
  1. Brookeeeeeeeee

    Website Updates Major Downtime

    2024-05-11 and 2024-05-20 (today) StP has faced fairly significant downtime. Both times the proxy server that provides DDoS protection "locked up" and our hosting provider doesn't know why. We will be working on setting up a secondary proxy with a higher (99.99%) uptime guarantee so that...
  2. Brookeeeeeeeee

    Website Updates Minor downtime 2024-03-26 16:22:25 EST

    Hello everyone, we've been making an effort to strengthen our network which starts with moving all of our higher-traffic websites onto DDOS protected networks provided by PATH.NET. Around 2024-03-26 16:22:25 EST I noticed a network configuration issue that meant the two IP addresses we leased...
  3. Burdock

    RV versus PNW winter

    Whats up y'all? I'm a new-ish RV-dweller (I got my rig, an '88 Jamboree, in early spring) and as summer and my current agricultural gig come to a close up here in Oregon I'm starting to think through where I should be going next. I've got roots back in Portland and I'm kinda eager to get back...
  4. dharma bum

    Beard Maintenance...

    so i have a beard. it takes a lot more up-keeping than other hair does. for instance, a few days of not washing it and i get face dandruff, raw face and lots of split ends. i hate shaving and have a philosophy(not really) that either you shave, or you don't. and i don't. i've brushed it...