
  1. K

    Czech Man Claims to Create New State By News from Elsewhere... Mr Jedlicka (left) says Liberland's finer details, including a constitution, will be sorted out in the near future A Czech man claims to have established a new state on the west bank of the Danube, it's...
  2. isai

    been living in europe, stoked to begin roaming stateside.

    Hey community, At the end of April I will be hitching from NY to TX for the first time in the states. I am stoked to see how this goes and hopeful to meet other drifting types along the way. If anyone knows of other travelers going a similar way I would love to connect and maybe share stories...
  3. Tude

    News & Blogs Eiffel tower has gone green with wind turbines

    Pretty cool - I'm sure there will be more out there on this with some better video. _______________________ The Eiffel Tower has new wind turbines, and they're beautiful Paris' most iconic monument goes green The...
  4. R

    Video Germany without money :)

    After finding this forum and watching pics and videos, I just looked at on my own old videos, and thought perhaps its nice to share two here :) and Cheers, Tobi
  5. E

    France, Spain, trains, not paying, countryside

    Hey guys, I`m planing on going from germany to france and spain. I was just wondering if anyone has some rather up to date information on the conductours practice if you don`t pay for your tickets on trains. The hitchwiki suggests that they will just take your personal information and that´s...
  6. Anagor

    Photos Trip to England January 2015

    Hi! I uploaded some photos I took while being on my trip to England last month: Newest pictures are first (unfortunately), so to have it in the right sequence, begin with page 4 ... Cheers!
  7. ChrisHitTheRoad

    Difference between hitchhiking USA and Europe

    I wrote an article on my website dedicated to the difference between hitchhiking in the USA and Europe. Hope it's useful for you. Feedback appreciated.
  8. dave raven

    squat in Latvia, North Europe

    I have a little squat in Latvia. It's called "Tenth Bunker" Every second friday we do the "Poetry Evening" Here's the link to bunker
  9. ATX

    Work for Nationals of Canada and a few other countries on 90 schengen visa

    According to this article on hitchwiki citizens of Canada and a few other countries are legally able to work while in the country. They cite a French government website, and upon reading further, it seems that citizens of those countries are allowed...
  10. ATX

    Taking a dog to Europe?

    I'm currently planning on hitting up europe sometime in the fall of next year or spring 2016, but am running into obstacles with my dog. We have hitch hiked all across America together and are about to go through Canada after the winter, and simply getting rid of him to go to Europe isn't an...
  11. Anagor

    Photos UK/Ireland

    Hi! Just uploaded a few (more or less interesting) pictures taken on my trip to UK/Ireland ... Cheers!
  12. sucuri

    Photos Little canoe, big river

    View from Barcelos today, down to my faithful little boat :D
  13. Anagor

    In UK finally ...

    Hi ... Finally I made it to UK. Got from Cologne to Maastricht (Netherlands) then to Leuven (Belgium) then to Lille (France) and then to Calais and took the ferry to Dover. Quite conventinally travelling (passenger train, hostels) but Ill try to hitch out of dover to canterbury tomorrow. :)
  14. Reed

    Anybody in Prague cz?

    Any people in Prague/Praha ?
  15. Pisum Sativum

    Bucharest.. any cool place?

    So, I'm heading off to Bucharest in a few days and I was wondering if there's anywhere nice I could go to. I'm mostly looking for a squat, an underground music scene etc. Only place I could find so far is "Carol 53".
  16. Anagor

    Two week trip England/Scotland

    Hi! I plan an England/Scotland trip in the last September weeks. First going from Cologne (Germany) to Calais (France), then by ferry to Dover. Then visit London for a day and travel through England and Scotland to Edinburgh. Finally back from there to Cologne by cheap flight. That's the rough...
  17. lungfish


    hey y'all! i'm headed to Portugal in a few days and I can't seem to find any info about radical spaces/squats/anarchist hoopla in the country at all. does anyone have any info? I'm looking for a place to stay in Lisbon and beyond but also into hearing about rad spots to check out. thaaanks!
  18. F

    Euro-Trip and Budget

    Hey everyone, Glad to see the forums are alive. Next summer I'll be making a voyage to the old world, my experience traveling internationally is void and I'm hoping someone here with a few deep notches under their belt could chime in and help paint this picture for me.... I will be traveling...
  19. Haarlem Venison

    Looking for roaddog to hitch with across Turkey in July

    Hi all, As I mentioned in another thread, I'm currently in Ukraine and will be making my way down to Istanbul shortly, then plan on hitching/camping across Turkey through most of July. From what I read on hitchwiki, it's paradise. Not planning on spanging or getting too shwilly, although yes...
  20. B

    UK Hitch/hop

    Any people from the uK fancy a cheap as feck hitching/ hopping trave beginning in England, maybe the north? then heading out into europe. I I've got a fair amount of experience hitching in this country and I think freight hopping is also posible over here and I've got some idea how depending...
  21. R

    Europe: Hitchhiking from the Netherlands to South-Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and back.

    Me and a good friend of mine are planning on doing a hitchhiking trip this summer. We want to visit some friends along the way and eventually end up in Athens. To get back, we want to hitch to Sofia, Bulgary and then take a cheap plane ticket back to the Netherlands. We are planning on taking a...
  22. Coin1993

    Life in London

    This is a universal post for European cities, London happens to appeal to me. Is it possible to move to one of these cities and start a new life? I'll do whatever it takes to survive somewhere else, besides killing. How difficult is it to relocate somewhere with nothing and stay there without...
  23. Matt Derrick

    Squatting in Europe: Radical Spaces, Urban Struggles

    Matt Derrick submitted a new file to the downloads area: Squatting in Europe: Radical Spaces, Urban Struggles - Moving beyond the conventional understandings of squatting in Europe over the past 40 years. Click here to learn more about this file...
  24. D

    Looking for hitchhiking partner in June.

    Planning a trip through Europe in June. Anyone interested in joining? I'll start in Austria and probably head south, though the route isn't defined as of now. Pretty much wherever we feel like going. Let me know.
  25. Odin

    News & Blogs Trouble in Spain.

    Just thought I would try my hand at posting current community relative events. Thirty arrested as rioting continues at Can Vies building in Barcelona Demolition of unofficial grassroots civic centre, occupied in 1997, provokes widespread unrest in poor area of city and beyond The unrest around...
  26. landpirate

    News & Blogs under the streets of Bucharest

    Words kind of fail me having just watched this video and read the article. I feel pretty thankful for what I have got. Beneath the streets of Romania's capital, a living hell PARAIC O'BRIEN Reporter Deep under the streets...
  27. rusty

    talk to me spain

    ive been here a few weeks, andalucia, madrid, currently barcelona. may or may not hit southern france soon. diggin the vibes here, lookin for more! que paso?
  28. D

    Looking for freight/hitchhiking companion in Europe during Summer

    Hi there. Going to hitchhike/hop freight trains across Europe during Summer, probably starting in early June. Anyone interested in joining me? No definite route as of now. Just trying to spend the better part of the Summer on the road/tracks. Also trying to spend as little money as possible...
  29. landpirate

    Driving in France

    So it looks like I could be headed to France in the next couple of weeks. Will be driving from the UK. I am taking my ex boyfriend to his parents where he is going to stay until he's 'cleaned' his act up. I'm not imagining this to be a fun journey. 12 hours in a car + however long on a ferry...
  30. OutsideYourWorld

    World and European rainbow gatherings in Hungary and Romania

    World gathering is in Hungary, June 27 ish to late July ish.. Forget the exact dates.... The European gathering is soon after, also for a month, in Romania. Curious if anyone is thinking of going? I'll likely be stopping at the world gathering for a little bit as I head back West in...
  31. Genjix

    Squats of Europe- Kasa de la Muntanya, London, and Calafou

    Hi guys, I'm programming opensource and living in squats around Europe. My work gets a lot of attention from the media (working with Bitcoin) so I give a lot of exposure for the squat movement and what we're trying to achieve. Here's a sample of photos/videos from things I'm involved with. BBC...
  32. Matt Derrick

    News & Blogs For sale: one Spanish village, free to the right owner

    For sale: one Spanish village, free to the right owner A Barca, a 15th-century hamlet in northern Spain, is being offered free of charge to anyone willing to restore it. And it is far from the only village for sale in Spain … One of the abandoned hamlets for sale in Spain. Photograph: Miguel...
  33. ChrisHitTheRoad

    Europe to the America

    I had this nice dream, or more of an aim, to reach America per boat. I've read a lot about it now, and I must say that I don't think I'll ever get to that dream and I guess I will just simply buy a plane ticket to cross the Atlantic ocean. Although I do not know yet where I would like to start...
  34. tominho

    Ultra Europe fest in Croatia . Coming? :D
  35. stickywickham

    Squats in Europe outside Schengen

    Hey folks. I'm a US citizen and I'm leaving Slovakia because I overstayed my tourist visa. I'm hoping to find a squat in Europe outside the Schengen, preferably in Croatia but really anywhere is fine. Also if anybody's in my neighborhood and wants to hitch down with me I'd love some company. I'm...
  36. zoepit

    Outsider artist woman lookin' for a squat in Berlin to stay. With dog.

    I am Eva, 48. I am an outsider "underground" artist living in hungary. i was growin' up in germany /Essen, Ruhr area/ lived in 1989-90 in Berlin, the Kreuzberg district as a squatter. i also lived in a wagenburg at nowhere's land. Now i wanna leave this intolerant conservative country without...
  37. T

    How do i get from europe to america without being noticed/having to show id etc...?

    i am starting to wonder if this is my only option. the first thing that comes to mind is by boat, but i dont know if its doable. also, if i get in trouble with the police, what would happen? would i get sendt back here? is there any control when going of the boat? ive hopped a boat once before...
  38. T

    How tough is living in America vs Europe?

    i wasnt sure where to post this, but this looked like the best place. can anyone here whos been living on the streets in both europe and america tell me the difference? im planning on going to america and just living there/ traveling the place, but i dont really have any experience. im going...
  39. Raging Bird

    John McAfee's Guide to Third World Travel

    John McAfee designed the McAfee Anti-Virus Software that comes on all laptops before going batshit crazy, murdering someone in Belize, and fleeing a protracted manhunt to settle in the Montreal Art Scene. Here is his guide to third world travel:
  40. Ash Ludd

    Decent European Travel Blogs

    Was wondering if anyone knew of any decent blogs of folks traveling in Europe? Looking more for dirty broke punk sorta approach rather than your standard backpacker with a planned journey and staying in hostels etc. haha.
  41. Ash Ludd

    Going to France & Spain because Winter is poo.

    I hate winter and this shitty English weather. Me and a couple mates are gonna hitch through France to Barcelona and then probably head to southern Spain after that. Anyone know any cool places for dirty broke punx to go check out? we're taking our instruments with us to busk. We play folk...
  42. phreakno

    Hitchhiking early next year, travel partner - Im from Norway

    Hi, I`m looking for a hitchhiking travel partner for sometime early upcoming year. Open for both low and medium Budget, "hardcore" or not traveling :) Open for all sugestions. Im from Norway btw :)
  43. dprogram

    Irish Travelers Language

    Hope this hasn't been posted before but apparently this is the secret language of Irish Travelers I'd copy and paste this in it's entirety but it's a long list.
  44. markpat

    anyone travelling in europe this summer?

    hey:) im gonna be travelling around europe starting june by freight/hitchhiking, this will be my first time heading out alone and hopping in europe starting in gent probably. hit me up if your interested:) thanks ,mark sorry if this is in the wrong section
  45. freepizzaforlife

    Touring Europe with a band

    My band is going to be touring Europe in the spring, and was wondering if anyone had any contacts with squats, diy spaces, collectives, or anyone who is in any way involved with things of these sorts over there, Anywhere?
  46. fotorebelion

    Hook up in the Ukraine

    next week i am off to Ukraine.. and am looking for info about getting around.. does anybody know of some good squats, radical spaces, anarchists, punks etc...or any of the grid community.. how to get around life as a hobo.. dumpster diving etc..
  47. DFA

    Europe and warrants

    What's up guys. So I haven't posted here in awhile, and admins can move my thread if this belongs somewhere else, but I got a question, if any of ya'll can help me it would be greatly appreciated! Has anyone gone to Europe with warrants and not got busted? My partner is going with me to Germany...
  48. landpirate

    News & Blogs beggars get round the law to stay in Britain

    If you want to exploit visa loopholes to over stay here in Britain you need to take a lesson from the Roma Gypsies. Park Lane beggars get round the law to stay in Britain ROMANIAN beggars blighting...
  49. DesertRat

    Is Madrid a Squatters Paradise?

    Just got through watching Top Gear. They had another "Supercar Showdown", but this is not the point. They were in Spain, and the camera showed tons of freeways, towns, an airport, and HUGE sections of Madrid sitting empty. The physical infrastructure is just,..there, Lifeless. Unused...
  50. C

    Meals and such

    My buddy and i will be backpacking Europe camping as much as possible with very little money. What did ya'll eat while doing similar things? We are planning on mostly just rice, any shots at free day old bread or other lucky things?