
  1. Brent smith

    Plants of California

    I want to buy some books about plants in California. Like about what plants are poisonous and what plants are edible. What plants can be use for medical purposes. Herbs and spices. Anything and everything California soo, if you know any good books or reads let me know thanks
  2. rowleyshelby

    Hey there!

    While searching the web for different sites to use to find travellers like myself wanting to head west, I found this lovely site. In general, me and my partner are stuck in Ohio (worst place to be stuck, mind you) and headed to California! Looking for people that may also be headed that way, or...
  3. couchissatan

    stuck here in oroville california

    My partner and i came here to work with some friends but they ended up screwing me over so we went and moved to a property to work with a different boss but he was just as sketchy..taking advantage of out work, trying to get me drunk and all that douchebag that we decided to leave he...
  4. johny mugwahnee coyote

    California bound

    Hey everyone, in Florida looking for way to Mendocino county California. Travel safe.
  5. Coywolf

    Mariposa, California

    Hey guys, Just trying to find some info on Mariposa, CA. I am planning on taking a medical class down at the Yosemite Bug hostel later this year, and I am wondering what it is liek to tramp around mariposa. Any soup kitchens? Good places to car camp? Things to do and see (Other than Yosemite)...
  6. The Bard

    Hello from California

    Hello! I'm a writer who is in love with traveling in all its forms. I am currently easing into the vagabond lifestyle. I'm new at all this but I plan to learn as much as I can. Everyone on this site seems pretty jam, hope to talk to all of you at some point or another.
  7. Skunkgp

    Heading to Cali

    looking to start a new life, I'll be in the LA area in about 3 or 4 days but I can really make it anywhere decent in Cali will be looking for a squat or a roommate. I have nothing left in my hometown I traveled the country before so its nothing new anyway nice to be part of the community!
  8. Joedogg

    Hello from Berkeley, California

    Hello from Berkeley, California
  9. P

    What to use for fall/winter in California?

    I have two sleeping bags. A bulky 0F synthetic and a tiny/minimalist 40F synthetic. I'm gonna be all over California this fall and winter and mostly near the coast--SD, LA, SF, Santa Monica, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, etc. so I don't plan on going up into the mountains. Do you think I...
  10. RovingGale

    Featured Tips for Traveling While Trans

    Alright, so I was going to post this as a reply on another thread, but then it got really long and I didn't want to bump a 5 year old thread with this info, so here ya go kids – some basic tips and tricks for traveling while newly out as trans, or newly traveling while out as trans, or both...
  11. Mongo

    California Deathfest 10/9-10/11 Oakland, CA

    California Deathfest is a 3-day event that will take place from October 9-11, 2015 at the Oakland Metro Operahouse in Oakland, California. The show on Friday, October 9th will feature grind, punk, and hardcore bands, and the shows on October 10th and 11th will feature death, black, and doom...
  12. MolotovMocktail

    2015 North American Hitchgathering, California, July 13-18

    I just saw on Hitchwiki that the dates have been announced for the annual North American Hitchgathering. It takes place from July 13-18th along the south fork of the Yuba River near Nevada City, California. I pasted the following information from the Hitchwiki page: Past Hitchgathering Info...
  13. East

    News & Blogs California looks to prevent people from getting fines for sleeping in their vehicle. SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The California Assembly is advancing legislation to protect homeless people who live in their cars from fines and vehicle impounds. Local governments could not...
  14. tobepxt

    Doc's Kitchen, Slab City, California.

    I recently spent a few weeks camping in the slabs. While there I met Doc who runs a traveling kitchen. He set up camp near the hot springs and invited all to help or to eat whenever hungry. just make sure to bring your own dishes! Doc is someone I'd enjoy running into again sometime during my...
  15. meonsaor

    leather tramping cali, any suggested routes?

    My partner and I, and another couple are about to tramp through California. We from the East Coast but are in Cochise County for the time being on a farm we found through WWOOF. Looking to travel for a while rather than stay at farms constantly.. Wondering if anybody has suggestions on a good...
  16. VikingAdventurer

    Murphy Ranch; LA, California

    Has anyone ever heard of this place? I came across it on my internet travels this morning, and to me it looks like an almost ideal place to set up a semi-permanent squat. It even already has raised planter beds for growing produce!
  17. Mankini

    Which county in Cali has the best GA?

    Does anybody know which counties in Cali have the best GA? I got it in Marin, Humboldt, and Monterey counties. Monterey's was small-barely enough to get camping supplies. Humboldt they just give you gift vouchers to Kmart and a sporting goods store. Marin was generous and it is enough to stay in...
  18. sunflower sherree

    Hitching out of Cali.

    I guess we're gonna try hitching out of San Diego. Any advice?
  19. Helo

    Interested in the particulars of squatter's rights in California

    So far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be anything like it in California, specifically Los Angeles. I see refferences made to a 30 day period of occupancy backed up by mail or utility bills giving someone defacto "tenent" status but I've never found the law relevant to this idea. What...
  20. Paul2099

    Hello! From California

    My name is Paul and just recently found this website which has a lot of cool stories and information. And thank you Matt Derrick for such an awesome website. :) I've traveled on the road a bit on my own from South Dakota and went to near the Seattle area and settled.. Moved to California and now...
  21. sofarfromhome

    Hidden Beach, Klamath, Northern California

    So hitching past Arcata on the 101 in north cal we got stuck in Klamath but luckily we had enough money to get a room at Motel Trees, right across the street from the Trees of mystery, with a giant Paul Bunyan statue in front of it.while trying to hitch out the next day we saw across the treet a...
  22. squatterchad

    Cali bound

    I'm looking for help or info from squatters in far as the squatting/homeless community.I'm traveling from pa to cali and could use as much help as possible
  23. M

    santa barbara to modeso cali june 10

    My husband and i need to hitch a ride from santa barbara to modesto ccalifornia on June 10th, some where between landing in santa barbra june 10th at like 5pm and mid day on the 14th we really need to catch a ride out to modesto, perferably caswell memorial state park (where we are camping...
  24. MiztressWinter

    House party San Juan California

    Dirty kid house party this weekend in San Juan ca. Hit me up for details 661 476 6756 no pieces of shits need to inquire. No bs will be put up with. Also please bring something to the table.
  25. alexajessuson

    Camping in Cali

    Hey y'all. Still working my way out west. Anybody know the best places we can camp for free/unnoticed?
  26. Dreaux

    Prime spots to squat in Bay Fair, Cali?

    Gf and I are here flying, any one familiar with the area?
  27. DFA

    sign the petition! NO on california anti-squatting bill! If you got facebook share this shit on there!!!!
  28. TheWindAndRain

    2014 North American Hitchgathering, California, August 9th

    Come one, come all! The annual hitchgathering/StP gathering welcomes travelers from all walks of life. Bring your bathing suit, a good attitude, and be ready to have a blast! Tell all your friends this years gathering will be held on the south fork of the Yuba River just north of Nevada City...
  29. DFA

    Scary anti-squatting bill AB 1513 in California assembly

    This bill is terrifying. A property owner, or bank, can file a written declaration to local law enforcement if there is unlawful detainers (squatters) in the property. The written declaration becomes a court order, and tenants of the building will lose their due process rights, and be evicted...
  30. D

    Kat Alyst from Cali

    Anyone know this girl? Thanks, Matt
  31. Tony

    Photos of my travels, Alaska To California

    Alaska Highway, West Access Route, I-5 Through Washington, then 101 Through Oregon down to California, until finally breaking down on Highway 299, 40 miles out of Redding! : ) Also, where i lived in Fairbanks. Took plenty more, this is not all i have. Some Photos were taken before this long...
  32. CaptainManus

    To California

    So i'm heading to Cali. What I'm packing for my adventure: Alice pack 1 pair cut off shorts 1 pair jeans 1 pair cargo 1 tank top 1 tee shirt 1 hoodie 1 navy rain coat Lantern (battery powered) Double A batteries Sleeping bag Zippo Zippo fluid Gloves Ear buds Phone and charger Sketch book...
  33. eske silver

    Homeless Resource Website - California A fairly easy to use website, that lists a large compilation of resources, including Mental Health, Shelters, Laundry, Thrift Stores, Sober Living, and many, many more. Created and maintained by a fellow, named Matt Kennedy, who apparently (if you scroll down...
  34. eske silver

    California Directories

    Activist, DIY and Collective Space Directory California Co-op Directory - List of Coops and Cooperatives
  35. punch

    aspiring adventurer (socal)

    hey out there! i really dig this site. i've been hanging around stp for a little while but only recently joined. great information out here and a lot of cool people! my name is punch [currently stationed in LA, california] and i'm interested in adventure and a simple life. i have some things...
  36. taaails

    From California to Washington and Back!

    I've decided to travel up the West Coast in May and was wondering if there are any nice places to stop and check out. towns, (free) camps, rivers, lakes, whatever! also, if anyone's down to join me on this radical adventure, message me. :]
  37. H

    California Spring Regional Gathering 4/29-5/5/2013

    "ALOHA FAMILY! HOWDY FOLKS! To arrive at the All California Rainbow Spring Regional Rainbow Gathering, begin your journey in Placerville CA on US RT 50. Follow main street in Placerville & take your first right onto cedar ravine rd. in 1.1 mi veer right & continue on...
  38. thapoet

    MUY IMPORTANTE!!! California Homeless Bill Of Rights

    Today, April 23,2013, California Legislature passed the California Homeless Bill of Rights. I feel this is an important developement since only Rhode Island and California have such a protective measure. It paves the way for Homeless Advocacy Groups to help with councel among other things. We...
  39. iHaveRabiez

    SoCal to Berkeley

    So I just found out about this 8 Days of Anarchy thing in Berkeley.. It starts on the 12.. and I'm in Slab City.. Really think it would be worth checking out.. They got quite a few activities going on and sounds like a super cool time...find out more on the website...
  40. J

    So...Why California?

    I notice a lot of people on here and a lot of people I meet on the road are always wanting to go to California. Why? What is the fascination with that state? Why does it seem to be every fresh travelers destination?
  41. Eli Whitney

    Need to get to northern cali by train!!!

    Anyone who has any advice on how to get to, or closer to northern cali from st louis by hopping a train please message me or reply im looking at the U.P map. and can see what route i want to take im thinking going to kansas city first which should be easy considering there seems to be only one...
  42. erthenkin

    Collectives in Florida, San Fran and Norcal...

    Hola all! Sadly leaving the freedom and cheapness of Peru for the states, heading up to Norcal for some hrrbal medicine work! But until the fresh air of paid work, I am pretty damn broke after having my wallet and photos stolen by some cuzco thugs... Getting into FL tomorrow, not sure for how...
  43. robbaked

    NYC to Cali. Yup yup. The more the merrier, most of the time. Leaving within 48 hrs...

    Like i said. Time to go!
  44. K

    Squatting in Southern California, new

    hullo there! I been squatting and couch surfing for about 8/9 months, my current location being a roofless bedouin like setting in the fascist police state of Cypress. I spend most of my time trying to get to shows or protests. I play guitar, skate, put up some stencils here and there. We got...
  45. Matt Derrick

    How To Travel From Los Angeles To San Diego Via Public Transit

    I'm not a fan of Los Angeles. It takes forever to get anywhere, it's hard to find a place to camp, and the people there generally have a bad attitude. No offense to people in LA, maybe it's great if you know people there, but I prefer to bypass that area of the country as fast as possible...
  46. A

    Trying to get out to california.

    Hello All, I am looking to get a ride out to Vista California. I have a little over a hundred dollars in Colorado food stamps so I can contribute soem food for the trip.
  47. outskirts

    Glass Beach, California Glass Beach – The Dump You’ll Want to Visit by GINA on SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 ART & PHOTOGRAPHY,TRAVEL...
  48. Z

    Any squats in Souther California?

    Hi. I'm in Southern California,and was wandering if anybody knew of any squats here? Dont mind anywhere from san diego to los angeles to san bernadino etc. i have squatted before and am helpful in cleaning up and DIY. Failing that, I dont mind helping to open a new squat. I have seen quite a few...
  49. REDRUM

    Detroit to Cali

    I've got a car. I'm looking for anyone who wants to go to slab city with my dog and I. I'm pretty broke, so splitting the cost of gas is necessary. We're currently in Detroit. I'm open to stop and explore along the way.
  50. Z

    Looking for a squat in California.

    Hi I came to California a few weeks back to get away from the cold of england. I was staying in hostels,but have now run out of all money,and am homeless. being homeless aint too much fun in America. I want to know if anybody can let me join a cool squat in Los angeles (or surrounding areas,such...