Hey guys!
I just wanted to introduce myself on the forum. I remember running into StP about a year ago when I was reading up on hopping and planning my trip..
I have decided that I will be hopping from Toronto to BC sometime this summer and hope to meet some new people and make some quality new friends. I am thinking it's safer to hitch to Sudbury and then catch out to BC. I have done some alone time in the woods (1 week) and have hitched quite a bit these past few summers, and spent a little time in a couple community squats (oh god!)
I am a 24 year old white male (straight [not that it matters here]) who loves animals and nature, and supports the self-sufficiency movement totally. I am an anarchist, who is educated on a very broad spectrum, ranging from Tax/Banks/Gov/War/Civil Rights/Cultures/Art and many other of society's 'created' problems.
I am a free thinker, who is sometimes called cynical, but I like to think of myself as a realist and activist. Things are going to change on this planet for the good. We are soo close i can feel IT!
I do not live at my parents, and have supported myself almost entirely since age 15. I have worked most of my life under the slave identification number, and I am sick of being just a cog in the machine. I do not want any of my labours/monies going to a corrupt piece of shit government, or lining the pockets of any bank, and especially despise war.
I'm at a cross-roads in my life right now... I believe that "The only winning move, is not to play!" (thanks WarGames!) I am going to make 2013 my year. I am going to pursue my passions and joys, and not let anyone hold me back. I think I will either love living the traveling lifestyle or hate it, but either way, It will be a DEADLY AWESOME positive experience!!!!!!
If I wait any longer before I go hopping and living free, I will miss my window of opportunity.
If I don't like it in a year, I can bitch out and come back to working for man, with relatively no consequences. I am pretty fucking sure I'll love it though, and I don't see any coming back!
Thanks for listening.
Peace and Love!,
[edited for grammar]
I just wanted to introduce myself on the forum. I remember running into StP about a year ago when I was reading up on hopping and planning my trip..
I have decided that I will be hopping from Toronto to BC sometime this summer and hope to meet some new people and make some quality new friends. I am thinking it's safer to hitch to Sudbury and then catch out to BC. I have done some alone time in the woods (1 week) and have hitched quite a bit these past few summers, and spent a little time in a couple community squats (oh god!)
I am a 24 year old white male (straight [not that it matters here]) who loves animals and nature, and supports the self-sufficiency movement totally. I am an anarchist, who is educated on a very broad spectrum, ranging from Tax/Banks/Gov/War/Civil Rights/Cultures/Art and many other of society's 'created' problems.
I am a free thinker, who is sometimes called cynical, but I like to think of myself as a realist and activist. Things are going to change on this planet for the good. We are soo close i can feel IT!
I do not live at my parents, and have supported myself almost entirely since age 15. I have worked most of my life under the slave identification number, and I am sick of being just a cog in the machine. I do not want any of my labours/monies going to a corrupt piece of shit government, or lining the pockets of any bank, and especially despise war.
I'm at a cross-roads in my life right now... I believe that "The only winning move, is not to play!" (thanks WarGames!) I am going to make 2013 my year. I am going to pursue my passions and joys, and not let anyone hold me back. I think I will either love living the traveling lifestyle or hate it, but either way, It will be a DEADLY AWESOME positive experience!!!!!!
If I wait any longer before I go hopping and living free, I will miss my window of opportunity.
If I don't like it in a year, I can bitch out and come back to working for man, with relatively no consequences. I am pretty fucking sure I'll love it though, and I don't see any coming back!
Thanks for listening.
Peace and Love!,
[edited for grammar]