Stuck in the armpit of the world

A better World

Active member
May 30, 2007
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Ive been talking about this since i was 13 but something always kept me tied down here, early on it was my family and the fact i was still a kid that new nothing about what i was doing then it was a 2 year relationship with the devil herself now at 18 though im ready to get the fuck out of here. Im planning to leave no later than april 16(the date of termination of my probation) if it werent for the freezing cold weather id say fuck my legal obligations but im planning to head northwest (main destination is oregon but i want to see the whole northwest on my way with a stop in minnesota to see some friends). Ive been on these forums for years looking for some information on how the fuck to get out of NJ. It seems like someone built a wall around this state. Hitchhiking is out of the question in the state with more police than televisions. The only train information ive seen is about hopping out of Newark which is described as a completely horrible idea. I pass a train yard in North Bergen every day on my bus ride to work but ti seems small and well within the public eye. It s also very close to newark which again is apparently a very bad idea. I see intermodals going in and out of there all the time but i dont want to get on a train just to be pulled off by a bull and have my probation extended tieing me down to hell in nj. Everyday i live here it feels like im stuck between a rock and a hard place that are slowly closing in on me crushing all the life out of me. Im left with two choices, get the fuck out of here or put a needle in my arm again. Im not sure what i want but i know theres a better way to live. The only time i feel alive is when i dont know where im sleeping that night, have no obligations to anyone, have no idea where my next meal is coming from, and can do whatever i please. I'm sick of being just a weekend warrior, i want a life worth living and a story worth telling. Im done with working, fuck slaving my time away at school so i can have title on a piece of fucking paper, im done living in a fucking shelter where the white walls and demanding staff make me feel like im locked up again, and Im sick of spending my time alone cause everyone around me just cant understand this and the ones who do are either locked up or live in some obscure town off the route of public transportation.

Ive been looking for as much information as i can about how to get the fuck outa here and there isnt much. If anyone has any experiance getting the fuck out of nj it will be greatly apperiated. Even if it involves traveling to a neighboring state. Id prefer to travel by train but anything is good enough hitchhiking stealing a car swimming the atlantic ocean etc.


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2009
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Welcome to StP. Make sure to read the rules and use the search bar. As for getting out of NJ, i personally have never really even gone into the state, but if it'd be hard to hitch or hop a train maybe your best bet would be to bus it out into another state.


StP Supporter
Apr 16, 2009
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I think we're all searching for a better world. but welcome to the site. enjoy your stay here. there's a wealth of information, ry and soak up as much as you can. and good luck!


StP Supporter
Apr 16, 2009
Reaction score
I think we're all searching for a better world. but welcome to the site. enjoy your stay here. there's a wealth of information, try and soak up as much as you can. and good luck!

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