
  1. christa

    I like my buddy but I hate his friends

    A good buddy that I'm travelin with found out his friend was in town and told him to meet up with us. First one of them showed up, innocently wanting to hang out with other punks in town, then came his girlfriend and now its his two friends. THe girl clucks all day long and the guy is constantly...
  2. stove

    Friend requests on here

    Okay, so maybe I'm a bit old fashioned...Maybe I've been using the net longer than nearly anyone on here (except perhaps IBRR)...But can it with the fucking friend requests! "friends" are just that- people I would like to be associated with. That means that, on some level, I know them. Maybe...
  3. spidermonkey

    Old Friends & Aquaintances

    I'm hoping that this site may re-connect me with any old friends & aquaintances from over the years. hit me up
  4. RunningDeer

    i need some friends, man

    if anyone lives near clarksville, TN or in nashville anytime - it'd be cool to have some friends. i am currently a resident badass in clarksville and it's so boring down here! anyway, it'd also be awesome to meet new people to drink beers with :cheers:
  5. hardlyart

    'ello friends

    hey stf- i'm sarah... i'm currently in st. louis, mo- i take gender studies and political institution classes in my spare time but i am really interested in sexual advocacy, cats, cooking, sewing and music. if anyone needs a place to crash i can hook you up as long as you like animals. (2 dogs...
  6. anywhere_but_here

    Not a traveler but a good friend

    My friend LaQuisha died on thursday night on her way back from my house. After she left she dropped off my other friends and on her way home was being passed by a drunk driver. He misjudged the distance and pretty much gave her the pit maneuver and rolled both cars. Both were flung from the...
  7. bfalk420

    Trying to find old friend

    Does anyone know of a dude named treeline ( treeline tattoed acrossed his knuckles...bald always wearing a an old F.T.R.A rider) if you know him and know how to get in contact with him please hit me up.
  8. Ravie

    Please Help... Worried about a friend...

    Hey guys I've got a friend who I havent heard from in too long, it's making me worried. Please ask around if you can to see if he's alive... Name: Ass crack Zack or "mother" Age: early 20's sex: male Looks like: an assole with tattoo on his face of dotted lines leading to an "X", tall, dark...
  9. JahDucky

    My best friend broke my heart...

    We were going to all move to another appartment in Anchorage and he left without me and didnt tell me. He didnt mean to hurt my feelings, but knowing very few people and only four people that i completely enjoy it sucks that my number 1 best friend ever just hurt me like this. Dont you hate it...
  10. Mayor Cantrell

    NEED WITNESSES: Arrested at Alley Katz on Best Friends Day

    Hello, On August 22nd, I was arrested at Alley Katz on Best Friends Day, at the Strike Anywhere show, on a charge of "conspiring to incite riot." I can't talk about what happened, but I desperately need witnesses who can testify in defense of me. My court date is October 15th in Richmond, VA. I...
  11. M

    best friends day 8 official meet up point for STP'ers!

    EDIT: so we're gonna meet up by the james satruday night after the shows are over. Dead rock is always an easy place to find. I haven't been to the river in a while, does anyone know how strict they've gotten on being there after dark? we used to party all night on dead rock but I keep...
  12. S

    NYC Squatter Looking for Old Squatter/Train Hopper Friends

    Hey all, this is my first time posting on here...First off, I'll give you a bit of background. A few years ago I lived in a squat house in Brooklyn called The Bat Cave, and while living there I made some great train hopper/squatter friends, of course, nearly all of them have since disappeared so...
  13. ianfernite

    BEST FRIENDS DAY 8 (Richmond, VA)

    BFD7 was the best weekend of my life, and this will probably be much better!
  14. hassysmacker

    My friend Chloe is compiling a DIY zine Contributons wanted!

    My friend chloe is compiling a diy how to zineand it accepted contributions for it. its not gonna be too politically themed, even though it will include anarchist leanings. but mostly a how to zine. if you have something really legit and good enough that youd be happy to stumble across it in...
  15. dirty_rotten_squatter

    my friend the security gaurd

    So my buddy frank got a job as a security gaurd me and a bunch of my friends all gave him shit for it every now and then. So one night while frank was at work me and 3 other friends were gettin drunk and had the bright idea to go mess with him. So we park about half a mile away from where he was...
  16. Komjaunimas

    Random friend encounters

    Post your most random friend encounters, like : your home is in some southern state in suburbs, you travel to new zealand and meet a friend which you havent seen in years.
  17. Shoestring

    ?Which boot is "your" friend on the steel?

    I'm starting this thread being I'm thinking about getting a new pair soon. My best railroad boots as far as them holding up, being comfortable and spreading out my weight evenly has been "Red Wing's" slip-on style/type. I wear size 13-1/2, so the Wal*Mart boots have been tough for me to find...
  18. M

    Missing friend

    My friend Julissa seperated from me at a chicago el line stop and i never saw her again, everyones freaking out about what happened to her, and if anyone around that area has any clue where she might be id appreciate to know if shes ok, whether or not you actually tell me where she is doesn't...