Hey all. So it's coming down to the wire for me. LMAO I fucked up. Lost another job with two months behind on rent already and the electricity bill catching up to me after 5 months without putting it in my name. Electric is only 300 dollars but rent is a g and landlord is not happy. I'm at a loss, but you know what I'm fuckin happy I got here. Had it not happened I woulda never got the notion to head back out, and I'm so happy it did cus it's just what I need. I've spent the last year and a half holed up in my apartment and ain't got nowhere. Hant not ONE good friend through the whole of it and living in the smallest Amish fuckin town in the middle of illinois where every place to go is 30 or 40 miles in any other direction and then the same goes for that shitty town. Needless to say, fuck this shit!😅 I wouldn't have come to this conclusion without losing my job and coming to this slightly stressful point, but I know from experience that once I get out there all that shit will melt away and I'll be left to my essentials and necessities and life will be up to me! I am SERIOUSLY looking forward to hitting the road, rails, trails, cities, bars, underpasses, tressles, and being FUCKING FREE! To go where I want. I hope to run into some of you out there. I ain't trying to go it alone. I'ma need you. I'ma need a homie here and there at least. Shit a road dawg would be the shit. I think dude and I are gonna meet up and ride, but I can't predict the future.. I am getting tfo of Dodge soon tho and im looking for adventure and fun! Gave myself a mohawk the other day and there was some symbolism as the neightbor lady walked by and asked "having fun" (I was outside) That's what the mohawk was about. Having fun. Smiling more. Leaving any baggage behind. I've dealt with all that shit and now it's time for fun. Time for adventure. In the real world. ESKETTITTTT😝 HMU! pass it on! Summer is here! Let's roll!
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