In a bit of a bind! Need advice!

Johnny P

Active member
Oct 19, 2016
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7136 Winding Brook Ct, Columbus, OH 43235, USA
Hey yall. So I'm in a bit of stressful pickle concerning whether or not to bring my pup with me on the road in a few weeks. She's a 15 month old German Shepherd and she is my world. However I will be on the road for awhile and mainly living out of my van, and I'm trying to hold part time/ odd jobs on the road as well to meet people and make a little skrill. My base camp will be SF.

I've been debating this idea of her coming with me for months and I've changed my mind back and forth several different times about it. 3 weeks for departure is rapidly approaching and I need advice from any of you reading this who have had similar decisions to make. I know the lay of the land there really well, and I have a lot of friends with places to and who could maybe dog sit while I have a shift (already started trying to make arrangements) I just dont know if its a good idea.

Just so you guys know if I do not decide to bring her, I would not be getting rid of her, she has a very solid support system with my parents and she and their dog have really become bro and sis for the past year and some change. So she would be taken care of and loved everyday. I just know I'm gonna miss her to death and she's gonna miss me. Which could potentially dampen my journey on the road to find out.

I'd like to think I'm a responsible guy, but the thought of anything happening to me or her while traveling or her blowing my cover, or not finding anyone to look after her while I need to go inside to a place or work, has me fretting a bit. I feel confident I could make it work with her, so anything right now to reinforce how I'm feeling. Good/bad stories, anything and all advice is greatly appreciated. Hardest god damn decision of my life : /

Thanks in advanced

Johnny P


campervan untilising nomadic traveller
Dec 18, 2011
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Brighton, United Kingdom
It's a total ball ache having a dog with you 24 hours a day, I'm not going to lie, it really is. Saying that I wouldn't be without mine.

I also rubber Tramp. I generally only take work where I'm able to have my dog with me or where i can park my van at the work place and check on her regularly throughout the day.

It's good you've thought about the pros and cons. One thing I'll say is that you have to say no to a lot of stuff because you can't go/do it because you've got a dog and you've just got to suck that up. Having a support network of potential dog sitters is really good.

I say give it a go, see how you get on. See how your dog gets on. Remember that you've chosen this way of life, your dog hasn't made the choice so as far as I'm concerned their needs come first. If it doesn't work then maybe you'll have to leave her with your parents or reconsider your plans.

Good luck though. I'm sure you'll make the right decision :)


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Dec 4, 2014
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en route
I lived in a van with my ShihTzu for 6 months, then took her to Istanbul, Estonia, and Finland. As long as you can keep the dog warm, safe, cool, fed, watered, and exercised, go to it. Otherwise just leave with your parents.
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Sometimes traveler is traveling.
Jul 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
We got a yr old shepherd from a traveler - dog was on the road hitching or trainhopping since she was 6 weeks old - she's now about 13 months and a bundle of energy (and about 70+ lbs). She is with my bf basically 24/7 as he works from home - she does get on his nerves. She needs constant supervision with her bad chewing, etc habits (she was taken to a professional trainer) but what I'm getting to is her lack of exercise - bf might walk her around the block(s) for 1/2 to hr a couple times a day but she needs some real exercise so that is my concern - is making sure your dog has that exercise the bigger dog needs.

Otherwise than that I second what @landpirate says and give it a go - try it out and if it doesn't work then you have your back up - either that or change things up to help your dog and you adjust.

Good luck on your travels and with your dog. I'm sure your dog is a little more attentive to you and commands than ours. :)
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Johnny P

Active member
Oct 19, 2016
Reaction score
7136 Winding Brook Ct, Columbus, OH 43235, USA
Yeah she's well behaved for a pup. Quite the ball of energy though. Shes used to walks everyday and I enjoy it, plus I would not enjoy being couped up in the van all day and SF is very walker friendly. It's a stressful decision, but I'm going to pull the trigger on it. I care for that girl so much that no doubt she comes first. Thats why ive been unsure, cause Id be so afraid to let her down or put her in bad spot. You guys will see some updates here in the next few weeks. Heres a pic of my baby :)


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