
  1. japanarchist

    Anarres Infoshop & Community Space, Portland OR

    Hey folks, I wanna inform people about a really cool place to visit if you’re in Portland called Anarres Infoshop. Anarres is an anarchist Infoshop (currently the last one standing in pdx) that functions as: a bookstore for radical literature, community library, music & event venue, community...
  2. Venatus

    An Investment For 3 Years Of Planning

    There is nothing supernatural in being able to write out the future within your mind. Imagination is a fundamental part of humanity. So when i tell you i have been guiding my life according to the visions i have, you shouldnt think anything abnormal about it. Im not a psychic or a clairvoyant...
  3. Jet Jaguar

    Great community here

    Been lurking for a little while and decided to finally make an account. I'll be posting in the road dogs section soon! I'm a 25 year old guy from Toronto that spent half his life up in northern Ontario and the other half in the downtown core of the city. I'm finally looking to start an adventure.
  4. Abdun Nur

    Establishing Anarchic Community

    Peace all, I came across this website and thought to join, I intend to establish an anarchic community, as explained on my website, anarchic does not mean chaos but means without hierarchy, it is hierarchy that removes community, this simple truth is not grasped by the majority. Most are...
  5. mylon

    Worldwide list of community bicycle co-ops

    Hadn't seen this posted yet. These are places where you can find cheap parts, borrow tools and get help for cheap / sometimes free. Often times you can do worktrade for shop time or parts. Tons of these places out there. Most are staffed by volunteers; be nice to them, don't act like you're...
  6. landpirate

    The world's first garden camping community

    Found this website earlier. it allows people to advertise their gardens for you to come and camp in. Although it is free to use the website I think that the garden owners do charge for you to camp. However, on reading the FAQ it seems that charges are kept pretty low. I haven't actually used...
  7. S

    Tiny Cabin Discovered in Arcata Community Forest
  8. Jessie aka Big Grizz

    Looking for a community in Colorado

    Hello guys and gals, i'm new to StP and was wondering if anyone here knows of and good communities in Colorado. I'm living in Colorado Springs right now trying to find a place I can call home. I got my girl Charlotte with me and my loveable/asshole dog Odis with us. We came out to the west...
  9. Irvingotti

    Finding a community

    I have always done well with money when I go to new city's , not hard to find work and my cost of living very low ,, I travled most of my youth from 15-32 I'm now 34 ,,, I was always alone in my travels from mostly from 2001 -2013 from Florida to Washington and many places between through...
  10. nobrains

    Blackberry and Oak Anarchist Community

    Hey folks! I'm in Tulsa, Ok and we're building an intentional anarchist community in the boonies outside of town. We're gonna grow our own food permaculturally (food forest style), build non-ecologically destructive houses and get as close to completely self-sufficient as possible. We're gonna...
  11. Mikael Runefoot

    Wild Root Community

    Can someone who has dealt with the Wildroots Community in North Carolina tell me about your experience? How open are they to homosexuals?
  12. Tude

    ‘Home-free’ Squatters Find Community in Gainesville

    Interesting article I saw posted in one of the FB groups I'm on, Dirty Kid Couchsurfing Coalition - I also network with the group's owner, Rebecca. hehe - this was interesting ... "Some of their common characteristics, he said, include dreadlocks, suspenders, boots, piercings and tattoos on the...
  13. boomkattack

    Looking to start DIY community space/music venue collective

    So as the title of the thread states, I wanna start a DIY collective space/workers co-op. You know, one that caters to the community and gives back. During the day it functions as a creative/art space where people can host events, workshops, classes, etc and at night, it's a music venue for up...
  14. Debbie

    Hello traveler community!

    Here's Debbie, I have joined StP in order to make more out of my travel plans. The next 6 months will be dedicated to work, but after that I want to get surprised by what life has to offer. I am open for everything that has to do with sailing and bike travelling in Latin America. I like to keep...
  15. T

    Anyone ever live in a intentional community / commune?

    I have been thinking of changing my life. I finally make a decent salary for once in my life, but I am still intensely happy. I am beginning to surmise that the type of people you surround yourself with matters alot more than the money you make. I am sick and tired of being surrounded by fake...
  16. EphemeralStick

    Hep C in the community [formerly HIV]

    Here is the situation. One of my friends that I know through my work has asked me for some help. He is a writer for HIV awareness magazine titled Positively Aware. This coming July he will be working on the cover story which will focus on HIV in the traveling youth community. The intention of...
  17. DFA

    consent and misogyny in the punk community

    Sooooo..... I know this is a touchy subject, and I'm ready for a pretty heated debate, but I think it's important to bring this up, considering this post: The reason I think why this is such a touchy...
  18. S

    Intentional Communities in Oregon?

    Looking for a nice 'hippie commune' in Oregon to settle down at, at least for the winter, one that's young kid and bud-friendly. Anyone know anything please let me know, been looking for ages! Sam
  19. AndrewAcoustic

    Tennessee, developing community

    I thought this was pretty cool, and definitely something to check out if you go threw TN: "there is 21 acres of land in TN that people are free to use and live on. the land is there to help those that want to help others. so if you have something that you want to do but need land to do it now...
  20. thapoet

    collectives n communities.... wood stove on steroids

    wood stove that runs a generator, fridge, heats water and ven produces gasline.... simultaneously...
  21. Everymanalion

    A quote I feel that resonates with all of us in "our community"....

    "Yes I am gay, a gay in San Francisco, a black in South Africa, an Asian in Europe, a Chicano in San Ysidro, an anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel, a Mayan Indian in the streets of San Cristobal, a Jew in Germany, a Gypsy in Poland, a Mohawk in Quebec, a pacifist in Bosnia, a single...
  22. zephyr23

    looking for a community

    Hi all, Can any recommend any intentional communities, eco-villages,comune places to wwoof in the west coast ie WA,OR,CA,MT and ID. Thanks so much. Me and my partner have experience with farming we have wwoofed in the usa and costa rico and looking for place where we can live in a real...
  23. Strang3RXRMous3


    hey I am making a community slowly but surely and will give the full details as the plans come into place. anyways its a community for those who want a place to come to and squat amongst many others who needs a haven of sorts. it will also be a place to barter and trade eat rest shower meet new...
  24. Everymanalion

    Self sustaining communities in Mexico/Central America....

    Anyone know of any? Hippie or not, where not money, but time, is how you earn food/shelter and what not. I am looking to join one eventually, one that plants it own food, Prefered in Mexico or Central America as warmth is always an issue for me, i need the sun! Thanks in advance.
  25. soapybum

    Community Space in Indianapolis

    So me and some friends are starting a radical community space in Indy, infoshop, lending library, a few community gardens etc. If you're ever going through Indy and need a place to crash, wanna help out with a garden, volunteer at the library, or just chill for a bit then hit me up!
  26. ericafuckyea

    new community / show / studio space in s.Portland maine, help me get started?

    So I'm buying a house across the bridge from my hometown of portland maine. its bike accessible and walkable from downtown. the house has a huge basement and a store front. Also has a decent sized backyard. I want to utilise this space to the maximum of its potential so that it can be a...
  27. eurekascastle

    this is me introducing myself to the community

    my name's erica and tramping around the states is what i do best but due to the current bun in my oven that'll have to change to rubbertrampin'. it'd be nice to know who does it and especially who the hell does it with kids! needin' some inspiration yahhh i can't have this kid grow up to conform...
  28. soapybum

    Rebuilding/revitalizing community vs traveling

    So i'm in the midst of organzing a collective/infoshop, thats main goal is to revitalize/rebuild the radical community here. We used to have a community space/infoshop here but the pigs shut it down and after that the community pretty much fell apart. I got a job canvassing for a...
  29. porky

    another newbie to the community

    In England once there lived a big and wonderfully clever pig. To everybody it was plain that piggy had a massive brain. He worked out sums inside his head, there was no book he hadn't read. He knew what made an airplane fly, he knew how engines worked and why. He knew all this, but in the end...
  30. christianarchy

    Community Shit in Tijuana

    So I was writing a really formal outline of all the things I wanna do in TJ, but my sister reminded me that plans are stupid and never work, and if I want to do something, I should just start doing what I can do now and go from there. So now I'm gonna 'splain this all in plain punk talk. The...
  31. JannethintheWind

    knitter to community

    new to StP and an avid passionate knitter. its my catharsis i love it hope to make it a means of income. do several styles of hats scarves mittens leg warmers long socks and working on sweater patterns now.....come to you town....come to mine...
  32. squattersrights

    new to the community

    hey all, i am a really laid-back, gentle guy, always trying to live more of an alternative lifestyle. not that hardcore yet, at least by own standards, but getting there. living in tucson for now and working on a trail crew. eventually hoping to travel around the us and beyond. if anyone...
  33. CdCase123

    community college

    hi. i am currently enrolled in a community college in illinois where I live with my parents. I have been going to school here for the past year studying hard and obtaining good marks. I generally like school and am interested in the material very much. my dilemma is that lately i have been...
  34. deedeek

    Excited to find this community

    Hi folks! I'm very new and totally open to the idea that I don't have a clue. I love lea
  35. shiftingGEARS

    Community Bicycle Organizations (worldwide)

    Here you go.. found, copied, and pasted this for you bike peeps.. Non-profit bicycle organizations Bike shops that are accessible to people without money Shops that have an educational focus, teaching others how to fix bikes Shops that are volunteer run Organizations that ship bikes to...
  36. K

    Year around Community in Slab City

    I am seeking like minded people to net(work) with, live and share experiences in Slab City while we build a year around community there.
  37. WapatoGreyer

    New Seattle Community Center

    My three room mates and I are moving out of the house we've been renting in Seattle at the end of the month due to issues with our landlord... We've decided our next move was to start up a community center in the Central District of Seattle. We already have found a great space. It'll be a...
  38. 40ozprophet

    Nice to find a community.

    Hello all! as the title suggests, I was very excited to find such an active forum like this. I'm from Philly but staying in New York right now. Some call me Scraps. Nice to meet you all!
  39. Franny

    A Politely Hostile Performance Review of the Anarchist "Community"

    Please don’t let this title deceive you- I seek not to speak solely to the Anarchist community but to the Anarchist in every one of us. Regardless of particular political ideologies or any other imaginable label it’s our human nature to seek parity and freedom on both a personal and social...
  40. UrbanNokizaru

    New to the forum and community

    Hey I'm Urban Nokizaru (Japanese for Monkey on the Roof). I'm a student at University right now. I want to travel and tramp around after school is done and/or during the summers in between school. Here to learn and share and learn. I like parkour and martial arts and ninja stuff. Big into...