Weird Ornery Pooches


Deleted member 2626

So my dog has been around, I've had him since a pup and he's my dude and goes everywhere I go. I love him to my core. I prefer him by my side for travel or generally anything than any person. I wake up every morning stoked to say good morning to him, humans I can't always say the same. Also even if he gets on my nerves a bit I never can stay a little ticked longer than a few minutes but lately he's gotten a little more temper mental. Not mean as in go after people or anything but snippy. He's always been food protective since I can remember and I've come to deal, as with all his little ticks. He's nipped a few people here this last year and its because I believe he's come, with age, to really not like his face being touched. And now I kind of have to tell as lot of people to not really pet him. So with that being said, hitch hiking and tying him with my pack outside a store becomes semi stressful. He always wags and wants to say hello but then sometimes is like nawww I'm gonna be a little nippy. He's never hit real hard just like a sometimes skin breaking nip. I'm not really asking advice but more of does anyone else have a dog like this? Temper mental and ornery? Anyone who foot travels understand my semi struggle? Love this dude till the end though and nothing will cease that.


Sometimes traveler is traveling.
Jul 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
I had a little 9 lb peek a poo (aka peek a rott) - why is it people always go for the head. My dog nipped people (and she went after their sneakers). Allow them to get used to you.
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Deleted member 125

my pit mix is like that, same food issues and everything. she was rescued from a dog fighting ring so...its pretty understandable. for the most part shes fine but if she gets startled or you try to take food away from her you might get bit. shes gotten better but still doesnt like when people get to close to me and my partner if she hasnt been introduced, and she gets crated when we have sex which sometimes is a bummer having to cut into the mood to go crate a dog because she barks and growls at us...


campervan untilising nomadic traveller
Dec 18, 2011
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Brighton, United Kingdom
Just an idea if you'd rather people didn't pet your dog without permission I saw these leads/harnesses the other day that say, friendly or no dogs plus a load of other messages on them. Here's a link,

My dog had recently got super grumpy when it comes to small dogs being near her. Anytime one comes within a few metres her hackles go up and its time for me to intercept and move along.

I think I am very lucky that my girl loves all humans and thankfully is fine with being handled and petted and her food taken away. I think it's just because I've had her pretty much from day one and she's just got used to me being a bit random with her routine.

Last thing to consider is, could your dog be in pain and that's why his behaviour has changed? My dog was a total nightmare when she had a UTI that I hadn't spotted, was very grouchy and disobedient until it was treated.
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Deleted member 125

@landpirate i actually use one of these for my pit mix when we are on walks and ive had people with children come more then close enough for her to bite them to ask if they can pet her. its very unlikely that she would since im right there calming her down but the fact is she is a beast of a dog and was obviously good at dog fighting since shes alive so i would imagine she knows how to hurt a human. people are really idiots, i get it, shes very cute and is most likely wagging her tail when you see her, but the big red CAUTION leash didnt give you a hint?

i used to live downtown and for the hell of it i took her with me when i went to get smokes or anything from the corner store, the owners knew me and were fine with her being there while i made my fast buys and she was always friendly to them, one afternoon i was walking home and someone came up behind me and tapped my shoulder from the back, before i could even turn around she had him pinned to the ground by the guys neck, hell she didnt know what the guy wanted and i still dont, because after i told her to stop, i hauled ass home and never took her with me to the store again, even though she loved those walks and honestly being in that part of town late at night it made me feel alot safer knowing that she had my back.

now on a different note, my boston terrier is just a asshole. he will straight up bite a stranger for no reason if me or my partner arnt around to watch him, but hes a little dog so i guess people assume hes a friendly little ball of joy. but hes not, that dogs just a asshole with a lazy eye and like 4 teeth.


Sometimes traveler is traveling.
Jul 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
@cantcureherpes ROFL "but hes not, that dogs just a asshole with a lazy eye and like 4 teeth." Mindy eventually mostly blind - but with a few more crooked teeth and she sounded like a mutha fucka when people batted her head and body thinking they were doing good things. Oh the sounds that came outta her. Oh and she was mostly deaf too. -- snaggle toofed, rather blind and deaf and don't piss her off - rather healthy but had some issues.

Don't bother my dog please? :D
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Deleted member 125

@Tude was she a boston? im serious bostons are some seriously ugly little buggers and this ones no exception. ill try to get a photo of him while he snores and farts up my little room.

Deleted member 2626

Naw no pain hes a happy dude. Been on trains hitched the country and been more places than most humans. Hes just moody maybe it comes from me too. We spend a lot of time alone so not sure if thats it too. But hey hes weird and i love him nothing will change that. Hes been food aggresive since i remember. But it is his food and i know his boundaries. I can take it away from him and he waits till i put it down and yes we have no schedule either for feeds. That spoils too much to get an idea when theyll be fed im sure. Hes a cankterous dog and thats what it is.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2014
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If people were smart they wouldn't try to pet the dog until the dog can sniff and get use to them. It's always works for me or ask the owner if dog is friendly. Like you I find I get along better with most animals more than I do people and for some reason animals like me. I have only been bitten once by a dog and after dog bit me we became friends.

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