slab city

  1. Matt Derrick

    Video Visiting the Slab City Golf Course!

    A few days ago some friends of mine from Los Angeles came out to visit me in Slab City, so I decided to show them the Slab City golf course. It's been around for quite some time, but it was only recently that I took the time to explore it. Its a completely legitimate golf course and the person...
  2. Hillbilly Castro

    Photos From Slabs to NY

    Here's a whole bunch of photos to check out from some recent winter journies with a bunch of StP folks. @Notmyname @LeeenPocket @Yancwhatchuwanttho
  3. W

    Best way to get from LA to Slab City?

    What is the best way for someone without a car to get from Los Angeles to Slab City? Without a good sized city nearby it looks like it could be tough. Would it be best to head out straight from LA towards Joshua Tree? Or is it better to go to San Diego and hang a left? Seems like San Diego might...
  4. Synchronicity

    A slab city introduction

    So while I'm here charging my phone at the internet cafe, I might as well introduce myself. I'm brandon. I've been on the site for a few years but never got around to making an account until late recently. I just got into the slabs yesterday, so if anyone is around we could chill. I've been a...
  5. C

    2016 Jamboree Slab City?

    Can someone explain what Slab City is all about? It seems like millennials saying "I'm going to Slabs" is becoming the equivalent of Boomers saying "I was at Woodstock."
  6. Cornelius Vango

    Video Interview with STP's founder, Matt Derrick!

    Here's an interview with Matt Derrick that I took almost two months ago, with some footage of the gathering. Enjoy!
  7. Meow Meow

    David in slab city?

    Hey, I'm not sure if anyone in slab city (@Matt Derrick?) has ran into a tall, bearded white dude around 30 yo wearing black high-top converse...? I met him in the slabs last week where he got bit by a dog on his leg. I want to make sure it's not infected. He's camped to the right of the...
  8. Heath Bar

    Wondering 4 Runner and Greyhound

    My dog and I have done about 20k miles accross Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and southern California in the past 3-4 months. We are taveling in a modified 4 runner with the back seats un hindged for car camping and city camping. We are currently in Santa Monica for a few days or maybe until just...
  9. Matt Derrick

    Slab City Library Time Lapse Video

    So I set out one day to try and do a time lapse video of the Slab City library, but unfortunately I set the angle far too wide, so it wasn't quite what I was going for. Rather than delete it though, I figured I'd go ahead and share it here for anyone that's interested.
  10. Matt Derrick

    After a dust storm at the Slab City library

    Here's a short video showing what the kitchen looks like after a major sandstorm came through, caking almost everything in a fine layer of dirt.
  11. Ramtide

    Event Slab City - bonfire at the skate park

    Tonight! Big old bonfire. Anyone is welcome to come. Starts at sundown. Bring whatever you need for a good old time. Fucking normies
  12. Matt Derrick

    Slab City Trading Circle and BBQ

    In this video I take a look at the trading circle that happens every Saturday in Slab City. Also, my friend Balu is grilling a pig to share with folks in the slabs, and I end this day showing off just one of the many epic sunsets we get out here.
  13. faa

    New years in the slabs

    Hey hey so I heard slab city is poppin for new years! Anyone gonna be there this year? Anyone been before that wants to gimme their two cents? (spaaange? ;)) I'll probably be in standing rock when its time to start heading down if anyones going through the midwest on their way for the holidays &...
  14. Matt Derrick

    Video I got a tattoo in Slab City today

    Sorry this one is so short, I didn't really have time to plan out this video so I just cut together a few shots of getting this tattoo in Slab City today.
  15. Inhibition

    Is Slab City Reproducible on Owned Land?

    I haven't personally been to Slab City due to its location and personal illness. But I've been researching and very interested in the possibility of creating similar anarchist spaces. I've read it is currently state owned property. Is that why it is relatively free of zoning regulations? I've...
  16. D

    Hey Slabbers

    Curious if anyone is in contact with Cuervo or Hummingbird/Butterfly (Lana) If so, I can give you my email to pass on, I'm sure both would be happy to hear from me.
  17. Matt Derrick

    RV Burns to Ground in Slab City

    Every once in a while in Slab City you'll see a black column of smoke in the distance, which usually means someone's camper or camp is on fire. In this video we went to go check it out since occasionally people need help putting the fires out. Sent from my LG-H815 using the Squat the Planet...
  18. Matt Derrick

    Slab City Living: Town run for supplies

    Hey folks, I'm playing around with a few ideas for doing a video travel blog, so here's something I filmed and edited using nothing but my cell phone. I just covered my day running to town to get supplies for the Slab City library, so take a look and let me know what you think.
  19. EphemeralStick

    Event NOV 17 First Spoken Word of the Season

    NOVEMBER 17 @ SUNDOWN @ LIZARD TREE LIBRARY, SLAB CITY Greetings everyone! It's time to kick off the Slab winter season with the return of Spoken Word Thursdays, hosted by yours truly, Andy. This will be a weekly event so if you can't make it don't worry! There will be plenty of...
  20. Cornelius Vango

    Squatters Needed to Maintain Library

    Well, some fortuitous events have led me to wanting to go and buy myself a farm. I've been running an off-grid library in the famous squatter town of Slab City, and I don't want to just abandon it. The Library has been the home of the last two STP gatherings and may possibly host more in the...
  21. Archon Haz

    2016 Jamboree For Everyone that was at the Jambo

    Hey guys, if anyone is wandering, I was that crazy Israeli kid Vizion. Anyone is welcome to message me to chat or try to meet up at some point. Another thing is that I would like to get any and all Pics and Vids of me, preferably unedited. Anyone is welcome to use Pics and Vids of me, but if...
  22. ghostjohny

    Slab City

    Personally never even been through slab city, and am wanting to go to the jamboree, possibly post up in slab city for a while. Can anyone tell me stuff about it? I have been researching it, would like some firsthand experience, advice, etc. thank you
  23. Matt Derrick

    2016 Jamboree anarchy and face tats for all!

    haha, i was thinking, wondering, hoping, that someone out there that's going to the jambo (or someone in the slabs) knows how to tattoo semi-decently? I have a stupid-easy cover up i want done on my wrist (three thick black lines) and if i could find someone to do it, I figure i could buy a...
  24. Cornelius Vango

    Slab City Library Fundraiser

    This is a link to my fundraiser for a new solar power set-up for the Library. Check it out!
  25. Guy Chouinard

    Slab City Tweakers

    Not sure if I am posting this in the right place but.... watched some reviews on Slab City. Couple of them said the place was chock full of tweakers, dat true? If so, I'm having second thoughts about going there to stay. Just how bad is the tweaker population?
  26. Guy Chouinard

    Shelter Options Slab City?

    This may be "una pregunta estúpida" but I am seriously thinking of squatting somewhere possibly Slab City so I can bank some money for a van. Problem is, I only have a tent. And from what I have gleaned on the Net tents just can't handle the winds and besides that, the desert sun just destroys...
  27. Guy Chouinard

    Do East Jesus Rules Apply To Slab City As Well?

    So........ I have been scouring the "Intar Webs" for everything I can find regarding Slab City, East Jesus, Llamapolis, Taos, NM, Quartzite, BLM LTVAs' and more looking for alternatives to paying rent and I stumbled upon East Jesus Survival Guide and I am wondering, do the East Jesus Rules Apply...
  28. Sheikara

    2016 Jamboree Ticket price ???

    Does anyone know the price of tickets for Slab City? I would love to know.
  29. D

    2016 Jamboree Anybody going threw louisiana wanna grab a van?

    Figured id try getting this more attention with its own thread. I have a van here in hammond that would be awesome to smash for a demo derby for the jambo. Only problem is i have no way to move it. I'm willing to pay gas money and buy whatever hitch equipment is needed to get it out there. If...
  30. Van Mads

    How to get to Slab City during the heart of Summer

    I'll explain my situation. I don't have vehicle. I don't have anyone to rely on for transportation. I have funds; enough to at least buy bus and train tickets to get near the Salton Sea and for necessary supplies to last awhile. I want to get to get to Slab City and set up before the fall...
  31. Dmac

    Video What not to do in Slab City

  32. Caveman118

    Caveman from Slab City library..

    Hey im the caveman from slab city library, Finally created a profile, rarely online but let me know if u have questions about the library or just say whats up
  33. Cornelius Vango

    2016 Jamboree Volunteers needed to help run Jambo!

    Hey folks! I'm sitting here thinking about how awesome the jamboree is going to be, and I can't help but think about how much work it's going to be also. Most everyone who attends is helpful to us when it comes to keeping things chill and tidy, but I need a few people who are willing to do a...
  34. AtlasTheHobo

    Going to slab city soon!

    I am, right now, fixing up a travel trailer to be road legal and then going to slab city mid April. After that, I don't know, maybe I'll wander on LTVA access land for a while. This is why I needed a traveling buddy because I wander. If you are interested, hit me up. This is my first year with a...
  35. Dmac

    News & Blogs Hunted in slab city

    I found this story on Reddit, I don't know how "true" it is, but it's a good read. Its pretty long so I am just posting a link instead of copying the whole thing. True or not, it is an entertaining story.
  36. Dmac

    News & Blogs Slab City Gentrification?

    I found this video put out by the LA Times about the slabs and thought I'd share it.
  37. TMG51

    Photos This weekend from Slab City.

    Came over to the Slabs for the weekend. Figured I'd post a few pictures and details for anyone who hasn't been. I picked up a French exchange student on the way. He had a grant from his university to come to the States and study people living the vehicle life, and as part of that he wanted to...
  38. Dmac

    Escape from Slab City!

    I found this video today and thought that I would share it with ya'll. Enjoy.
  39. D

    Headed Back to the Slabs...

    Alright, so I have had this yearning to return to the Slabs. This time, however, I am looking to set up a "permanent" home base. I was hoping that anybody who has been out there in the few weeks can update me on what the situation is out there. Is there still some space left to build? I know it...
  40. Coywolf

    Anyone in Slab City right now?

    Just wondering if anyone is in the slabs right now. Never been there and Im looking at coming down to SoCal desert for a month or so to escape this terrible Oregon winter. Can you still swim in that canal, and is the hot spring still soakable? Also wondering what the Day Labor work is like in...
  41. ghostrappy


    Hello! This is ghostrappy. I work for DPW burning man and did Resto as well . My city is currentky non excistant and I am traveling to Slab City. Hoping to pick up trash and work on art. Any tips? Thanks ghostrappy (Josh) 808 557 1726
  42. Art101

    Video Bigfoot,the FTRA,and Slab City

  43. RovingGale

    Featured Tips for Traveling While Trans

    Alright, so I was going to post this as a reply on another thread, but then it got really long and I didn't want to bump a 5 year old thread with this info, so here ya go kids – some basic tips and tricks for traveling while newly out as trans, or newly traveling while out as trans, or both...
  44. Matt Derrick

    2015 Jamboree StP Dirty Scouts Jamboree; Slab City, CA - Oct 1st-4th 2015

    The 2015 Jamboree has ended! Thank you all for attending, we had fucking kick ass time! For those curious about the event, or who want to re-live the memories, check out my write up of the event (with pics!): Also, check out the wonderful...
  45. Jaguwar

    Did y'all hear? Slab City got raided yesterday.

    I'm on my phone and can't figure out how to share, but it's on the Slab City Info FB page, if someone wants to copy paste the info.
  46. SnakeOilWilly

    Any music shops near slab city that sell ukulele strings?

    I'm planning a trip to slab city in the next 2 years but I want to bring my ukulele. I was wondering if there were any music stores near the slabs that sell ukulele strings, or if I should just start hoarding string sets...
  47. SnakeOilWilly

    A few questions about slab city.

    So throughout my insomnia I've been doing some research into slab city and I've got a few questions I'm hoping to get some help with. 1. Shelter. I don't have a car, much less an RV or van. How will I work out the shelter issue? As in what can I use to provide myself with shelter? Will a...
  48. Dmac

    Slab city going legit?

    found this in the news. Off-the-Grid Desert Squatter Town Considers Going Legit Friday, March 13, 2015, by Bianca Barragan [Image via Tuchodi / Creative Commons] The decades-old desert squatter community of Slab City, near the...
  49. tobepxt

    Doc's Kitchen, Slab City, California.

    I recently spent a few weeks camping in the slabs. While there I met Doc who runs a traveling kitchen. He set up camp near the hot springs and invited all to help or to eat whenever hungry. just make sure to bring your own dishes! Doc is someone I'd enjoy running into again sometime during my...
  50. Matt Derrick

    Slab City appears in GTA V as "Stab City"

    So I'm watching my friend play GTA V today and suddenly I realize that he's in the middle of a gun battle at "the range" in slab city!!! I made him take a screenshot, and as you can see, it's fairly true to the actual place so i thought that was pretty funny. obviously some of the...