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The People Secretly Growing Magic Mushrooms in the Wild
Check around during shroom season.And remember ... all mushrooms are edible but some only once!
Here's the article:

The People Secretly Growing Magic Mushrooms in the Wild
Guerilla gardeners are using squirt guns and spore-infused water to spread hallucinogenic fungi in forests.

"They’re going out across Colorado, Oregon, California, Washington and elsewhere to dump kilos of wood chips seeded with shroom spores and shoot millions of spores from water guns. It’s industrial level psychedelic philanthropy"
"The reason why people are out - “spreading this mycelium around is because we all feel the corporate thing coming and we don't like it"
"They have medicinal powers for addiction and depression. I ate as many as I could one night and woke up and haven’t smoked a cigarette since.”
I've grown a few myself in the past - they're haaaard work man, not quite a plant and not quite an animal, got properties of both; I mean they literally have their own kingdom! If anyone on here wants to talk shrooms, I'm well into the learning about them and I don't mind a good trip report, so yeah, hit me up! My advice: make sure you're 100% sure in knowing the ID of the mushroom before you pick it or go with someone who knows about foraging. Don't over pick. Dry them out properly, you'll have more 'fun' gram for gram.
Above all, trip safely kids.
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