce or the military, you get herded into jail/prison instead, or killed. These are the scumfucks that want endlessly increasing housing costs so that their "wealth" keeps going up, who then complain about all of the homeless people that are priced out of rent even if they work a job(they'll just tell you to get a second or third job and to stop complaining).
Sucks that this happened to you. How avoidable was it to keep others from seeing you enter/leave the area? When I get around to travelling without a permanent residence, I'm intent on avoiding this sort of hassle outright, so it's a good idea to try to learn other people's lessons. I have found overpasses where such a living arrangement might be workable, but never tried them because there was no necessity to do so. My vehicle/"bicycle" I will be using does attract lots of unwanted attention unfortunately, so I will have to keep that in mind when finding a place to settle for the night. Probably will be easier to manage that than keeping dogs around me though.