Question Melinda Ivey Missing Person Since 2019 Any Information Appreciated


New member
Oct 14, 2024
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Kansas City, MO
Wassup, y'all? Kacey here, and I've got a mission for my fellow transients and vagabonds. Should you choose to accept it, this is a strictly informational recon type mission.

The last time I was on this website, I had run into a wonderful woman named Melinda Ivey.

I didn't know any of the details at the time in the first place and this was weeks before I ended up going away for a few years, but apparently she went missing and hasn't been heard from since late 2019/early2020? I didn't know her long, or even very well, but she's been on my Spirit fiercely ever since I came back home.

And I won't lie, there is more to this for me that has nothing to do with her and everything to do with the man who never stopped searching for her.

He was my Best Friend.

You guys might've known him too, his name was Dallas. Balding, glasses over big blue eyes, goofy as a motherfucker. I've known him for 19 years. I miss him so bad I can fucking taste it.

Finding her meant so much to him.

This is probably something I'm gonna need to devote some time to in therapy, something about survivors guilt or what the fuck ever, but fuck it. Call it closure if you want to, and call me an asshole. Call it clinging to a memory of a dead man, and call me pathetic.
You could pass this along and allow me the privilege of using this beautiful vast network to try and bring honor and closure to a couple of souls I'll never be the same without.

Alright, that's it. That's my TedTalk.
K, thanx, bai.


New member
Oct 14, 2024
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO
Forgot to mention this, but please send me any and all info you might have in a PRIVATE MESSAGE! This isn't my first rodeo trying to find lost people, it's kind of my Thing, actually. Many and MANY a good Search had been fouled when everyone is privy to details, you know?
Again, thanks, y'all.
Love you, bai!

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