
  1. illBaround

    Question Shit is changing in the world... the collective is rageful. Anyone got any ideas coming through for them?

    I've been feeling heavily that the world is changing quite fast in this time. I am pretty young (21) and honestly have not experienced much massive change in the world. To me, it feels as though the culture regarding (or due to) the government is coming to a tipping point. We all seem angry...
  2. JustAWanderer

    Looking for Green-Anarchist Community around Asheville, NC (Wildroots Community)

    Anybody know if the community wildroots still exists? Found them on the internet some time ago then they disappeared from cyberspace. Someone gave me a phone number but it did not work.
  3. eyes

    Website Updates StP Updates, Community Feedback, and More!

    Hi everyone! As y'all know, Matt has stepped back from StP, and @Brookeeeeeeeee and I at MycoSystems have inherited the reigns to this wonderful community. A few months ago, we wrote a post outlining some of our ideas and plans for how we can make improvements to the forum and enhance the...
  4. ilikehotchocolate

    hostel or community house in florida?

    just wondering! im into "community life" and natural stuff like cooking, gardening and travel (obviously). I'm in central FL. I think there are a few co ops in gainesville, also there is food not bombs which i still have to check into...
  5. zofie zundown

    seeking radical queer community in PDX

    Hi yall Ive been chronically house-less and went hitchhiking before also was in van life up until a couple months before the covid pandemic. my ex and i housed up together before covid and now we are broken up, we were together for 9 years and house-less off and on through most of it. we helped...
  6. Serene


    I am in Ashland/Medford Oregon Husband has Asperger's. Covid's a bitch.. makin' life hard. I am 26 and I'm about to have my second baby. My first lives in L.A. with my folks. Fucked up corruptness that I'm learning to forgive. (Not having him with me) well, his dad got deported in 2017 to Peru...
  7. Redbeard The Rhymer

    A Welcoming Community for Nomads

    Hello fellow travelers and adventurers! I remembered this site from about eight years ago or so, and was hoping to get back in touch with a welcoming community of folks who live life freely and are not over critical and judgmental to our beliefs/philosophies/outlooks on life and how it is to be...
  8. habitatbranch

    Abnormal Philosophy and Isolation

    Hi, just joined the site. My name is Atlas. I am not so much of a traveler, though I did spend about a year car camping around the u.s. searching for people or places I could relate to. As it has been my whole life, all I really related to was wilderness regrowing itself where humanity has...
  9. rexmanningday

    New to STP and the community

    Hey all, I'm Ben. I live in Austin, Texas at the moment. I am beginning to convert a van into a camper and hitting the road. While that is a bit in the future, I've been lurking the site on and off for a few years mostly reading shit and whatnot. I have been pretty fascinated by train hopping...
  10. WildVirtue

    Captain Hotknives' Greatest Hits (Comedy, Anarchism & Community)

    I reckoned people here would get a kick out of this great comedian from the UK. He's entertained at many a campaign benefit and is one of the old school open cast coal protesters. Mixing folk, ska, punk, bluegrass and pop paradies. I’ve been compiling a library of comedians content to be able...
  11. inconsequentia

    I mostly lurk and read threads, but here's a post to introduce myself to the community (see, that wasn't that hard).

    Greetings, other than fora I created or was a founding member of, I have always been a lurker by nature. But I’ve been here reading along for a couple of years now and I think it’s time that I just waved my hand out there, hullo! Then at least my post count won’t be at zero. I really enjoy the...
  12. D

    Zero Community

    Outside of time and space, In between the folds of normal place, There lies a home, where ghouls wake, Deep inside the catacombs. There sleeps a people, strange and familiar. They dance around reality’s pillar. And do not welcome anyone not similar. Deep inside the catacombs. They...
  13. Codyt

    Introducing myself to the community

    Hey everyone! Just here tying to learn about train hopping. I don’t know if I’ll ever do it but it’s definitely interesting to read about. Glad to be here!
  14. D

    What is the Global Community Communications Alliance?

    So I was looking for communes to check the fuck out when I came across this: Global Community Communications Alliance - Foundation for Intentional Community - I did a little digging around and after a quick glance at its...
  15. D

    Need help finding an EcoVillage/Intentional Community

    I really want to just be a fuckin part of a fuckin community instead of just doing nothing all the time but studying, consuming, and masturbating, you know? Really dig my hands into the dirt, and help contribute to a tribe of people bigger than myself, and feel like a man contributing to the...
  16. mysticgrudjj

    New to community - INTRO - WA -> ? (Have car want driver)

    In my dreams I am dirty, naked and free. And then I woke up and I was STILL dirty and naked but some costumed megalomaniac was spit shining his boot with my mouth and definitely on the lookout for any attempt at "free" Born in the sign of Cancer. I don't put too much stock into astrology. I...
  17. cherryb0mb

    Looking for friends, communes, community, anything

    greetings! im hopping out of Oklahoma looking for anywhere else to go. Seeking out a community or group of like minded folk,,, anywhere. hmu! bless be y’all (sorry if wrong thread)
  18. Nyakua

    Hello STP NY soon to be trainhopper entering the community

    hello my name is nyakua im currently 16m going to be on the run in just a few hours. im very new to this community and the lifestyle I will be living for a year until i turn 18. I hope to make great memories on this crazy journey in life. i dont know what state exactly ill be going but im gonna...
  19. ancienttoes

    The Garden Intentional Community Gathering September 13-26 in Tennessee

    This is an invitation to all to our end of summer gathering at The Garden intentional community. We have had travellers of all kinds like hitchhikers, rv and van dwellers, rainbow gatherers, organic farm volunteers, and other people who live an alternative way of life, and invite anyone who...
  20. Matt Derrick

    News & Blogs Punk Island is a celebration of community, diversity, and rage

    PUNK ISLAND IS A CELEBRATION OF COMMUNITY, DIVERSITY, AND RAGE Punk Island shows NYC what’s at punk’s core: community. WORDS: Danielle Chelosky & Stephanie Augello PHOTOS: Stephanie Augello Randall’s Island in NYC isn’t usually bursting with heavy guitars vibrating through amps and...
  21. findfoot

    HOUSELESS RECORDS: Front Porch Tour

    Hi humans, I have these projects and I'm working on a house show tour August - November 2019. Calling all musicians and people to check it out and maybe get involved. This is letter has more details and a cheesy anecdote (cause it was aimed towards housies). Wanna host a show...
  22. Dirty Curty

    Introduction to the community

    Just introducing myself to the community. I haven't done a lot of traveling outside the traditional means of transportation i.e. buses,cars,and planes. I am currently tied down to land in the foothills of northern California but want to venture into train hopping up and down the coast at some...
  23. Maki40

    Best place to do community service?

    I have to do 28hrs of community service for a bullshit charge. I can pick any non profit like goodwill, salvation army, church, homeless shelter, animal shelter, ect. I prefer somewhere that will fudge the numbers for me. Like, i do 4 hrs and give credit for 8. Or at least, the service be fun...
  24. ancienttoes

    The Garden Intentional Community Spring Gathering April 14-30 in Tennessee

    This is an open invitation to The Garden intentional community for our annual spring gathering in April for the 10th anniversary of this community at 8967 Galen Road, Lafayette, Tennessee. This event is free of charge. There will be workshops about sustainable living, nature hikes, work projects...
  25. Matt Derrick

    News & Blogs An Artist, a Shantyboat, and the Lost History of American River Communities

    Wes Modes is documenting life along America’s waterways. BY JONATHAN CAREY MARCH 07, 2019 An Artist, a Shantyboat, and the Lost History of American River Communities Made from recycled materials, Modes’s shantyboat can weather the storms. WES MODES/ CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 THE RIVERS OF THE UNITED...

    UBERFLIEGE: intro to the community

    Hey ALL... uberfliege is my kunst handle...that's German for: superfly ....franz is my given :) I'm looking forward to exploring the PacificNorthWest soon via bicycle...meeting and communing with like-minded souls. ... a creative portal of mine...check out my flow :)
  27. 92HPS

    alternative communities around australia?

    where are they? I've heard of Nimbin and Byron Bay but from what i've heard theyre no longer the true havens of alternative living. Anyone got a suggestion for a finding a community with sensible values?
  28. WildChild

    St Augustine anti-homeless group harasses StP community

    Hi. I'm new to stp, but not new to the lifestyle. if you ask me, in today's world, it's the only way to go. So, this post is about good old st Aug. I spent a lotta time there back in the day. Used to be a fav. But, my fellow travelers, the times are a changin'! I dropped in recently and stayed...
  29. Rosy Rose

    Looking for Intentional Community opportunities

    I’m traveling in Florida presently yet I’m open to chill opportunities Anywhere USA. I have experience managing a B&B in the past and I’m industrious, reliable, peaceful... don’t let my age put u off, I’m still quite youthful! People tend to take to me quickly and soon I’m adopted as family...
  30. ANOK

    Hello everyone! Cool community here! I'm french but i'm right now in Brixton (London) someone in London here?

    Hello everyone! Cool community here! I'm french but i'm right now in Brixton (London) someone in London here?
  31. kittybutts

    intentional community @ the intersection of social justice & trauma healing (VA)

    I've not often ventured into what I would categorized as "activism" before, however I feel called to put this project into action. If you or someone you know may be interested in co-creating intentional community at the intersection of social justice & trauma healing lemme know. If you are...
  32. Khrisnomadic

    New to community

    Hello fellow travelers I’m khris I’m currently preparing my travels from WNY to the west coast until I find my little piece of heaven. I’m glad I am apart of this community. If anyone has any tips or knowledge they wanna throw my way it would be greatly appreciated (:
  33. FeyedHarkonnen

    New here! I knew there had to be a community like this somewhere!

    Hi folks! I just signed up for this community and I'm kinda excited to see how it goes! I live in Columbus, Ohio and my girlfriend is in Roanoke, Virginia. I tried to do the Greyhound thing, but they're a failboat in a sadness river. So, until, I renew my license (no thanks to the state of...
  34. Apple Core

    Communities Based Around Creativity?

    Wassup? Here are some goals that I would like to see come to fruition. - Live with a community of creative individuals (Co-op, Intentional Community, Something Similar, etc. - as long as it's living communally with creative individuals) - Self Sustaining is a huge plus, even small-scale...
  35. Lifechanyuan

    Lifestylechenyuan International Community

    Community is currently looking for new members. After getting forciably disbanned in China we are now located in Canada. Our Mission: To call on all individuals and groups with insight to transcend traditional family limitations...
  36. Gypsybones

    heading to Denver

    Hey y'all, I'm heading up Denver way in a few days and I'm looking for folks to hook up with. Trying to find some temp work and artist community, cause I'm planning on being up there for a few weeks, maybe longer. So all help would be appreciated. Thank y'all
  37. D

    summer time uninhabited island squat cape cod mass

    okay so this place okay so this place called panekes Island that used to have a school on it for bad kids from Boston has been uninhabited for several years now maybe as many as five but it has a big house a tool shop a boat shop climbing walls animal pens chicken coops Garden space basketball...
  38. loonaloop

    Heylo to all!

    Name is Giovanna. With that said, feel free to shorten my name or call me by my forum handle. Happy to finally be sitting down with this introduction. I've only been browsing here and there. Looking to make connections and give back as much as I am able. Currently in Roswell, New Mexico. Will...
  39. mathelsom

    Developing homestead in NorCal looking to expand our community

    This is my first original post on STP and I'm very much looking forward to the responses i might get. I'll start off by saying a little bit about myself, ill keep this short. I'm a 26 year old female originally from Pittsburgh, Pa. I've spent most of my adult life (after dropping out of college...
  40. BackAgainC

    Eastern Europe communes, crashpads, farms?

    Traveling from Prague southbound to the Balkan states. Looking to meet up with communes/communities, punk houses, sustainability projects, etc etc etc Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria...or whatever Travel dates between May-September 2018
  41. mans

    new member from europe

    Hey everyone, i wish u all the best in your traveling and wicked adventures. i'm going to start a hitchhiking trip in europe in a month and i was wondering if there are any other european members on this site. any other hitchhiking or wildcamping tips are also more then welcome ;) . have a...
  42. jimi

    Where to go from here? Frustrated with finding community off the road

    I guess I'd like to hear stories of folks who have settled down in some type of alternative community or space long-term that has been completely fulfilling and worthwhile. I hear stories often of regrets and frustration about leaving the traveling life to rejoin "normal society" for one...
  43. Aleks Milenkovic

    Island community project

    There is a project in motion to squat a group of islands off the coast of Croatia in the Mediterranean, to create a self sufficient free for all place to live All are welcome for details
  44. CoD2e

    New to the community.

    Hello all. I am new to the site. Heard about this during my travels. I am exmilitary from the US and France. I currently reside in Phoenix AZ, but am hitting the road soon. Just really looking for a destination at the moment. I was thinking of seeing Slab City, but everything's up in the air...
  45. Cornelius Vango

    The Real Slab City - interviews with year round residents

    I just finished my Slabsterpiece today! Enjoy an inside look at life in the apocalypse!!
  46. hobbes

    consensus run open land.

    We are looking for radical revolutionarys, people who want to work with others to shift things in a positive way. You are welcome to join us. The Garden is a off grid consensus run land project in Tennessee that is being used to facilitate creating positive change.
  47. MatthewCoyoteSlovakavich

    Hey you guuuuuys!!

    What's up everybody! My name is Matthew, I live in Buffalo, NY and work with FoodNotBombs as well as an off-shoot project called WasteNotWantNot whose goal is to establish a pay-as-you-feel cafe that will serve all food that otherwise would have gone to waste. I am...
  48. black

    Intentional Communities: What is your experience with putting Anarchism and Communalism into action?

    Have any of you have long-term or even just short-term experience with an intentional community? Did you follow a certain model of organization? Was anarchism, communism, or any far left ideas part of the equation? Were you in an urban setting? Suburban? Rural? Did you garden, farm, build...
  49. wokofshame

    Punk communities in the hood stay isolated- you agree?

    Anybody else notice that when groups of (almost exclusively) young, white punks move into black neighborhoods, the young white punks only hang out with each other and almost never with the majority of their neighbors? The three places that immediately come to my mind are KC, NOLA, and...
  50. black

    questions about surviving in the Puget Sound wilderness (food availibility, weather, community)

    So I know there's some of you that have some experience in that particular area and my first post on this was pretty vague, and was about general tips on the area and where to be. this post is different in that it's inspired by my general green-ness and fear of transitioning. so I have some...