
  1. Contraceptron

    how to travel in winter in the US

    Thinking about traveling this winter along the southern states via hitch hiking, craigslist rides, buses, etc... just wondering if anyone here could offer some advice regarding accommodations, safety precautions (ie avoiding illness), finding places to camp out, and what to expect. Just general...
  2. viking

    Winter in Canada

    Is there a better place to go in the winter other than Victoria? So much rain. And every else is frozen tundra. Ideally I'd head south but not sure I'd get over the border without a car or job.
  3. outskirts

    Where to winter?

    I know it may seem weird to post such an inquiry with Summer approaching, but I'd like to have a plan or at least an idea where to go by Fall. It has gotten to the point where I can't take Jersey's cold winters anymore and would like to go spend January - March in a warmer climate. So far I'm...
  4. Traveler

    Winter is leaving and so should I

    Hi everyone. Sort of stumbled across this site while looking for good places to wilderness squat. A little about me.... I loathe society, pretty much everything about it. Been thinking for a few years now that I should just pack up and leave all the BS behind. I'm living in Lincoln right now...
  5. Dishka8643

    DIY Polyurethane foam winter clothing

    So I thought this was pretty neat. It's a basic guide on how to make a full set of winter clothing out of "super soft" poly foam sheets. Following the basic principals outlined in this article, you can make everything from pants, parka, mittens, mukluks, hat, and sleeping bag. The foam material...
  6. Onemanbandit

    Montreal in the dead of winter?

    I'm in Ontario right now and I've got a decent cush gig but I want ot keep travelling so I was wondering if anyone could tell me what montreal's like for shelters or busking, or like just people in general. Is there a good scene there at all, shit to do? And I heard you can busk in the subays...
  7. A

    Who else does winter do this to?

    "It’s hard to really look at someone and go, ‘Hey, maybe something nice will happen.” I know too much about life to have any optimism. Because I know even if it’s nice, it’s going to lead to shit. I know if you smile at someone, and they smile back, you’ve just decided that...
  8. st1tch

    Homeless in Canada for the winter

    What's everyone's favorite city to stay in for our cold Canadian winters?
  9. H

    Where are you going to be this winter?

    Hey, first post! Been lurking for a while and finally signed up. Anyways, where would you go or prefer to go to beat the cold? I absolutely dread winter, and want to avoid having to deal with it this year. Mild winters are okay, but I'm anemic, haha. Thanks for your input! -Holden
  10. billy gates

    Thinking about traveling this winter.

    May be able to start traveling this fall but may have to wait until this winter though I'm not certain if that'd be a good idea being that it'll be my first time undergoing a journey of this potential size. I'm currently needing advice on whether or not I should wait until spring or are there...
  11. L

    winter coat

    i have a $10 burlington coat factory coat which gets the job done but its really fuckin big and i need a smaller but warm one that i can fit in my pack. does anyone have any suggestions on winter coats?
  12. dirtyfacedan

    LRAD, (Long Range Acoustic Device), VAncouver Police have it, just in time for the winter olympics.

    The Vancouver cops have recently purchased at least one LRAD system, just in time for the winter fucking games. I was wondering if anyone has ever dealt with this. It was used at the Pittsburgh anti g-20 meetings a couple months ago as well. I'm sure if you ever wanted to piss off a large group...
  13. rockclimberr

    Would like to get out of here before winter.....

    So, I just returned to massachusetts after hiking like 900 miles of the appalachian trail. I still have a good deal of savings and the trail, instead of taking the need for adventure out of me, has made it grow. I would like to venture out west to see what it has to offer me. I know for a...
  14. steelcitybrew

    Best place to spend Winter in Canada

    erright Looks like im gettin out of here sooner then later. So Im trying to figure out the best place to go for the winter. It'd be nice to be able to find some work for the winter, got nothin here, but im mainly just trying to beat the cold. I was thinking vancouver, but now it being blown...
  15. Shoestring

    My boxcar ride into the Appalachian winter storm

    This is a "Marc" public transit train. I rode from King Street to downtown Washington DC. Also to get out to where the CSX yards are. I just got out of jail in Thomasville, Georgia where I had spent 16 days in custody for Railroad Trespassing. I had gotten caught sleeping inside an old...
  16. ReturnTrip

    Keeping Warm, Warming/Insulation for squats in the winter

    Me and my buddy are squatting this house in north jersey for a bit and its been snowing and we both have sleeping bags that are way too small for us (mine doesnt even zip) we both layer on clothes really hard and we've thought of putting a towel near our door so a draft doesnt come in (by the...
  17. M

    car accident... broken glasses... shrooms... fuck winter!

    life get stranger as winter goes on. i think it's time to move. anyone want a roommate in gainesville, fl? my boy and I are looking to escape the northeast. fuck winter!
  18. Povey

    warm ideas for sleeping in winter.

    im going to be bunking trains, and probably hitchin through france. and its fucking -2 in southern england any ideas for warm sleeping places, all i got is 2 sleeping bags and a shit load of clothes. please post soon, im leaving in a few hours.
  19. dirtyfacedan

    2010 Olympic Winter Games, Vancouver BC Canada.

    Protests abound, more info as the "games" get closer. The games are in Feb 2010!!!
  20. Adonis

    Bought me a winter home!

    Well the jeep broke down for the last time(for me) and I sold it, So I see these 3 trailers on a guys property I know and went over to ask him about them and the next thing you know I am buying one!(it's getting way to cold for camping anyhow) He is letting me keep it in his driveway while I do...
  21. jade

    uqh winter

    shit damn fuck, winter is coming, what to do, where to go?
  22. Z

    How do you squat B.C. winter w/out getting soaked?

    hey, I'm thinking of squatting in B.C. during rainy season, and my ideas for squatting are: - tree platform, with a tarp overtop (some of my friends did this before, and perhaps can explain how?) - one of those zipper-up hammock things, with a tarp overtop then there's also the finding an...
  23. Mosquito

    Well, with winter coming along and all..

    Hi, my name is Mosquito, you might remember me from such posts as, (refer to anything Rememberusername has written).. I'm the gf written about in the posts, about our shituations, trying to get out of Michigan, staying with rememberusernames brother, etc etc etc. Anyways, reason why I write...
  24. S

    my cold winter electric problems

    i am trying to find ways of turning power on in a building. I think it just needs a flip of a switch. but then the meter will read it. How do i bypass the box or, just fuck that and jump from the power lines? any input is usefull. (if some one already threaded this, i didn't see. And maybe...
  25. B

    winter hitching

    Thinking about escaping my little city of Omaha NE. First time hitching. I want to do this ASAP but the soonest I can get out is December or January. Does anyone have experience hitching in the winter? If so, how do you keep warm? I don't have any idea where I'm going, directionless...