News & Blogs 7 drug overdoses over 10-hour period possibly linked to fentanyl...


Deleted member 24782

7 drug overdoses over 10-hour period possibly linked to fentanyl, KCK police say


(Associated Press)

KANSAS CITY, KS (KCTV) -- Police are investigating a scary number of drug overdoses within just a few hours.

Police Chief Terry Zeigler suspects all of these deaths may linked to a type of opioid called fentanyl.

Officers say they saw seven overdoses Thursday. They haven’t seen any more Friday, but Zeigler says he believes the common link is a drug with a combination of fentanyl and cocaine.

And that has become an all too common cause of overdoses within the past few years, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid. It’s like morphine but 50-100 times stronger. Synthetic opioids,like fentanyl, are the most common type of drug involved in overdose deaths in the United States.

And the latest data shows a spike in fentanyl specific overdose deaths account for nearly 60 percent of all opioid related overdoses. In 2017, fentanyl related overdoses shot up to 28,400.

But, the Centers for Disease Control report the specific combination of fentanyl and cocaine has seen the biggest surge in overdose deaths within the past five years.

Police also did not point to any specific area of town where these overdoses have happened, only saying it was “spread out.”

Police would not make any additional comment about the overdose investigations until they received lab results back next week from the Johnson County Crime Lab.

7 drug overdoses over 10-hour period possibly linked to fentanyl, KCK police say -
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Deleted member 125

This shit really breaks my heart. I feel like I type it a lot especially in threads about od deaths, but seriously folks please for the love of fuck, don't do dope alone, do a fucking test shot, and for fucks sake carry narcan if you or someone with you uses dope. That stuff is literally a life saver and can be bought with no prescription at walgreens or cvs in nearly every state. No questions asked besides "hey do you know how to use it" from the pharmacy.

I carry a nasal spray in my pack even though I don't do dope, but people I know have. one of whom had their life saved because somebody had narcan on them. Aside from the obvious ya know like...don't start using speil I'll just say just get some god damn narcan.


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Oct 5, 2018
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Someone Either mis mixed or forgot to cut their shit.

This pos dude i knew a while back killed a bunch of people one day because he was too busy to cut his heroin before he sold it. Shitty thing was all the addicts got word and his business skyrocketed.

I agree anyone who may ever need it for someone else should carry narcan. Cops dont hassle people about it anymore around me like they used to.
Thank god i never got into dope, shit ruins lives
Sad world


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May 13, 2019
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new york
the fucked up thing is this isnt even dope. this is cocaine. ive also heard of fentanyl in meth in recent times. but yes always do a tester. however, in regards to that and the issue of "properly" cutting the drugs with fentanyl, fentanyl is so strong that a dose in the microgram range can give an overdose.

meaning that a tiny fleck not properly chopped and mixed pulled into someones shot or in a line can be fatal. people dont cut with fentanyl for bulking up volume, its because its like a super opiate: the high is more intense, comes on faster, is less long lasting, makes you way sicker and fiend soooooo badddd. thats what makes it so insidious the amount that peole are using fentanyl.

also why i personally think its coming from someone(s) who want this all to be happening. see: the crack epidemic in the 80's, the cia's release of heroin, and all of america's racialized medical violence and just fuckig existence as a settler-colonial monstrosity


me, hellarity, oak, ca. about 2006
Oct 13, 2017
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San Diego, CA
Back in the day when I was still slamming dope, I had a run-in with Fentanyl. This guy went into the bathroom at Carl's Jr in SF on Market. Passed out, turned blue BUT someone had Narcan & (though I don't know how) came back kicking and hollering. I guess the high was over and he was pissed? Regardless beyond that, I had my meth tainted with Molly so bad that I spent 2 days in ICU trying to get my sodium levels back up...

Goes to show you, you never can tell. Trust isn't even in the category. The tainted meth came from a old friend of mine & as a result, thank fuck I'm clean now.

Deleted member 24782

Your pretty on point but I'd love for you to elaborate on "all of america's racialized medical violence and just fucking existence as a settler-colonial monstrosity" I mean thats pretty deep, and I get your intention, but it's borderline conspiracy theory type stuff and I'd like to hear more of what you know on that.
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Jun 15, 2018
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Wichita, KS
I'm someone who has never done hard drugs but a couple soft ones and I love trying things at least once. But I sure don't want to OD or get hooked to anything that is dangerous.

For myself and people like me, who don't know that much about drugs but want to try some just once or twice, which drugs are safe to try, and which ones aren't?


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2018
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which drugs are safe to try, and which ones aren't?

Personally i only fuck w. Drugs in their natural state, or at most concentrated in a state achievable by physical separation (sift from cannabis is okay, solvent extracted dabs are not). Mushrooms, opium ( gotta scrape it off poppy pods), cannabis, non concentrated salvia, kratom, khat, peyote, beer not liquor(distilling is technically a physical separation, but liquor is the devils semen), dmt / maoi mixtures of natural herbs etc. once in a blue moon i like a nitrous binge, but to be honest nitrous is more fun in motorcycles.
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May 13, 2019
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new york
@Brodiesel710 theres plenty of info out there so ill just give you some places to start: cointelpro and the black panthers & AIM, the beginnings of what is now known as planned parenthood and forced sterilization of indigenous women and enslaved africans, forced breeding of enslaved africans, the beginnings of "modern medicine" and experiments on captured indigenous people and enslaved africans, andrew jackson, the trail of tears, wounded knee, manifest destiny, christopher columbus' journals and capturing "savages" to bring them back to europe as a curiosity, chattel slavery, the kkk, reconstruction, james marion sims, indigenous "boarding schools," cowboys, the indigenous genocide thats been being carried out since the first european set foot on this soil, etc etc etc etc etc etc. america is a settler colonial state - thats not an opinion, its a fact. and just cause stuff wasnt in your school textbooks, doesnt mean it didnt happen.

edit: trying to reply to brodiesel but i cant seem to get the quote or reply functions working

edit: examples of other settler-colonial states: australia and israel
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
For myself and people like me, who don't know that much about drugs but want to try some just once or twice, which drugs are safe to try, and which ones aren't?

a more realistic list would be:
  • just about any form of weed
  • alcohol in general (unless you try it and discover you have issues with it)
  • mushrooms
  • acid (not my personal recommendation since it's synthetic and i've had some bad trips, while i have had none with mushrooms)
  • you could safely try cocaine and adderall without getting addicted right off the bat, but be careful cause these are synthetic and can become addictive.
  • MDMA is pretty harmless in my opinion if you don't do it too often. although it's synthetic as hell, i do it maybe once a year or so and it's a good time.
  • exotic natural stuff like peyote, and ayahuasca, but that's crazy shit so you should probably have done at least mushrooms before that stuff
basically if you stick to all natural stuff (non-synthetic, factory made crap like coke, heroin, speed, etc) and never touch the sythetic stuff you really don't have much to fear. also avoid any of that pseudo-shit from head shops like fake weed, fake molly, etc.

Deleted member 24782

@Brodiesel710 theres plenty of info out there so ill just give you some places to start: cointelpro and the black panthers & AIM, the beginnings of what is now known as planned parenthood and forced sterilization of indigenous women and enslaved africans, forced breeding of enslaved africans, the beginnings of "modern medicine" and experiments on captured indigenous people and enslaved africans, andrew jackson, the trail of tears, wounded knee, manifest destiny, christopher columbus' journals and capturing "savages" to bring them back to europe as a curiosity, chattel slavery, the kkk, reconstruction, james marion sims, indigenous "boarding schools," cowboys, the indigenous genocide thats been being carried out since the first european set foot on this soil, etc etc etc etc etc etc. america is a settler colonial state - thats not an opinion, its a fact. and just cause stuff wasnt in your school textbooks, doesnt mean it didnt happen.

edit: trying to reply to brodiesel but i cant seem to get the quote or reply functions working

edit: examples of other settler-colonial states: australia and israel

Thanks, fuck, where to begin! HAHA.

I will start with "cowboys." What do cowboys have to do with anything?

But this is good, I have been learning a lot of about heroin use in modern times, I actually just finished reading an entire book that opened up a lot about the subject for me. I think I will now work my way backwards, historically.


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May 13, 2019
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new york
Thanks, fuck, where to begin! HAHA.

I will start with "cowboys." What do cowboys have to do with anything?

But this is good, I have been learning a lot of about heroin use in modern times, I actually just finished reading an entire book that opened up a lot about the subject for me. I think I will now work my way backwards, historically.
a lot of cowboys essentially functioned as mercenaries to kill indigenous people, terrorize them and drive them off their land. again, look into manifest destiny and the history of the "american" west. ever heard of the childrens game "cowboys and indians?" or john wayne?

edit: to be clear, im not saying all of this is directly related to heroin and fentanyl. in my op i mentioned all of these other mechanisms of genocide and systematic violence as context to say why its not farfetched to believe that all of this fentanyl in all of these drugs is happening on purpose. theres a precedent. america is a genocidal machine, because thats what settler colonialism is in its essence; homogenization is the goal.
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Well-known member
May 13, 2019
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new york
also, shit, look at the introduction of alcohol to indigenous people by european settlers. thats the original example of using substances to discredit, dehumanize and destroy people that are in the way of the settler colonial project. and the parallel to that, is the forced assimilation and targeting of indigenous peoples' medicine (use of plants, some of whih are psyhoactive - tobacco, peyote, ayahuasca, etc etc) and criminalization of religious practices. the same thing is happening to indigenous people in the amazon.


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Jun 15, 2018
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Wichita, KS
Thank you! I do like the idea of natural cause it's the way I (mostly) try to eat as well. I like knowing exactly what it is that's going into my body.

I used to do spice back in the military cause it couldn't be tested...But recently I've been hearing of people getting seriously fucked up by it and I'm not surprised. There was one variant of it that always made me pass out cold after a short but intense bout of nausea. My dumb ass tried it three times before I finally figured I shouldn't keep trying that variant lol.

Def a fan of alcohol, but as I get older, the hangovers suck worse, and it rarely seems worth it anymore because of that.

I wish weed was better to me. I always get so uncomfortable on it--I can't control my thoughts and actions on it which makes my mind very unhappy, even while I'm sitting there giggling and chattering. And def not a fan of the time distortion.

I tried shrooms once but I think they were low grade or something, all that happened was that everything I pictured in my head was complete Lisa Frank, everything was made of rainbows, but it was only with eyes closed--effect was weak when I opened them.

I also have an affinity for pills even though I know they're terrible for the body. Not sleeping pills! Good god I hated that kind of trip (did it anyways so many times though, dumb ass me). Used to do triple C's regularly, but that wasn't the best of highs either. I reeeeeally like the high from percocet though. I've been prescribed it several times before for surgeries....ahhhh such a good, mellow, happy feeling.

I'm interested in both happy mellow highs, as well as mind trips. First time I tried weed, I passed out and went to outer space lol Floated right past Saturn and Jupiter...very cool and exciting. Haven't ever had that experience from it again though. I'd like to try more shrooms, and then peyote. I think it'd be cool to find it out in the desert, like how much more natural can you get lol

I always thought cocaine had a high risk of death just from one use?..And that acid can permanently damage your brain from just one use?


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Jul 12, 2017
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On 2 wheels
My best friend and his fiance were both found dead three weeks ago because of this shit. He was an amazing human being. So fucking sad. Thank goodness I never got into any hard drugs. Be safe out there.
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Jul 12, 2017
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@SlankyLanky Thanks. Sorry to hear about your fiance's best friend. Toughest funeral I've ever been to. Grew up together playing in bands together, etc. ive been a walking zombie since that funeral. So grateful to be alive!
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Apr 2, 2019
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7 drug overdoses over 10-hour period possibly linked to fentanyl, KCK police say

View attachment 50536
(Associated Press)

KANSAS CITY, KS (KCTV) -- Police are investigating a scary number of drug overdoses within just a few hours.

Police Chief Terry Zeigler suspects all of these deaths may linked to a type of opioid called fentanyl.

Officers say they saw seven overdoses Thursday. They haven’t seen any more Friday, but Zeigler says he believes the common link is a drug with a combination of fentanyl and cocaine.

And that has become an all too common cause of overdoses within the past few years, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid. It’s like morphine but 50-100 times stronger. Synthetic opioids,like fentanyl, are the most common type of drug involved in overdose deaths in the United States.

And the latest data shows a spike in fentanyl specific overdose deaths account for nearly 60 percent of all opioid related overdoses. In 2017, fentanyl related overdoses shot up to 28,400.

But, the Centers for Disease Control report the specific combination of fentanyl and cocaine has seen the biggest surge in overdose deaths within the past five years.

Police also did not point to any specific area of town where these overdoses have happened, only saying it was “spread out.”

Police would not make any additional comment about the overdose investigations until they received lab results back next week from the Johnson County Crime Lab.

7 drug overdoses over 10-hour period possibly linked to fentanyl, KCK police say -
Fuck fentanyl so hard. I hope everyone who uses is super safe and uses the buddy system.
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Jul 12, 2017
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On 2 wheels
I also have another great friend who did a hot shot last year. Luckily where he was squatting some people came in, found him unconscious and saved his life. He's been clean now for 6 months. I tell him all the time how proud I am of him for being here on this rock, alive to fight another day!

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