General advice for going to the Rainbow Gathering


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Oct 7, 2023
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Everywhere and Nowhere
I know it will be a while before the next regional Rainbow Gathering in the U.S. but it's always good to prepare. This advice is mostly for people who are new to the Rainbow Gathering.

First of all, don't accept open drinks from anybody. A couple years back, I took some tea from a guy and I drank it and it had something in it, and I ended up waking up with one shoe on one foot that didn't have a sock under the shoe, and the other foot only had a sock and I was covered in scratches. I don't really remember what happened and most of it is very hazy, but I'm very sure I climbed a tree and then fell out of it thinking I would be fine.

Second thing, always trust your gut. If someone's vibe is off, then don't hang around them. Bring some sort of self defense just in case of emergencies.
Third thing, don't fuck with the elders. Don't be rude to anybody. Especially camp elders.

Fourth thing, have your shit tested before you ingest it (if they have testing booths, they don't have them every year (I think?). Also, if you're gonna boof something, use less than you normally would, because boofing molly or really anything tends to up the intensity by a lot.

Fifth thing, when you piss or shit in the Shitters, always cover your waste with dirt, and if you see anything from someone else that isn't covered, cover it please.

Sixth thing, I wouldn't recommend eating most of the food provided there, that's almost the #1 way sickness is spread throuought the camps because some sickos will not wash their hands, and then dish themselves up some food and get some bacteria in the food and get everyone who eats it sick. (rare occurrence, but still happens every once in a while) that being said, always wash your hands really well if they seem or feel dirty. Bring some of your own food and bring water filters if you can, if you can't, then boil the shit out of water before you drink it.

Please donate to the magic hat. It keeps Rainbow alive and really helps everybody in the long run. Basically, that money is used to feed volunteers who stay after Rainbow ends to clean up all of the trash and fix anything that needs to be fixed. Also, if you can, please stay after and help. It makes it so that states are more willing to let us use their national parks for the next year's Rainbow Gathering.

Rainbow happens every year around the first week of July, and people come from all over to attend.
Also, I would recommend buying a carton of cigarettes. They don't use currency over there, and instead, they barter with things, and cigarettes are like gold. Do bring some cash to throw into the magic hat if you wish (you don't have to, but it really helps).

Please bring your own trash bags, and please bring your trash with you to a dumpster in town, or even all the way home (for non-compostable trash like plastic packaging and stuff)
and here's some more (and likely better) info on the Rainbow Gathering if anyone's interested:

The First-Timer’s Practical Guide to the Rainbow Gathering -
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Glass Roads

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2019
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Pullman, WA
I haven't been to a rainbow gathering since 2008, so a little grain of salt, but ...

  • Bring some cigs or tobacco for Nic at Night. They give out free smokes to people who need a smoke.
  • Get involved with helping some kind of camp, or help set up, or help clean up after the gathering. This all runs off of everyone pitching in.
  • I would recommend not hanging out at 'A camp' (the camp where there's alcohol). Don't get me wrong, there are some great people that kick it there, but in my experience a lot of fights and drama happen there.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2015
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Durant, United States
I haven't been to a rainbow gathering since 2008, so a little grain of salt, but ...

  • Bring some cigs or tobacco for Nic at Night. They give out free smokes to people who need a smoke.
  • Get involved with helping some kind of camp, or help set up, or help clean up after the gathering. This all runs off of everyone pitching in.
  • I would recommend not hanging out at 'A camp' (the camp where there's alcohol). Don't get me wrong, there are some great people that kick it there, but in my experience a lot of fights and drama happen there.

It's still much the same and I would echo your advice only adding to remember why you're there. It's a prayer for peace and we gather to practice living in peace. Definitely remember that if you go and like Grass Roads said, plug in.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
i've moved this thread to the events section. please pay closer attention to where your thread should go in the future.
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  • Agree
Reactions: Coywolf


Make America Freight Again
Staff member
Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
Edited for paragraph breaks.

This is a great post. I'm been thinking about going to Rainbow for a while now, but have never been. Thanks for the info.

Bring some cigs or tobacco for Nic at Night.

So glad you mentioned contribuing to Nic at Night. That guy/girl/person is such a savoir when you are tripping balls and need a cigarette 🤣


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2018
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Cali, unfortunately.
Much appreciated. I haven't been since the '80s and hadn't thought about safety issues (I still present as female) or bringing the cigs.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2021
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weird.. ran into nic at night in bakersfield. nice guy. gibbed me tacos

acquaintance on facebook and her partner were ninjadosed w fentanyl couple years back. had to be airlifted to the hospital. almost died.. was preggo and lost the baby.. very sad.

definitely avoid accepting open drinks, random food

also, teryanis med camp has been way understaffed in recent years and they can always use backup volunteers.

tried to recruit me an i’s like “rainbow? not me, ma’am. uhhh-uh!” im sure it was pretty cool back in the day though.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2018
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Cali, unfortunately.
Yea, it sounds like a story I should probably remember and pass along instead of trying to relive. Sometimes the best friend you're ever going to meet is a piece of paper.

Thanks for having my back. That fentanyl stuff is nasty and I've been walking around without narcan for way too long.


Nov 26, 2019
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weird.. ran into nic at night in bakersfield. nice guy. gibbed me tacos

acquaintance on facebook and her partner were ninjadosed w fentanyl couple years back. had to be airlifted to the hospital. almost died.. was preggo and lost the baby.. very sad.

definitely avoid accepting open drinks, random food

Man thats rough.

I was hitching my way up there a few years back but never made it, wound up in San Fransisco for awhile instead

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