So for me I had been traveling for around 7 years straight. Rubber tramping mostly with some boat hitching. In 2017 I was working in an egalitarian community in missouri and felt ready to come back in off the road. Had my car, my pack out and like 150 bucks to my name. So I started searching for local diy houses, punk house, local squats whatever I could find. A link came up that said squat the planet and I was haha uh yes, please! I already do this basically. I clicked it and was like wait, wtf? It took me a few minutes to grasp what I just stumbled into.. I'd been rolling solo mostly and with some groups but never heard of this. It was just like fb (don't roast me for that comparison lol) but strictly for nomads and travelers! Blown away.
The wealth of information and resources here is unbelievable. I came up a street kid from a young age so I know this life, I lived and learned it the hard way and here was thousands of people's years of experience all collected and organized and new things coming in every minute of everyday.. just simply amazing.
I guess I don't know who the progenitor of stp is but if I thought my travel life knowledge and skills was a 10 before then it's surely 100 now. Huge shout out to you
@Matt Derrick , you contribute some shit that I used to level up and learn from but also keep a clean house around here and show a lot of love and care to folks here. Without the work you out in here I would've never found RTR or the slabs, even some of the travel jobs that sustain me still today I found because of directors you pointed me in. Grateful for you bro. Keep it up and I keep sending other traveler friends and people that wanna escape the rat race here. This community is like no other I've been apart of yet. 👌🏻💯🔥❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤