Hi, I'm Esbee!


New member
May 28, 2024
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Pacific NW
I've been working thankless minimum wage jobs for the last like 8 years or so. Can't hack it anymore, I just want to be free, I know it'll be hard but I've always felt like I don't work with this society, the jobs never go anywhere, the bills pile up. I'm ready to live life and be free or die trying.
Grew up poor with hoarder parents, didn't have a great childhood, you've heard it all before.
I love folkpunk music, basement shows, meals with friends and quiet sewing sessions.
Nothing I've tried is working and honestly, I'm ready to leave everything behind for better or for worse.
Much love from the PNW <3 Ready to see where this takes me, sometime very soon. (Taking care of a senior kitty who I don't think would make it on this adventure so I'm staying with him until the end of his life and heading out because I love him dearly.
His name is Jasper, here's a picture of him for appreciation, he is very good)


May 26, 2023
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Hi Esbee ^-^

I also had a senior kitty until late last winter when she passed. Much thanks to you for caring for your friend.

Wishing you all the luck in the world with your adventure. If you're not aware already though intentional communities are a thing if you ever want to try being stationary again one day. The capitalist rat race isn't for me either. I'm visiting an ecovillage later this summer to get more experience with different communities before I make the jump sometime over the coming years. Highly recommend doing Twin Oaks's visitor program at some point if this sort of thing appeals to you at all, they've got things figured out there more than most places. East Wind is really cool too.
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