Baby's First Squat™️


Former Squatter (By Force)
Mar 1, 2023
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At least two other squats?

Sort of, back up places we'd rather not implement as, believe it or not, will be more of an upheaval to our day to day. So this is genuinely our best bet at the moment, considering the circumstances. ^^; Here's to hoping that we don't have to use them!

Edit: I just realized you were not questioning my other plans, sorry about that fbfvdjddj. Lil' sleepy. =v=
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Former Squatter (By Force)
Mar 1, 2023
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Small update!

The hubby and I went to the house today and moved the majority of our things we'll be keeping on hand (most of the stuff is in storage), and covered it up with some platic table covers I got for free a while back. It's barely anything, so it was quick work. Also, the fridge smells WAY better, so we disposed of the newspapers. I turned them back on and I'm hoping they'll work. That would be insanely handy to have.

We also think there's a critter running around when we're not there, so Friday when I get paid, we'll buy a trap and bait it. We're going to stay over-night at a hotel just so we have all day Saturday to clean and prep the room better. We'll see Saturday morning if we caught anything. Hoping we do and then we'll relocate the lil one far away.

This may be the last update until we're settled in on Saturday night! Thanks for all the support guys, it's made this easier to bare. ♡


Former Squatter (By Force)
Mar 1, 2023
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This is a lot later than I thought this update would be coming, but here it is.

We managed to get everything in the house we wanted on-hand. We sealed up the huge hole in the living room with a few tarps tripled up. The place where we think the critter was coming in from we sealed with a sealing foam. We got the bedroom where we started sleeping in situated. The carpet was swept from any huge pieces of insulation (there are no holes in the ceiling here but insulation seems to be scattered everywhere for some reason??). I also used some scented carpet powder after I did the majority of the large stuff which improved the smell largely, and also brought up so much goddamn dust from the carpet when I vacuumed. The dust and dirt was so much, that the little house vacuum we ended up buying had to be cleaned out at least 6 or 7 times. The poor thing wasn't used to filth of that magnatude lmao. We didn't get to clean it w/like a rug doctor or whatever, but when we have money again we're going to do that. Until then, this'll do.

That was my huge project, and my husband organized our stuff and sorted through what we'd want in the bedroom with us. As I was finishing the carpet, my husband installed the blinds we brought with that are black-out ones. Got those up then took a short break to feed my hubby something. Then we came back and got little bits of our "furniture" (a term I use loosely) set up in the now much cleaner room. Inflated our air mattress, set up two little tables we stole from our last place, a huge card table and another folding table, rolled in my desk chair and organized stuff.

Got the bathroom counter cleaned and set up our portable toilet w/biogel bags (temporary until we can get the pellets ordered). Set out bathroom things, got our two gallons of water set up to wash hands and brush teeth and such.

Forgot to mention, we've got some battery-powered puck lights in the bedroom to give us a bit of light. Not great, but it's better than being in the dark!

Also, the night was the coldest it's been in a long, long time (low of 20 degrees at like between 2am and 5am) so that was miserable sleeping, but after the sun started coming up, we slept better. Still not ideal, since the heater buddy we own didn't do much to warm us, and the little electric heater hasn't do much either lmao. But that's another problem for another time.

Anyway it's been...exhausting and we still have more to do today before I start work again Monday.

I'll come through and update when my day is over.

Thanks again for all the help you guys, the support is really incredible. ❤️❤️❤️


Former Squatter (By Force)
Mar 1, 2023
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I had a few other updates but unfortunately the site had to be rolled back between the last post and this one!

Basically we got ourselves a heated blanket thanks to a friend lending me some money. We also organized and obtained a microwave just today! There was a critter we heard three nights ago, and then my husband heard something again two nights ago. We're not sure where the critter is scurrying around since we haven't heard it since! We'll be sealing up some other spots inside that are a potential place for the animal to come inside from over the weekend.

I'm sure there was something else, but I have memory issues and I couldn't dig any other details outta my brain so this is as good as I'll get. 😂

Anyway, we're gonna go to the local YMCA to take a shower. That's another bit of goofyness, since they had listed somewhere they offered 5$ showers for like 15 minutes. When my husband called to confirm, the kid was confused and said that wasn't generally a thing they did.

So he talked to his manager and they came around to letting us do this as a one-off thing. When we go, I'm gonna see if maybe I can see if there is something they can arrange with us. If they could, that'd be really nice. . _.

If not, oh well, we've got another back-up plan.

Anyway, still around and vibing. ♡ Thanks for sticking around for this adventure!!


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2023
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I had a few other updates but unfortunately the site had to be rolled back between the last post and this one!

Basically we got ourselves a heated blanket thanks to a friend lending me some money. We also organized and obtained a microwave just today! There was a critter we heard three nights ago, and then my husband heard something again two nights ago. We're not sure where the critter is scurrying around since we haven't heard it since! We'll be sealing up some other spots inside that are a potential place for the animal to come inside from over the weekend.

I'm sure there was something else, but I have memory issues and I couldn't dig any other details outta my brain so this is as good as I'll get. 😂

Anyway, we're gonna go to the local YMCA to take a shower. That's another bit of goofyness, since they had listed somewhere they offered 5$ showers for like 15 minutes. When my husband called to confirm, the kid was confused and said that wasn't generally a thing they did.

So he talked to his manager and they came around to letting us do this as a one-off thing. When we go, I'm gonna see if maybe I can see if there is something they can arrange with us. If they could, that'd be really nice. . _.

If not, oh well, we've got another back-up plan.

Anyway, still around and vibing. ♡ Thanks for sticking around for this adventure!!

I've never done the gym membership thing, but I have known a lot of people who get one just to take showers. I've also figured a locker might make it worth it, especially in your case with just two of you holding down your spot, and it being a relatively new one.
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Former Squatter (By Force)
Mar 1, 2023
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The rainy season is starting where we live, so we're going to buy a dehumidfier for the room. Everything has a slight dampness that is making the nights way goddamn colder than we'd want. We have a guage to measure the temp and the humidity, and it's nearly 80% lmao. ;w; So we'll be getting a dehumidifier come Friday hopefully! Also will be ordering the wood pellets, so excited for that too.

The house really stays cool, and otherwise seems to have no temperature regulation (must be all the goddamn insulation all over the floors instead of in the attic where it belongs xbxbxb).
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Former Squatter (By Force)
Mar 1, 2023
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Oh, forgot to mention got the mailbox up and running, so now all we have to do is go change our addy at the post office. Really excited to feel more comfortable!

Also talked to my husband in case someone comes sniffing, like whoever owns the property or a cop or whatever. Gave him advice on what to say, to give us the best chance to keep this place 'till we leave.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2023
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Oh, forgot to mention got the mailbox up and running, so now all we have to do is go change our addy at the post office. Really excited to feel more comfortable!

Also talked to my husband in case someone comes sniffing, like whoever owns the property or a cop or whatever. Gave him advice on what to say, to give us the best chance to keep this place 'till we leave.

Congrats! Sorry if anyone already posted this, but you two both might want to get some post marked mail at the address that matches the names on your IDs as a proof of residence before you switch to the PO Box.

I'm not going to scroll back through all the posts since it's a pain on my phone and I have been following this post all along. It doesn't work every where, but at least back in 2013 it would work in Oakland, but oddly not in Berkeley, CA even though they are in the same county!
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Former Squatter (By Force)
Mar 1, 2023
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Congrats! Sorry if anyone already posted this, but you two both might want to get some post marked mail at the address that matches the names on your IDs as a proof of residence before you switch to the PO Box.

I'm not going to scroll back through all the posts since it's a pain on my phone and I have been following this post all along. It doesn't work every where, but at least back in 2013 it would work in Oakland, but oddly not in Berkeley, CA even though they are in the same county!

We'll be getting our address changed, so we can start getting mail here, then go get library cards, change our address for our bank, change our ID addy and so on. It's starting to fall into place.

We're not interested in a PO Box since it's expensive as fuck, and if we can get our mail on the property, we will y'know?

We'll be doing that Friday! ♡

Also, thank you so much! You've been a great source of support, I really appreciate you. ♡♡♡


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2023
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We'll be getting our address changed, so we can start getting mail here, then go get library cards, change our address for our bank, change our ID addy and so on. It's starting to fall into place.

We're not interested in a PO Box since it's expensive as fuck, and if we can get our mail on the property, we will y'know?

We'll be doing that Friday! ♡

Also, thank you so much! You've been a great source of support, I really appreciate you. ♡♡♡

Right on! I misinterpreted what you meant about changing your address at the post office. Yeah! PO Boxes can be expensive, though there are some advantages to having one for sure.

Thanks for keeping us updated! I also only was a squatter because I had to be for a bit. It's good to read about people trying to forge there own way, you know?
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Former Squatter (By Force)
Mar 1, 2023
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Some stuff happened during the week slash over the weekend!

A friend of mine, bff since we were in 5th grade, was finally told what was going on. I told him about the dehumidifier and he bought us one. It'll be here tomorrow! I also ordered some mouse traps (we have what we think is a mouse on top of whatever larger animal is in the attic nesting) and I finally ordered the animal pellets!!

I'm really excited to use them!

(Context Here!)

Any tips/advice on how best to use them would be excellent!

The weather is going back to the 50's with the lows in the 30's again (35 as of this post and snowing!) so the heating blanket we have is coming in clutch again. ♡

I also finished cleaning the hallway that connects the bedrooms to the foyer, living room and dining room. I swept/mopped (poorly) the foyer and wiped down the counters and some cabinets in the kitchen (also swept/mopped poorly). The scent improved immensely, it's already more comfortable and safe! Excited to use the electric burners that I cleaned up for cooking!

My husband got the lights working in most of the house (plus the aformentioned stove), and apparently the property has a well, so we're going to do a home test on the water to see if it's safe to use. If it is, baybee, we got goddamn water too!!!

Really exciting stuff!!!

However on that note, I am exhausted and ready to go the fuck to bed ✨️
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Former Squatter (By Force)
Mar 1, 2023
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Alright lads, the jig is up and we were found out.

Long story short, had cops come knocking, got told there was a watch on the house because it had been vandalized a few years back, and that we weren't allowed to be there. We presented the lease, they were not super sold on it, they left for like 15 minutes, then came back with the owner on speaker phone who said we didn't belong there. We played it off like it was a misunderstanding like we'd been scammed on the rental, and the guy said he wouldn't press charges. They had us get most of our stuff (the fuckers wouldn't let us get our food), saying a bunch how we better hurry and that they've got other things to do. (They stopped hassling us as much when they saw us hustling). It took us like 30 minutes and we were able to shove most of our stuff into our car, and they let us put the little that didn't fit outside so we could come get it after we dropped it off in the storage unit.

SO that sucks of course, but such is this way of life as I've leaned from you guys and first-hand experience. Ah well. It was nice while it lasted.

Thanks for all your help and all your advice and support. ❤️❤️❤️ I'd say the journey was fun, but I'd be lying, so I'll say that it was interesting!


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2020
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Too bad you got busted just as you were getting moved in. Hopefully you'll find something else soon. Either way, thanks for sharing the step-by-step of your experience, I think it's both interesting and helpful for others.
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Former Squatter (By Force)
Mar 1, 2023
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So how is the squat going?

Alright lads, the jig is up and we were found out.

Long story short, had cops come knocking, got told there was a watch on the house because it had been vandalized a few years back, and that we weren't allowed to be there. We presented the lease, they were not super sold on it, they left for like 15 minutes, then came back with the owner on speaker phone who said we didn't belong there. We played it off like it was a misunderstanding like we'd been scammed on the rental, and the guy said he wouldn't press charges. They had us get most of our stuff (the fuckers wouldn't let us get our food), saying a bunch how we better hurry and that they've got other things to do. (They stopped hassling us as much when they saw us hustling). It took us like 30 minutes and we were able to shove most of our stuff into our car, and they let us put the little that didn't fit outside so we could come get it after we dropped it off in the storage unit.

SO that sucks of course, but such is this way of life as I've leaned from you guys and first-hand experience. Ah well. It was nice while it lasted.

Thanks for all your help and all your advice and support. ❤️❤️❤️ I'd say the journey was fun, but I'd be lying, so I'll say that it was interesting!

^^This is how it ended.


Mar 30, 2022
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Sw Ohio
^^This is how it ended.

Well crap, NOW I see the rest of the thread... For some reason, (on the phone) I only saw updates to early April.
I just read this on another device and now I see the rest of the posts.

That sucks, the kicker is that you were actually trying to take care of the place a bit. The owner is just leaving it to rot.
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Former Squatter (By Force)
Mar 1, 2023
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Well crap, NOW I see the rest of the thread... For some reason, (on the phone) I only saw updates to early April.
I just read this on another device and now I see the rest of the posts.

That sucks, the kicker is that you were actually trying to take care of the place a bit. The owner is just leaving it to rot.

YEAH! Big agree, I'm at least thankful nobody pressed charges, but still pissed it ended like that. BUT OH WELL I GUESS. U:< We really tried.

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