Old Stories - #12

The Cack

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
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poems to burn down the river.
The Moving Company Blues
Goddamnit, don't break my fucking door
says George
The passenger side door is separated in two,
the plastic sheathing hanging loose on the inside
makes a tremendous rattle
and George threatens me with paying for the door.

George, goddamnit,
you'll have to take all the previous times the door's been slammed
divide it by the times I've slammed it--3 or 4 times--and then I'll
pay you a percentage of that. Like, five-cents, I say

Fuck that, says George, you're buying me a new door
and George's Massachussets accents seems to out him as a moron
A hard-working moron.

Today, its the moving company. One of the team tried to run off
prematurely from a job, with a TV in the back of the boxtruck
fearing he'd be late for his doctor's appointment
where he could score some prescription drugs to sell

Meanwhile, I managed to get James the funny black guy to hook me up with
a decent weed connection.
"Yeah, that's how I make my money. On the streets. You best believe I ain't making shit wit George. Motherfuckin' cocksuckin' cracker, nigga's crazy."

George was white
James was right,
George was crazy.

We'll bust in some erroneous math, but let's just say
that if George is crazy
the people who hire him are crazy enough to entrust their belongings with
crazy George,
well, let's just say you're the only person who is sane on the jobsite.

No, I take that back:
You're just as crazy as the rest of them
shiny from the sweat
caked in cat dander and carpet dust
face rigid, the backpain,
trading dick jokes with the boss as a way of making the day go quicker.

All for a dollar.

The crazies who hired George and Co.
watch on, perilously grabbing at large, vacant bookcases
The hispanic employee using this as an opportunity to work out
The hispanic employee doesn't have money to work out
He's got young hispanic rugrats and a twenty-one year old hispanic wife
The hispanic employee is named Jose
and Jose is late for his fate
Two baby boys,
Oxycontin and Vicodin.

We get back in the van
George curses Jose
George is wearing a mad orange shirt
I am not sure whether to laugh aloud or keep my mouth shut
When I keep my mouth shut,
George yells at me not shut the fucking door so goddamn hard
Its old
and frail,
and you're gonna pay for it, Tom
Even if I have to fuck your girlfriend to make things even
You're gonna buy me a new door.

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