the girl who plans too much and acts too little

Daniel Larson was released from prison and into Colorado (specifically the Golden area.) He is a violent pedophile with a history of making violent threats, and is banned from most malls, establishments, and hotels/motels not just in Golden/Boulder but around the Country (specifically LA, NYC.)
You can easily search him on the internet. He's gained a small following of people looking to fuck up his life because of what he's done. Do not interact with him, help him, approach him, etc. If you see him, just film him doing anything violent. DO NOT HELP DANIEL. The community surrounding him is dedicated to ruining his life, and that includes the life of anyone who dares to help him. The community will tell you if you feel sympathy for Daniel, you don't know enough about him.
He has beaten his mentally ill "mentor," filmed children publicly, admitted several times to owning/enjoying child porn and liking underaged girls, has had a Pinterest full of cp, has assaulted numerous people in public, terrorizes any resturaunt he dines and dashes from (including going to assault employees or accuse them of wild claims, such as printing off nude photos of him before pulling the fire alarm,) and numerous other offenses, too many to name.
Please stay away from Daniel. DO NOT APPROACH. Do NOT help him. He IS homeless and does travel frequently (Greyhound being his most used method. You can find videos of him beating the bus and screaming,) but he will likely be in Colorado for the next year because of probation. He is a paranoid schizophrenic who will tell you wild tales of fame and women. Don't listen to a word.
Proof of all claims in an organized wiki. This is not to bring internet drama onto this fourm, but Daniel is legitimately a dangerous person who will not hesitate to commit violent actions on anyone he deems weaker than him.