Well after a number of fits and starts iv'e finally made the mental and emotional commitment to walk, ride, slouch, crawl, run, fly and limp around this country as much as I can while I am still rootless and starry eyed enough to do it. My name is Red and I'm from Eastern Pennsylvania, my folks and I moved around enough growing up, my father has a hard time staying in one place too long. I'm really into music of course, and books, as a teenager I figured I would be a painter when I grew up, so far ive worked a varied assortment of jobs and pride myself on hard work. These days I spend a lot of my time reading and thinking about anarchism and Buddhism and how they relate to one another and I think the wandering mendicant has a place in both schools so those are the robes I'm donning at least for a while....I don't know where I'm going or even how to do it, anyone in PA looking to get out and establish a winter headquarters hit me up