Say hello to my little "HELLO"


Active member
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
Duluth MN
im not one to build profiles on this 'intera-net'-thingy, but from what ive read so far, this site seems to have cool shit goin on. Also im on Couchsurfing(not that they are similar), but like Stan from SP, i dont get electronic life. i.e. FB,Mysp,Twits?
ive recently returned back to the US against my wishes after backpacking in Europe for 4 years. That bit ov travel really opened my mind and im trying to connect with other travelers here.
Have stayed in some squatted communities in Amsterdam, Zurich, Basel, Copenhagen(Chrisitania) along with designated Nomad Bases for travelers, ive really found a friendship with many in the Hitch Hiking community. ive never made it on a train, here nor there, except in the passenger car by spending WAY to much money, or getting kicked off by the ticketer.
My diet consists mostly ov non-meat food, but if that slice ov pizza laying on the street has some and im hungry, well...
Been a tobacco user for 18 years and enjoy only 3 cigarettes. The first one ov the morning, one after a good meal, and one after sex. All the rest are just nails in the coffin. My mind has been clear ov 'illegal' chemicals for almost a year(court induced) including alcohol, though caffeine and nicotine are still acceptable? What the fuck!!
Anyway, im trying to connect with people who have more experience in traveling and those who have less. In order to learn and teach. i guess thats why im frequenting this site and hope to make a positive influence here.
Thank you for your time

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