Gas Jugging in Oregon


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2018
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SF Bay Area
Apparently there are now some self-serve gas stations in Oregon, but when I was there recently (in Portland and on I-5) I only encountered ones where an attendant pumps gas for you. Which made me wonder if anyone has a good method for getting free gas in Oregon when you’re not around any self serve pumps. Anyone got any thoughts?

The best I can think of for now is:
When traveling along a highway that only has non-self-serve pumps, stop at the rest stops and spange for gas. Then spend that money at the next gas station.

Also, does anyone know if there’s a way to search for self-serve pumps specifically?

Thanks for any help!
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happy hobo

May 2, 2023
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Hey Batsy, I used to belong to the GasBuddy app and it showed which stations were self serve in states like Oregon and New Jersey. It's a free site but I had a premium membership through my work at the time, not sure if that mattered or not to get the info. Now that I'm driving again, I'm thinking of flying a sign with an empty gas can, "Senior needs Gas or Cash Please" with a smile face. Although I might have a paying security gig at a festival soon so won't need to do that yet LOL. Good luck!

Down and Out

-Dank- Down and Out press
Apr 29, 2023
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Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Yeah gas jugging Oregon is pretty much a no go though some truck stops self serve truckers diesel because it takes forever to pump that many gallons. I haven't seen a station lacking attendants(who always tell juggers to leave they are friendly to me when I'm hitching etc). This is from the experience of someone gas jugging not driving through there with my own vehicle. Anyway people in Oregon are pretty nice I even got kidnapped hitchhiking by the coast there once after the guy took me and the ex 4 a 4 hour long 100mile an hour average car ride down some very sketchy roads he tried to give us the car keys said we could have it he was sorry for scaring the shit out of everyone. Anyway I didn't take the car as he was probably high on speed and it was stolen anyways long story short even the kidnapping types will give you a car so you'd probably do well if you spanged I always did at least.

Oh and the whole way the guy was screaming the lyrics to a devil makes 3 song on repeat. Anyway thats my experience with Oregon's gas.
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