For some reason I like the basic, minimalistic lifestyle. If you look at my current avatar, that was how I went to England last month. Old German army backpack, a very simple sleeping pad, a 20 years old sleeping bag (but a good one) and a small backpack (served me as daypack and to put my notebook in when I wasn't a hostel) I bought in Bristol for 8 quid.
I had with me (including what I wore) 3 t-shirts, 3 hoodies and 3 pairs of pants and I found it to be too much. I wore my ripped jeans and one tee and hoodie most of the time anyway.
Even when I could afford it, I almost never had a beer in a pub. I like to just get a can somewhere and sit on the streets. I never had dinner at a restaurant, I just got something from a fast food and ate it while walking. Or got a can of tuna from Aldi, went around the corner, threw my jacket on the ground to sit upon and ate the tuna right out of the can.
Why? I don't know. I just had the freedom to do what I want and I did that.
I couldn't care less if my shoes are broken as long as they don't give me blisters. I couldn't care less if my pants are ripped as long as they still fulfill their function. I couldn't care less if I have to sleep rough as long as I don't feel frightened the place I am.
I don't know why that is that way, sometimes I'm quite confused about it myself.
Off-topic: next time I'll try to bring a black jacket with me. My white one was so dirty as I came back home, I felt a little embarrassed ...