Live in seattle long time now. First few years were in my car. You wont be bothered by the cops here.
You want to park on residential streets in Wallingford, Fremont or Ballard. These areas will have more to offer in terms of stuff to do and are much more safe than many of the industrial and south seattle areas of the outlined above. Generally better overall.
Queen Anne OK outside commercial areas and Seattle Center.
Stay tf away from homeless areas and RVs ect. Anywhere they are at in ballard and elsewhere.
Many resources. Hit up local foodbank also free meals in udistrict and elsewhere. Also laundry facility in the U. Im sure can get a list of resources at any foodbank.
Since you going to Vera i assume you dont drink. Black lodge is another all age venue you check out. Ive never been to vera and stopped going to blacklodge since new location dont let you byob anymore and its more all-age focused now and im well past 21.
Seattle kinda sucks for traveling now relly and Portland more fun to visit imo. Evrything overpriced. Food scene not as gret and less friendly w more yuppies.
I guess ive been settled here long enough to kinda become one of them now, less friendly, more jaded and less grunge. But we all gotta grow old and wise someday or waste away.
GL kid.