Wow, im not from US but this is definetely interesting and important, thanks for the share. Aphter reading this, did my share of googling. Bill is controversial and i kind of have mixed feelings about it... the PROS, ofcourse are the PROS, but i kind of see schoolkids dropping out etc etc just because they can if you catch my drift. Bills like this kind of create false sense of security and romantise the whole homelessness thing, i say this because alot of people from my country (Lithuania) are going to UK/Spain/etc just because their laws allows you to be homelesss and epic fables are passed from lips to lips about rivers of skipped food, friendly cops who wont kick you in a face while you are playing your guitar on a curb... i started the other way around, but kind of went the same path as everyone, i consider myself lucky i finished school and didnt dive straight forward, but thrue the last decade i saw a lot of people from different backgrounds going this same path, just because they can....