hey hey heh hey

Feb 8, 2011
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whuts goood? im from portland maine. its maines biggest town. its a chill place to come for a few weeks in the summer. i reccomend it then but not really at any other time. when i was 15 i started chillin downtown in the park where i met all these people that were chill fucking shit and didnt judge me no matter how hard we raged. In the summah time here, a lot of people used to pass through and thats how i met a lot of traveler kids. my then boyfriend left his home in the neighboring town by portland to go sleep in the park and hang out with his new friends. he tried acid and it completely changed his life, as it changed mine a year later. In a matter of weeks he had hit the road to NYC with friends and came back a month and a half later with a shattered jaw. he got jumped by bloods. his idiot friend had been running his mouth to the wrong people. so back to maine he came, got his jaw wired shut and drank PBR through a straw. when the wires got taken out, he left again ASAP. its interesting for me to be on the full spectrum, of worrying so much over friends that travel, then really fucking wanting to do it, then doing it, and watching my friends and family worry about me so much. i was in their shoes. it was hard for me to make my decision because i knew how much they would worry about me like i had about him. but i cant live my life to make others happy. anyways a year or so later this Ex of mine got his foot crushed in the knuckle. i went to go see him in the hospital. weeks later were hanging out, im still not even used to the fact hes got one foot now, and he tells me hes still gunna ride trains. i was terrified. he had scarred me, and now i had more irrational fears about train hopping. then my best friend started riding trains..she brought me to a local yard and we climbed around on the trains, she taugght me how to get on and off, what to ride, etc. i felt so much better about it after, even excited for the day i can leave. I recently went traveling for a bit with friends i didnt know very well and every town we went through, they were looking for dope. after watching them shoot it i didnt wanna be with them anymore and i came back. i now deeply regret that choice. Im an artist, and i just want to find other artists to travel with and collaborate with. I fucking love art. i feel that art is the whole point of my life. learn it and create it. and now ive found the missing component, travel. And i cant fucking wait to get back out there. I miss my best friend, i miss the road.
So this is long as fuck and im not so great at introductions. haha i just felt like talking about why i decided this is the life fer me.

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