Are you already in college, though? Definitely read up all you want, from literature to art books to guides, there must be some interesting stuff to learn in the zillions of books in the world..I also wanna see my friend(s) ones in Pennsylvania and the other is freezing his ass off in Nebraska because he got kicked out of the place where he was rooming with friends. I'll probably try hitchhiking there sometime, but for now, I plan on chillin in miami a bit, you know, going to shows/raves/ reading/ making music and the such... I'd love to go to Canada, I want to camp out in the forest sometime in the summer when it's nice and warm in the rivers/lakes, it's a beautiful place from what I've seen in films and it'll be even more beautiful with my own eyes. There's a lot for me to become interested in though, I bet. My old fantasy of traveling was always Europe and Japan, I wanted to check out what the nightlife/culture is like in Japan, ever since I saw this movie called "Ghost in the Shell".