Late to the table, but wanted to say, excellent, hilarious trip report. You're a good writer, dude.
Also, what
@outskirts wrote is some pretty darn good intelligence on the plant, thanks outskirts. The difference between poison and medicine is dosage.
A friend of mine wrote an indy book on datura inoxia, I think he called it Toloache? That's the Mexican name for it. But anyway, if there are other deep plant geeks out there, they might enjoy it. Also loved to hear 'bout outskirts talking about smoking mullein, lol, this really made me feel at home. I used to smoke it for the mellowness it added to the tobacco blend, and would drink it as a lung tonic. We jokingly called it the 'tobacco extender' cuz it was free, and made our tobacco last longer.

One of my favorite people in the world, taught me so much about medicinal plants, said datura inoxia is so strong, you can sleep next to it and have your dreams impacted. That's about as close to the trip as I want to get.
Still learning the style of this place, hope it's not a major faux pas to comment on an old thread! I just get enthusiastic hearing about plant medicine.