Setting/asserting boundaries in your home (on wheels)


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2018
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SF Bay Area
I think a very underrated topic - that I don’t see anyone talking about - when it comes to living in a vehicle is setting/asserting boundaries with guests who enter your space.

I feel like for a lot of people who you might welcome into your vehicle/home, it simply doesn’t click in their heads that in that moment, they’re a guest in somebody else’s home and should act appropriately. I believe that for probably all vehicle dwellers, there are going to be moments in your journey when you need to set boundaries with people overstepping while in your vehicle.

For me, some ways this has looked has been having a talk with friends about leaving trash in my van after hanging out, being assertive with another friend of mine after he opened a container of alcohol in my van while I was driving specifically after I told him not to, or making it clear to someone I was giving a ride to that the amount of times they commented on a smell in my van was becoming excessive and they were being rude. The list goes on.

On more than one occasion when setting a boundary in my own space, I was met with the people who were overstepping replying with some excuse about how they “don’t like being told what to do.” If anyone ever tries to tell you this when you set a boundary, hold your ground. I found that in these situations, making it clear that 1) right now you’re a guest in my home, and 2) right now I’m setting a boundary about my home, and 3) I do expect you to respect my boundaries while you’re in my home (otherwise leave, if it comes to that) tends to give people the reality check they need.

I find that often the people who you end up needing to be assertive about boundaries with are often people you’re friends with.

What approaches have y’all found tend to work and not work for you?

What kinds of situations have you run into where you’ve needed to set/assert a boundary in your vehicle?

Let’s have a discussion about this, I feel it’s an important topic that a lot of us run into from time to time and it might be helpful to talk about it.


Active member
Sep 19, 2022
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I’ve seen multiple people who have had a list of rules put up somewhere in their van or RV.

Very easy way to say “do you agree?” Or a perfect excuse to give someone the boot “it’s written right there! I showed you.” Idk however a normal person would say it. Easier than having to remember rules to tell people and shit.
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Nov 26, 2019
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I'm not nice enough to have this problem, at least not these days. More importantly though, I don't hang around people who can't govern themselves.

You shouldn't need a list or rules, common decency covers everything. If someone doesn't react to being politely told not to smoke or some such in my truck, then I suppose I'd start screaming in their face and attack them


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2019
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Southern Arizona
If people don't respect you or your property, they aren't your friends, nor are they anyone you should associate with. People like that will try to bring you down, bust up things, steal stuff, etc. There is FAR too much bad shit in this world to allow negative disrespectful people into yours.

Something simple like, "Please pick up after yourself, and leave things as good or better than you found it" is all that should be needed. If anyone can't do that, especially if asked nicely, tell them to leave and to not come back. It is YOUR life and YOUR space, they are YOUR guests. The key word being guests... This should be common sense, but sadly, I have seen people leave trash in other people's places, and smoke when they were asked not to, so common sense isn't so common, nor are polite, respectful people. But again, if they aren't that, you don't want them around.


Dec 8, 2020
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I live by two main rules-

Dont start shit with anybody.

Dont take shit off anybody.

An listen to the whisper inside you. Does a voice from within say somethings off? Weird vibe? This aint right? Listen to it, fine tune that. Every single shitty situation ive gotten myself into, person ive dealt with, there was a moment beforehand i can directly trace back to where i said this is bad, its going south, dont do, you cant trust em, etc.
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