I've had ten rats and only one out of those ten would I ever consider taking on the road. My boys are just way too adventurous to take travelling- they want to explore everything and have no fears. The only one I'd consider taking with me is unfortunately gone from this world now, but he was very mellow and laid back- I could put him in a pocket, on my bed in a certain spot, or in the hood of my jacket and he'd always stay there until I gave him the okay to do otherwise. He would even sleep next to my head at night without wandering.
Rats are like people- they all have different personalities- different needs. I suggest getting a rat while you're off the road- a young one- and taking them everywhere with you. I suggest this because you'll be purchasing them out of caged life- to automatically take them on the road will be such a shock I'm not sure how they'd fair... But if you get them while you have a stable situation you can have a cage for them at night and between outings, but still take them into society often. This will get them used to thinking of you as their home and a safe hand.
Some rats like to be super social and active and explorative. Other rats like to be calm and alone. You need the latter!
Also- I suggest getting a rat from a feeder bin. They cost less and you'll be saving a life. Some pet store owners will try to scare you away from buying a feeder bin rat for a pet because the ones labelled to be pets are more expensive. They will say things like "I can't guarantee their health" / "I can't guarantee they won't bite." / etc. While feeder bin rats
are known to sometimes have health problems, it's rare. I've purchased 4 feeder bin rats and they are absolutely precious- they don't bite me, they aren't unhealthy.. So while those things can happen it's not an absolute.
If you get a rat that bites DO NOT BE DISMAYED, and please don't return them to the pet store.. Biting is a defense mechanism because they're scared. My gentlest boys have bit me at least once out of fear (bath time horrors ;P )... I had one boy that would try to bite me any time I picked him up because he was traumatized by baths. I worked with him for about a week to get him to stop with that and now he won't bite anyone- he just walks away or submits to my will. Lol. There are videos on youtube illustrating how to train rats to not bite as well as how to teach them tricks and what-not. I suggest watching these.
Another thing- Rats are prone to respiratory infections. If you get them while you're off the road get them a bird cage (this isn't big enough to be a proper home. This is assuming you'll be taking them out most of the day.) not a tank. Tanks trap in the air, causing them to get respiratory infections from the ammonia in their pee. I also suggest using cloth on the bottom of the cage rather than wood chips- wood chips have dust that your rat will breathe in and get respiratory distress from. ALL of my rats have had respiratory issues at some point or another- that's because of how sensitive they are to smells and fumes.
If you have a Facebook join the rat groups- If you type "rats" into the search bar it should shoot you back some groups, but if it doesn't I'd be more than happy to list the names of 'em for ya.
Rats are adventurous just like us. They're great pets. You just have to learn about them so that you can give them a decent life. If you join the FB group "Rats and Mice are Awesome" there are group-files regarding rat care, be it health issues, what they can and can't eat, or how to train them.
You will find that most pet stores and pet food brands give incorrect information regarding rat care, so please read up on the group sites. The information in them is written by people with years of experience with rats rather than people trying to make a buck.
Hope this helps! Have a good day!