People run away, physically and mentally, either volitionally, out of a need or out of their pain and suffering
just so happens people who are predisposed to facing away from their problems, not facing discomfort, ignoring issues and so on, find solace in things that numb the mind and when things get too much they can always leave everything behind and move. Its like a fire is burning under your ass and you need to do something. But what you dont realize (or you do and you have to numb yourself even harder) you are carrying all the baggage, hurt and pain with you anywhere you go, the physical location means nothing when all your demons are always hitching a ride with you in your head... hence drugs and addiction to quiet down the voices and to have some rest from the pain
I write that from experience, I was heavily addicted to dopamine as a kid, just needed it to survive and keep moving, at the end when I was out of the turbulence of my childhood and young adolescence, it turned into a wicked conditioning to move for the sake of moving, because that was what felt comfortable
I mean "moving" as progressing in my case, but I could see how physically moving could be equally stimulative, new areas, new people, new sights, new opportunities, turning a new leaf
We are all running from something... I have no need for stimulants or numbing, since finding Dhamma (Buddha's teachings on understanding and taming the mind) but I symphatize a lot with people who are addicted, looking for a way out. I think everyone is like that, just at different points on the spectrum
one smokes cigarettes, one does hard drugs and one studies and analyzes the mind, all looking for their own liberation... what we are wishing to control and manage is the exact same, pain and suffering...