Notes: This text is the English version of zines in Italian that are distributed at free parties in Sicily. It is written in the context of the new 633bis law, pushed by the neo-fascist Italian government in 2023 and that makes possible sentences of up to 6 years in jail for organising illegal free parties, interceptation of phone calls, etc., all under the cover of "anti-terrorist" and "anti-mafia" measures.
Notes: This text is the English version of zines in Italian that are distributed at free parties in Sicily. It is written in the context of the new 633bis law, pushed by the neo-fascist Italian government in 2023 and that makes possible sentences of up to 6 years in jail for organising illegal free parties, interceptation of phone calls, etc., all under the cover of "anti-terrorist" and "anti-mafia" measures.

Dancing Demons No.3 (english): “The Terror of Visibility”
The Terror of Visibility Fuck it! You draw back and go underground again and come up somewhere else. (Viv Libertine) 1. Intro What happened at the protest – or was it a street party, or a wei…