Any Jesus followers?

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
while im a devout atheist and think christianity is just a widely-accepted cult, i don't mind if people have civil discussions about it here on StP. just avoid being preachy and i think we can all get along :p

Desperado Deluxe

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2010
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OK so this is my view. I think Christ is about forgiveness. "ask for forgiveness of your sins and you will be saved" right? essentially no one is perfect we are all sinners and if your asking for forgiveness your basically admitting that your no better than anyone else. in a world ruled by money everyone thinks theyre better than everyone else because they're more financially wealthy which just isn't true. and its this hierarchical bullshit thats messing the world up.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2016
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New mexico
I believe in God but I don't get the idea of believing in Jesus like in a God. He was just a person, a cool one, sure. And also said "don't create an idol for yourself" which makes American Christianity kinda weird in that sense (I was raised in eastern orthodox country but also believing but not religious family)
I'm not a follower of any religion or a prophet in particular, but I think all of them pretty much say same things. I like Jesus and Buddha because they were big non conformists and certainly can call them anarchists. Not so sure about others, cuz I'm not familiar .
Not to preach anything, but just as a proof of Buddha's anarchist free thinking, here is his writing:
"Rely not on the teacher/person, but on the teaching. Rely not on the words of the teaching, but on thespirit of the words. Rely not on theory, but on experience. Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe anything because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything because it iswritten in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers andelders. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and isconducive to the good and the benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."

Im sure Jesus said something similar, or wanna hope he did


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jul 21, 2009
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Everywhere, No where
I spent most of my life believeing God was an ass hole because my mom blamed all our troubles on God because he hated her. When I realized all our problems were because she is just an ignorant crazy bitch I kinda set the ass hole opinion aside and went agnostic. Figured if there was a god he already gave me all I needed. Plus most Christans are fucked up and the currently used King James Bible was made by King James... A non believer. So that made me say screw that noise.

Traveling is how I ended up having a relationship with God. I would want food and before I could make a sign food would be appear. I would lose something and quickly get restored better. Too many blessings to be luck. I accepted God then. But I didn't know why he took an interest and cared or what he wanted from me.

It wasn't till a world I built started crashing did I come to Jesus. I was helping by housing and feeding my friends but they were destroying me. I got mugged and nearly murdered my attacker. Such vile evil came out of me. That darkness frightened me. Nothing scares me more then me.

That is when I accepted Jesus. I tried everything to make me better. But I always said that if Jesus wanted me he would have to break me and bring me to my knees because I am a bad ass that can handle just about anything. Well, after I saw that evil flowing threw me as I hunted the mugger down for weeks after he slipped from my grasp before I could finish his life. Seeing my ridiculous good luck vanish... With nothing going right. I tapped... Jesus broke my legs finally.

I still have my issues with the Bible and I believe most Christans got no idea what it means to follow Christ. For these reasons I claim title of "Follower of Christ". Because I still like science and feel many religions have parts that can teach. That aliens may exist. That evolution is true. That I have studied how to travel to other planes and believe I have. I like to claim "Cosmic Christan" as well.

After three years being saved I finally am getting the word. I finally am figuring out the power if faith. For this year has been the best year of my life as I traveled between 11 states this year I have been blessed greatly. I also felt it when I screwed up and God removed his blessing from me leaving me open to attacks. I have felt him guard me when people want to do me harm and I just yell "No! Get behind me Devil." And my attacker leaves me alone as I walk away.

He can move mountains with a mustered seed of faith. He can move the world when you give him all your faith.


Smearing jam on my pants like a real crustie
Aug 7, 2016
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Brandon, United States
Hello there. I have lurked on StP for awhile, but just recently created my own account. I am a single, almost twenty-three-year-old male with a hunger for adventure and magical experiences. I recently came back to Georgia after spending a total of fourteen months in a Christ-centered care facility in New Hampshire called His Mansion Ministries. Long story, but my immediate family isn't really supportive and I'm feeling really lonely in life right now. I'm trying to figure out what/where Christ wants me to go and I'm hoping to find other believers on here. Hope to hear from anybody soon! Thanks.
Ay man! recent-ish convert, but def consider myself a follower of Christ

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