this may be useless, but ive been hiking before with my dad, and the place was where people go camping on a regular basis. a flood had come through a few weeks before i guess. anyways there was some fishing line tangles up in a tree. it was a pain in the ass to un tangle it, but we were able to make a little pole with it, it already had the hook. bark was the bobber. i just laid on the edge of a big rock. the fish i caught was really little. my dad cut it up and used it for bait to try for another fish, but we got a snake. Dads also taught me to make hooks out of glass...not so easy...and cans and nails, wire. whatever.
but i keep a mini fishing kit in my backpack. its just a little pill bottle with a few yards of fishing line in it, a few weights, a little bobber, and 4 or 5 hooks. it weighs nothing. you just habe to put it together with a good stick.