Johnny G. of kansas city/ denver died on tuesday evening. he just collapsed out of no where. when taken to the hospital they found a hole in his lung. Johnny was always a fuckin great face to see and anyone who knew him knows that it was impossible to be around him and be in a bad mood. he was always so full of energy. there isnt a punk left in KC that isnt gonna fuckin miss him like crazy. hes left a great memory with all of us and his face is going to be missed so fucking much.
even if you didnt know him, just take a second and think about all the people in your life like Johnny, they could be gone at any second, when you least expect it.
check out his band that he played bass in, No Master-
No Master on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
even if you didnt know him, just take a second and think about all the people in your life like Johnny, they could be gone at any second, when you least expect it.
check out his band that he played bass in, No Master-
No Master on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads