Stephen DC
I was raised by role-playing games. When I was in an engineering physics course in college I was studying 15 hours a day and started lucid dreaming about physics problems. I tried starting a resort/business in Houghton Lake (as well as growing MMJ), but there were communication problems between Mom and Dad. I started imbibing entheogens and writing poetry to process the experiences. While heavily under the influence of cannabis I studied a dozen philosophers and coalesced their philosophies in an essay I titled Multidimensional Communication. I tried to finish a University degree, but got expelled for "arguing" with "teachers." I practice nondualistic yoga and can't seem to stop my brain from acquiring knowledge. I am learning to communicate with a guitar, because I think it might be easier than learning how to communicate with a human. I spent six months in Florida wandering around after being evicted from my house in Redford and am still learning how to travel. My favorite form of travel is oneironautical....
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