How did you learn to play an instrument?


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2017
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I've always been a vocalist. As a young child, I loved to sing. Took very few choir classes, because I always hated being told what to sing. Took a few voice lessons a bit later in life, which helped me learn some more breath control, and whatnot; but for the most part, I taught myself, and practiced alone to get me to the point I am now.
As for a physical instrument, percussion has always come rather naturally to me. I don't know how to read music, but I finally got my hands on a washboard- and taught myself by listening to other washboard players, and the dandy help of "washboard Chaz" on youtube. He helped me figure out what fingers to start with, and how to designate a strum/tap hand. But otherwise, it's all just been independent practice.


May 12, 2017
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Lagos, Portugal
Got lessons in school when I was a kid, played trumpet at some point - gave that up, played guitar for a bit - gave that up. Tried playing drums when I was 14 but my sense of rhythm is pretty shite (+ my step father wouldn't let me practice when he was in the house, because let's face it - drums are fucking loud.) Always liked singing though and from meeting musicians through my travels I've realised I have a good tone in my voice. So that's what I do now, and with a cheap yamaha guitar that I've had for ages I am starting to actually get this whole singing whilst playing thing down OK. Currently back in my hometown for a couple of weeks where I have time to sit in front of a computer and practice the guitar more in depth. When I get back on the road I'll be practicing and busking instead of spanging.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2012
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dont worry about it
books, youtube. Also busking with other people that play better than you- forces you to focus think faster and learn faster. when i was first learning, i would me a lot of people that would wanna busk with me and id be like uhhh i only know a few chords and im kinda slow theyd just be like Ok so just play f c g d really fast and Id be like Omg now i really have to play F c g d really fast right now , so pressure helps Hahaha. :p
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WanderLost Radical

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2014
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I found this app a couple months ago, called Yousician. Its only for guitar, bass, banjo and uke (I think), but it's pretty sick!! It teaches you notes, chords and theory. It's free to download, and it lets you play 15mins/day. But you can pay 10$/month to have it unlimited.

Honestly, if you're like me, and get demotivated quick, this is the shit, because it listens to you play, and gives you a score. You see these scores going up with time, and you feel like you're making progress!


Oct 17, 2017
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florida's most underappreciated construction hell
I learned how to read music as a kid and have had an on and off relationship with many instruments over the years. I took piano lessons as a teenager for a while, then after I was done with school I taught myself how to play shamisen, ukulele, and am currently working on learning bass and guitar. Guitar is so hard sometimes it makes me wonder how I picked anything else up as quickly as I did. I sing too, but I've never had any formal training.

I don't really use my music reading skills anymore unless I'm playing piano, and even then I try to find ways around it. I've never been great at sight reading and I don't seem to be getting any faster. I taught myself ukulele using like, two youtube videos and a bunch of tabs of songs I like. It only took me about two weeks of constant play to get pretty good at it. Guitar is coming along significantly slower, but I'm not giving up! I still really want to learn how to play banjo too, so depending on how guitar and bass goes, that'll be next on the list. Tbh I think my goal is to just become a one person band at this point.

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