Question A bit scared to start?


the girl who plans too much and acts too little
Nov 19, 2022
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Pennsylvania, USA
Hello friends. This is my first post on this fourm so I hope it's in the right place. If it's not, I am very sorry orz

I would just like to seek advice from people who have done this before.

I am a 23 yr old woman. I'm almost finished with university. I have some money saved up (not much) but its enough to eat on, just not live on. My rent is insane. My family is abusive and shitty. So I want to book it out of town and finish university online while Like literally just living.

I have a tiny bit of homeless experience, but not much. It was just me contacting shelters and getting a bit of support. Other than that I've always, thank God, had a place to be for the most part. I would like to train hop maybe, though I've never even seen a train in real life. I also thought about hitch hiking but I'm a girl so it's a wee bit scary to me. I'd like to go to places that aren't the big cities and live more in tune with nature. But do to that I'd at least need to have my laptop and phone safe so I can complete school out there and get my degree. I thought about solar chargers and stuff, I could surely get this before leaving. Just dont know how reliable it is.

Dunno what I'm looking for really. How did you start? How do you ladies stay safe? What is one thing you wish you knew before starting this life?

Again, sincerest apologies to everyone if this is idiotic or in the wrong place. orz

I hope you are all safe and well.


Well-known member
May 30, 2018
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Kansas City
Welcome! Glad to hear you're considering the possibilities BEFORE you need to implement a plan. That's smart.

Another smart thing is to use the search feature of this site. You can find out information about train hopping, thought if you've never seen a train I would not suggest that as a means of travel because there are serious physical & legal safety concerns. You can search for info on hitchhiking as a woman, where to sleep, what to eat, and a host of gear reviews and discussions. I know there's a thread about solar panels because I read it several times when considering a purchase. Don't forget to search for your region, nearby cities, where you want to go, and where you are right now. There's a good chance many of us have passed through your area at least once.


the girl who plans too much and acts too little
Nov 19, 2022
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA
Welcome! Glad to hear you're considering the possibilities BEFORE you need to implement a plan. That's smart.

Another smart thing is to use the search feature of this site. You can find out information about train hopping, thought if you've never seen a train I would not suggest that as a means of travel because there are serious physical & legal safety concerns. You can search for info on hitchhiking as a woman, where to sleep, what to eat, and a host of gear reviews and discussions. I know there's a thread about solar panels because I read it several times when considering a purchase. Don't forget to search for your region, nearby cities, where you want to go, and where you are right now. There's a good chance many of us have passed through your area at least once.

Hi, and thank you so much! I will definitely do that! I'm going to cruise this site like a hawk. So much information here, I'm overwhelmed and excited.

Thank you for the welcome and the pointers ^^


I’m not locked out but I can’t get in
Dec 18, 2020
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east coast
Im a women who traveled/ lived on the streets for 10 years. feel free to message me! It’s definitely good you are reaching out talking to people instead of blindly starting out.. as I did. 16 yr old run a away.. one thing I learned at the end of it all is the streets are always tougher, no matter who you are. Streets are always tougher and can take your life. Always trust your gut.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2017
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Hello there!!! I know plenty of women that do, and have hitch-hiked solo. I'd say the most important part of feeling in control of your rides is by the first conversation you have with people when they stop/and or offer a seat.
I was taught in my early experience to be vague with exact locations at first. someone may stop and say "Where ya headed?" Before I just spew an exact town or city, I'll say Northbound on the I-84 toward blank. It's not my end location, but at this point someone could say, great I'm heading to "blank" and I can drop you off. That way you can gauge exactly how many miles they'll be able to take you in the desired direction, and it weeds out people that will lie about going to the exact location as you, if they are being fucking weird.

I've hitch hike thousands of miles all over the country, and the sketchiest rides I've ever had was when people were using hard drugs, and driving. I don't really give a fuck about what people wanna spend their time/money/or energy on in their spare time, but if I take a ride, and someone pulls out a bubble, snorts some shit, or smokes foil it's in your best interest to ask them to let you out as soon as possible. (Hopefully they will) If they're not already too gacked.
Other advice I'll give you is, truckers. I've gotten about 5 rides from these guys out of the 100's of rides I've hitched, and the last trucker that picked me up about 2 months ago actually was one of the most lonely, creepy rides I've had. I endured it for my own reason's, only because he didn't touch me, but it still fucking sucked.

I first started hitching with a male partner, and some of the worst rides I had was with him because his judgment fucking sucked. Ever since I started hitching more comfortably on my own, ive only had that one trucker ride that made me uncomfortable. Having a dog on the road gave me a lot more confidence to trust strangers. Because if anyone wants to fuck with you, chances are it's not enough to get sicked by a dog in the process. On top of that, I always open carry a knife. If any man needs to ask about why you have said weapon, they can go fuck themselves, and I would suggest waiting for someone with more common sense to put together why you might have a weapon as a lone traveller without the privilege of appearing male, or whatever.

One of the most important skills for you will be to determine where a good/safe sleep spot is. It takes practice, but it's something I've found women are a lot better at when it comes to being low key, than a lot of the men I've travelled with. A dog has helped me in feeling secure in this situation also, because mine will give off a low growl if it hears something near by. Or she'll be alert, which wakes me up.

Many coffee shops allow you to loiter for hours, especially if they see you have an electronic device, like a laptop. I travelled with a small laptop in my pack while hopping trains before, and I've also travelled with a tablet. It's very do-able. Libraries are also very constant in a way of being able to get your schooling done. If your dog is well behaved, your more likely they won't give a fuck about you having one of it's there just sleeping next you, and being respectful. Hope this helps. And hope to see you out there, flourishing!!!


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
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I live in Portland Or and here there’s a few organizations for housless youth that offer emergency shelter, free food, various resources, and transitional housing programs. I got into one where i was able to live there for 2 years completely for free and I finished college during that time. It’s not perfect but its a great opportunity if you have the drive and commitment to do it.
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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2022
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Williamsburg PA
Sounds like as good a time as any to move on. Pa has a lot of good programs for people who live at or below the poverty line. Have a look into a few of them to sacure yourself health insurance and maybe some SNAP. Otherwise this place has lots of good information. Have a look around.


New member
Dec 23, 2022
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Learn all you can from stp, that will help. Many things have to be learned firsthand and can't really be quantified though. My advice would be as you go along enjoy the freedom and have an adventure. Trust your feelings about people and situations. Be safe, have fun. Also don't neglect your health and nutrition if you travel for a long time.
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