tired all the time at 30 years old. adrenal burnout?

Uip Bumms

Nov 17, 2023
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so ive been traveling all over america then canada then europe and south america, the whole world basically for the last 15 years. im at a point where i wake up tired now. idk how to fix it or whats even wrong with me. ive almost died a lot of times so i kind of got used to moving under threats for like a long time, staying awake for long periods and all that. does anyone else deal with this? any input is appreciated

also like, ive been sleeping on the ground in some cases without gear for a really really long time. what does that do to the body? i almost feel like sleeping without a bedroll has done something to me over time but its not like my body aches. i kinda just like, toughed my way through it and now im really exhausted all the time.
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Aug 9, 2020
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Practically speaking, i would first look at the food you are putting into you. Make sure you are getting a balanced diet with sufficient nutrients and calories to maintain your lifestyle. You don't need to get obsessive about it, just as long as you are getting mostly carbs, some amount of protein, a spot of fat and prioritize fresh produce to deliver the vitamins.

Second i would look at your sleep health. Try to get 6 hours uninterrupted every night, ideally closer to 8. If you are waking up a lot due to environmental conditions, that isn't going to be enough to let your body recover from the day before. It might not hurt at the start but takes a toll over longer periods.

Third i would suggest to go to a doctor and get a standard physical just to see if there are any obvious imbalances that could be explained by disease, especially if you have been traveling in the tropics. I hope you already got all of the vaccinations on offer, steered clear of mosquitos, scabies and other critters, kept your body and belongings clean, and that you don't drink, smoke, do drugs and so on.

This is all basic personal health and hygiene stuff that every person in the world, traveler or not, should know how to do. If you are doing all those things, the doctors didn't find anything, and you are still tired, it might be psychological. That's a tougher thing to solve, and i think it's different for everyone.

There has been a few phases in my life where i got paranoid i did something that permanently scarred me because of unexplained exhaustion, ennui or pain. Sometimes i was in a position to visit a doctor and go through batteries of tests and was fortunate to find that nothing abnormal was detected. Not to diminish the subjective feeling of fatigue, but just to put into perspective. There are a lot of hardworking people who are severely malnourished or are suffering from disease, have disorders of the immune system, other chronic illnesses, permanent injuries and so forth... If the worst thing you have to worry about after living a life on the road is a sense of tiredness, you're coming out on top. Knowing that was a comfort to me.

Last, but not least, age. When you get old, your body starts falling apart. You can't do all the things you used to do when you were young. Everything is harder than it used to be. You need to go to great lengths just to maintain the same level of health you had before. It fucking sucks, but sooner you come to terms with it the better, because it's only going to get worse.

Uip Bumms

Nov 17, 2023
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thats mental. yeah like, i have trouble making peace with what ive done in my life. the communities ive lost and stuff like that because of my actions. but yeah i dont drink at all. i might start smoking weed again. im in india so the food got me really sick but like, its generally healthy here. theres so much to be said for what the mind can do and if you dont have that drive its like u fall away. thats probably what im dealing with now.
thanks for responding.


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Jul 23, 2022
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Williamsburg PA
Hey OP. I'm sorry to hear your not feeling well. I think Ali covered a lot of the things i would say in something like this. But It might also be worth considering that the human body just doesn't rest well under constant tension or stress. I'm also in my 30s. And I know that when I'm doing the long term travel thing I just don't get the same quality of sleep and rest. Often times this is more about a feeling of safety that allows you to enter rem sleep faster and stay there longer. This is also the stage of sleep where your body heals itself. So it might just be a "death by 1000 cuts" sort of thing where your lifestyle is just not compatible to your long term physical or mental health. But defiantly go to a doctor if your able to and have them check you out. I feel like if I was feeling the way you feel I might give it a rest for a year or two and try sleeping in the same place and eating on a regular schedule.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Nov 12, 2023
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Southern tier
so ive been traveling all over america then canada then europe and south america, the whole world basically for the last 15 years. im at a point where i wake up tired now. idk how to fix it or whats even wrong with me. ive almost died a lot of times so i kind of got used to moving under threats for like a long time, staying awake for long periods and all that. does anyone else deal with this? any input is appreciated

Anything from a particular nutrient deficiency, to Lyme disease.
Try eating crushed raw garlic for two weeks straight, one clove a day .
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Jul 6, 2017
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Seaside, OR
Hard to be healthy in a sick society. We are in The Kali Yuga after all. Luckily you are in one of the best places to get some help. Shouldn't be too difficult to find someone skilled in Ayurvedic medicine. Bon Chance!
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Jan 22, 2012
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Milwaukee, United States
I never eat cinnamon if I can help it, because adrenals are bad for drawing long breath, but sweet cinnamon foods are good for building up your adrenal capacity. I would recommend lots of ginger and olives, followed by candy. You may have a kidney problem. This is a common cause of premature aging, which is also treatable with corn flakes for breakfast regularly or plain sweet soda, which carries a risk of diabetes.
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