Hey everyone, my names Aaron grew up in the shadows of an abandon psychiatric hospital ( was one of the biggest in the states) I've always been a traveler at heart, since I was a kid spending weeks anticipating my families road trip into the great aderondaks. In my older years I spent much time hiking mountains of the northeast. ( I have always felt a sense of completion being in the fresh mountain air.) I have also backpacked Europe for a month from France to Germany and finally Italy camping under bridges and crashing couches. As of late I have been fed up with ohh you know wage slavery. On top of the horrible attitudes of NewYorkers and the impossibility of living on my own here. So in the next few weeks I will be quitting my job, taking what I can fit and driving across country (never been out west). I have ideas to plant roots in Eugene Oregon. Though I am getting less patient with consistency of life in my older years. My cousin bailed on taking the trip with me. This will be my first drive across the country with only my trusted companion (rocko). I am stuck paying for this car so for a while I will need steady income. Is it crazy my plan is just get to Oregon and figure it out? I've had an insane amount of negativity from the plan ahead camp. I'm hoping to find some cool people as well as punk houses to crash.