Hi there!
TLDR: Romania chill, affordable (but not so much to locals), pretty safe, good internet, hitchhikers can expect to pay, stray dogs
I spent late 2024 in Romania volunteering on a farm, as I've got an interest in agriculture. This is not a comprehensive guide or anything, I thought I'd confirm some of what I'd heard and an idea of recent pricing. Cliffnotes that might be of interest are:

TLDR: Romania chill, affordable (but not so much to locals), pretty safe, good internet, hitchhikers can expect to pay, stray dogs
I spent late 2024 in Romania volunteering on a farm, as I've got an interest in agriculture. This is not a comprehensive guide or anything, I thought I'd confirm some of what I'd heard and an idea of recent pricing. Cliffnotes that might be of interest are:
- Very affordable if you're spending western european currency. the equivalent of 2 quid for 2.5 liters of beer, some cheap hostels in Bucharest, and eating out is reasonably affordable especially outside of Bucharest. Quality of produce vary in stores though. Lots of transactions done extremely locally in villages, you could probably buy eggs, cheese and pork from neighbors easily if you trust the conditions they're raised in.
- Pretty safe on a petty crime level imo, corruption in government which should translate less to tourist experiences, just use common sense as usual.
- Minibuses serving local routes are basically cash only, and ATMs can be sparse outside of major towns.
- Air quality can be terrible at times, if you have respiratory issues be aware around villages because locals might burn all sorts of dangerous materials for heat.
- Low hitchhiking wait times, but 90% of drivers expected payment.
- Stray dogs are still a problem. Excercise usual caution around them, but I believe they put down the aggressive ones.
- Experiences with police involved hitchhiking with an active police vehicle with friendly cops, to being politely (but extensively) questioned on the street for my muddy Docs in Bucharest. Nothing unusual but worth noting.
- Conservative people, particularly outside of the cities. I can maybe recommend Bucharest for anyone LGBTQ, but it'd be wise to be wary outside of the capital. Europe trending right in general so be aware
Pretty Commonly Known information already
- Still great internet, even in rural places!
- You can camp basically anywhere except military bases, national parks and people's yards
- Trains and buses are cheap, but some information can be unclear unless you're at a station
- Even easier to travel to since Bulgaria and Romania are now Schengen