The Mkettle Woodburner - anyone use one of these?

Hillbilly Castro

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
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Westernville, NY
I'm doing my "times are good financially" gear buying and getting some really dope stuff that will improve my quality of living right now and I found this:
13 oz, it's a 4"x7" water jacketed woodstove. It boils a pint of water in 6 to 8 minutes - for free. My only real concern is whether it'd be worth the weight and the bulk. 4x7 of uncompressible metal is kind of a lot. But then again, free hot water literally anywhere for the several years I'd expect it to last would be very nice too. Worth the $65.

What do y'all think?

Deleted member 2626

Guess the wood goes in the little cup thing? Go for it. Stove fuel costs money and the wood is free. Could probably use dense paper for hot water even. Thought about a little woodstove myself a few times.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2016
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Whitehorse, Canada
Thats actually alot better for backpacking than a kelly kettle. Problem with these types of stoves is you cant cook anything conventionally. Free fuel is pretty awesome but years ago I changed to a Primus omnifuel stove and it'll burn gasoline(or diesel/ kerosene/ compressed canisters), enough gas to fill my fuel bottle was less than a 1$. With this I can simmer a cream sauce, sear a pork chop or boil water like a blow torch. Sometimes simplicity is king tho, for along time I used an alcohol stove for that reason.

Hillbilly Castro

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
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Westernville, NY
Yeah the alcohol stove is my alternative here.
I almost wonder whether you could conventionally cook stuff out the top end of this with a pan?


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2016
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Whitehorse, Canada
It is possible but awkward, heres a link to kelly kettles system it'll give you some ideas how to manage it. The pot stand thing could be easily made with sheet metal and aviation shears. Alcohol stoves I've used extensively both Trangia and Svea. The Trangia mini stove set was small and light but first the uncoated aluminum pot pitted from I think a speck of onion then later the burner developed a tiny crack in its side and that was that but I got a few years of hard use out of it. My Svea was a swedish military kit from surplus and it was heavier but well built, the burner itself was much better built. Only ever burned methyl hydrate but any hardwear store or walmart has it. Biggest advantage is non toxic and quiet I could listen to the birds while cooking. Winter use it just down right sucks dont bother...


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2016
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Whitehorse, Canada
Oh nah I'm taking about the soda can stove that burns isopropyl, you know the type?
They all work same way pop can stove is just an improvised trangia or Svea without a pot support worked out. They all burn ISO, methyl hydrate among others, hell moonshine would work though that's a waste lol!
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Hillbilly Castro

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
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Westernville, NY
If you really want something as small as a pop can stove check out the Vargo Triad stove! It's just as small but has little pot stands/ feet attached to it, pre made stoves are honestly worth the money.
woah... yeah yeah yeah this is what I'm lookin for. .9oz! and the price isn't bad either.
Thanks, I may get this. Do you know if alcohol to burn is tough to source internationally? I may bike the silk road..


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2015
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Exeter, United Kingdom
personally rather than carry any kind of stove I just improvise a set up with whatever's around - it's generally pretty easy to find some wood for a fire, some kind of metal for a grill or grate and hopefully a large food tin ( you know that previously had beans / veg in em' ) to heat water for coffee etc - this can be the hardest thing to get because so many food tins these days have that Bis- something plasticy coating lining the inside which shouldn't be heated because it becomes toxic... organic / health food shops often have the old style ones and they are worth keeping hold of for a minute.... rather than buy a fancy gadget I like the challenge of surviving using what can be found for free.... I've seen a few people making those Rocket Stoves but they always seem a bit on the small side.. having said all this my style of cooking on an open fire isn't much use in cities - if your living in a city park / sleeping out etc a little gas or meths stove is gonna attract a lot less attention from cops etc

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