I couldn't remember my old login, so I am starting fresh.


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Aug 19, 2024
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I am just another, old, beat-up traveller, known by some as Hurin. I've lived out of vans, DIY campers and in squats for the last 20 years and during that time, I've taken up mushroom hunting, riding my bike everywhere, spending as much time as I can in the woods. At the moment, I am trying to figure a way to save up for a sailboat as my next and maybe final adventure, but I've always been a bit work shy so thats probably pipe dreams, so in the mean time, I am looking to hop out of the Los Angeles area some time in September and would love to link up with some people that know the yards here better than I do, because the security seems tight and they are fairly intimidating yards(I've only really hopped short distances in the North Eastern US. Once I'm on more familiar turf, I'm going to head back towards Philadelphia, but wouldn't mind riding up to Portland or Eugene first. I travel light and tend to figure shit out along the way.

I have good primitive skills from spending a lot of time off-grid in the woods, mostly in Appalachia, but also along the Oregon coast. I don't need much to keep myself alive, but I find existing in capitalism to be a completely untenable prospect. I thrive in the cracks in the system, as much as they are getting fewer and harder to expoit. I can't seem to make myself fit the 9-5 work/life paradigm, though I've spent a lot of time banging my head against the wall trying. All I've got to show for any of it, is a big lump on the head. I'm at that unfortunate age where friends and family start dropping like flies and so at times I try to work to support the people I care about and I've never been able to get the hang of it. I don't drink, do drugs, or any of that. I am vegan and try to eat healthish, but none of that has helped me to settle into the dismal, depressing routine of an adult Amerikkkan. So here I am again. Tired, depressed and trying to get the fuck out of another dystopian, late-stage capitalist, cyberpunk metropolis.

On top of that, I hate most people, I have annoying habits like listening to metal way too loud and I never grew out of my Anarchism phase and have only strengthened my belief in autonomous self-organization through free association and mutual aid as I've gotten older, grumpier and less and less tolerant of other people's ideas. I've found that my ideas about life and autonomy are less popular than ever. Political violence and fascism are normalized to a depressing degree and I just want to find a way to leave these ways of being behind, even if it is dangerous or uncomfortable. Comfort is only a temporary illusion and it ends up leading to a level of discomfort far greater than if one embraces the harsh realities of life from the outset. To me the discomforts of living outside, learning what you can and can't eat and finding a way to conform to the cycles of nature is far less uncomfortable and oppressive than the concrete jungle/coast to coast shopping mall that most people never stray too far away from. I'm exhausted from living like this in LA. Pretending I have a drive to socialize myself to this environment and the people that inhabit it has only reawakened my desire to be free from the confines of this existince, people, the fear of death or any other fear that drives our decision making into this sedentary Net-flix society.

I need a change. And a big one.

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