wilderness living

  1. wizehop

    Building a primitive wattle and daub hut from scratch

    He's got a couple other interesting vids on his channel as well. "I built this hut in the bush using naturally occurring materials and primitive tools. The hut is 2m wide and 2m long, the side walls are 1m high and the ridge line (highest point) is 2m high giving a roof angle of 45 degrees. A...
  2. RobHASboots

    Share your wilderness camp pics, won't you?

    whoa-ho! so, you take pride in making comfortable n stealthy lil camps in the bush? WELL DONE! show off your handywork. inspire others. share tips. -fire-ring? -logs to sit on? -beach front? -multiple tents? ...*many hands make light work (after all, why shouldn't you be proud? you worked...
  3. Matt Derrick

    My caveman experience: squatting with gypsies

    http://expertvagabond.com/squatting-with-gypsies/ BY MATTHEW KARSTEN IN ADVENTURE, CULTURE, SPAIN | 14 COMMENTS My Luxury Cave Accommodations GRANADA, SPAIN There’s a remarkable community of gypsy travelers who squat inside abandoned caves in Spain. This is my unusual story of spending the...
  4. Matt Derrick

    This man built a tiny home in the pacific-northwest wilderness for under $500

    http://www.theplaidzebra.com/this-man-built-a-tiny-home-in-the-pacific-northwest-wilderness-for-under-500/ April 15, 2015 Though the tiny-house movement has attracted major attention in recent years, there are still two major problems that the average person faces when they think about...
  5. Matt Derrick

    Alone in the Woods: The Legend of Cambo

  6. Matt Derrick

    Living on a DIY riverbed island in the mountains of Kosovo

    Living on a DIY riverbed island in the mountains of Kosovo JUNE 1, 2015 http://vandogtraveller.com/living-on-a-diy-riverbed-island-in-the-mountains-of-kosovo/ There’s a guy who has built his own island on a riverbed at the foot of the Prokletije Mountains in Kosovo. I got his attention and he...
  7. hiveranno

    Damn near a year in the brush

    Hey all. Made it about a year living in the brush without outside influence. Last week my camp was found by mushroom pickers that reported me to the local law. They came out and made me tear down my home and shitter. Had to pull roots and head back down the road. Looking for a new place. I'm in...
  8. T

    Fucking BUGS.

    Sitting in Lake City, FL. Trying to sleep but apparently I'm a goddamned buffet for the mosquitos and other critters. Killed a fucking snake with the knife, shot fire at a noise in the bush (lighter and aerosol stuff), and threw my empty wine bottle at the cat that was pissing me off. Also...
  9. Antelope Bob

    Outdoor Survival / Food

    Here are some guideline for eating wild plant life. In most situations, if you don't know what a plant is, don't eat it. You can live 3 weeks or more without food. You can live a lot less long with poison in your system. Only eat wild plants if you have devoted a good deal of time to studying...
  10. Antelope Bob

    How to tell what direction you are going without a compass

    Step 1 Use the shadow stick method During the day, try the shadow stick method. Find a stick about three feet tall and put it in a flat piece of ground with no greenery nearby. Mark the end of its shadow with a rock. Wait 30 minutes, and mark the tip of the new shadow. The connecting line runs...
  11. incognita

    Morels in northern B.C.

    Anyone know when they will start popping up? Should be any day now?
  12. WanderLost Radical

    Fishing without a rod

    That has been a question I've been asking myself a bit, and after looking on the internet about it, I've found a few answers, but they either require lots of work, a hook, or don't seem really efficient. What's been your best method?
  13. sean p

    make a fire with battery

  14. T

    Reddit's /u/huckstah just published the Vagabond Bible(2015)

    Copypasta from the thread, all credit to /u/huckstah - - - - The NEW Vagabond Bible (2015)! (541MB File) Consider this the digital First-Aid kit to living life on the road, rails, or trails! One compressed and downloadable file containing: International Road/Highway Maps North American...
  15. JanuaryBell

    Cougar Survival Tips and Stories

    Well there was a posting in Litha Park about a few weeks ago that there was a Cougar sighting near a neighborhood just outside the park. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or stories on how they handled wild animals while camping out in the woods. From my experience, I dealt with a few...
  16. Mikael Runefoot

    Smokeless Fire?????

    Would anyone be able to tell me a great way to make a fire in the woods that has as little smoke as possible? I would like to squat in the woods without people finding me..
  17. Mikael Runefoot

    Couch Surfing to Wilderness Squatting

    Hey guys, The name is Michael. When I was 16 I moved out of my house, and when I turned 18 I became homeless. I started couch surfing, squatting in abandon houses, living in shit houses, living in basements, renting rooms etc. I am currently living in my best friends room with her mom while she...
  18. D

    Wilderness Gardening

    To attach to another thread I made about wilderness wandering or long term living, I've thought on planting seeds-if you were staying put a bit or had land or whatever- and seeing how they'd work out. Obviously you'd need a clear area and plenty of sunlight. Anyone have suggestions for plants to...
  19. Joshicus

    fishing license?

    Any of you peeps buy fishing license in whichever state you happen to be in atm? Or you just say fuck em and cast anyway. Ive been wondering. What the 5-0 would say if a homeless dude was walking around with fishing gear but no fishing permit and out of state drivers license/I.D.
  20. Matt Derrick

    EXTREME LIVING: Turning Caveman in America

    I thought this was already on StP somewhere but I couldn't find it so I'm posting it here. EXTREME LIVING: Turning Caveman in America http://www.messynessychic.com/2012/04/23/turning-caveman-in-america/ By MessyNessy 23RD APR, 2012 12 Sometimes we just want to get away from it all; make...
  21. WanderLost Radical

    How to open a can without any tools

    So I just stumbled on this video, and I thought it could be useful to you guys! Check it out! My flash player is too much of a dick to let me get the audio, and the subtitles are in french, so in case the audio is also in french: All you need to do is to scratch the top of the can against...
  22. D

    Wilderness Extended

    Okay so reading Neanderthals posts and having convo with him. I'd like to hear some extensive gear lists if someone was choosing to.head in to the mountains for awhile. Let's say rockies and your starting in spring. And your either with pack animals or just in your pack. Hunting, fishing, wild...
  23. CelticWanderer

    Nifty things that make living a /wee/ bit easier

    A lot of stuff on here is for the big picture, what kinda shelters, how to eat plants and all that good shit. Well, I wanna hear about yalls small, mcgyver type things that make life on the road just a wee bit more comfortable and easy. Like painting the tips of tent stakes bright orange to...
  24. N

    Anyone down to go into the deep wilderness?

    Hey folks, Back online after many months! (my old username was cavemansailor). I just returned from my 4th trip to the Gila Wilderness this year. It turned out to be everything I hoped for and more, but I need to find some folks to go back with for the long-haul. For those not familiar with...
  25. A

    Winter Camp

    It is completed, or set up at least. I'll see how it holds up, it's supposed to rain the next couple of days. I've also established a fire pit for cooking and found an old dishwasher off the tracks and I hollowed it out to become a stove. It is an ideal spot in relation to water sources (ponds...
  26. Rob

    Natural tick repellent?

    I'm having a huge issue with dear ticks this season in NY. I've been plucking these little bastards off me. Anyone know a good surefire way to keep them away? Avoiding tall brush is not an option!
  27. XAlbertaWarriorWomenX

    Any advice for fall/October camping?

    I don't have much of a choice on where on to stay, except the shelter house, but for personal reasons, i rather avoid staying there. I have a tent, a few sleeping bags and some warm clothing to wear for fall. I'm thinking of tenting out in the outskirts of my hometown. I'm just worried about...
  28. Raven1998

    Wild water sources

    Ive been wondering if anyone knew alternatives on the west coast to buying bottled water or filling water up at fountains and what not. Maybe like wells in national forests or other sort of off road spickets and refill locations.
  29. DoctorApocalypse

    Bushcraft: The Ultimate Guide to Survival in the Wilderness

    boyofmetal submitted a new file to the downloads area: Bushcraft - The Ultimate Guide to Survival in the Wilderness - A wilderness survival guide. Click here to learn more about this file...
  30. MikeK85

    Long Fire (Extended warmth for overnight)

    Not my video. I've had pretty good luck with these for cold weather camping. There's a learning curve, and a bit of prep involved so don't wait last minute to rely on this.
  31. Kate Westcoast

    FUCKING ANTS / Descending into the Desert need advice

    Okay first thing is my skin is fucking crawling. I've never seen or had this problem before sleeping outside anywhere else other then EVERYWHERE FROM SANTA BARBRA AND BEYOUNd (south) whats with the fucking ants? and how can i avoid setting up camp in areas that look like they are ant free until...
  32. hiveranno

    Southern MO wood squat

    Ok found wifi. Laying low in southern MO in the Ozarks. Found a place on public land that has limited access, plenty of wild goodies, mild weather in winter, fresh water spring, cedar trees to build under to stay out of sight & farms n civilization about 5 miles away. Looking for other like...
  33. libro

    rock sling weapon how-to

    I thought id share this, its an easily made, accurate and lethal weapon for hunting or long distance vandalism lol. http://slinging.org/index.php?page=how-to-build-and-use-a-traditional-apache-sling---l-w-forsyth With practice you can get golf balls to be lethal and accurate. You can even rifle...
  34. Billy The Kid

    Wilderness squatter

    Hi Ya'll, I've recently quit my job in Philadelphia to become a musician. My plan is to find some forest to squat in so that I can have a peaceful and quiet place to write music. I'm going to create a structure (depending on the environment and resources available) in the wilderness to live...
  35. wizehop

    Homeless Man Tearfully Watches As Police Destroy His Shelter

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/30/homeless-man-watches-shelter-destroyed_n_5634527.html Homeless Man Tearfully Watches As Police Destroy His Shelter The Huffington Post | By Robbie Couch Sam had just one request for police about to destroy the makeshift shelter in the woods he'd...
  36. buffalobill

    hunting dogs

    Hey I was looking if any one has seen a road dog with a hunting dog like a terrier or a whippet used to catch rabbit and other game and it off subject but anybody see a dog that got in a quarrel with a porkupine ( haha fucking prickly pigs)
  37. K

    How to...keep cool (not how to be cool)

    One of the challenges to traveling and being outdoors is coming up with creative ideas of how to stay cool as the temperature rises. I have several ways to keep cool, some of them pretty obvious and some not so. If you have a favorite or unusual way to keep cool, kindly share so we can all...
  38. Tanto

    Keeping Your Debris Shelter Bug Free

    Tents can provide excellent protection from the elements, but they can also be expensive/broken/stolen/somehow not available when you find yourself in need of one. As most probably already know, debris shelters can provide an effective and perhaps more importantly; free, alternative to the...
  39. kecleon

    Shadow Living Tactical Manual

    jimyf submitted a new file to the downloads area: Shadow Living Tactical Manual - Wilderness, Survival, Self Defense, Privacy, Frugal Living & More.. Click here to learn more about this file...
  40. landpirate

    Self Sufficiency

    landpirate submitted a new file to the downloads area: Self Sufficiency - information on various aspects of living in a self sufficient way Click here to learn more about this file...
  41. landpirate

    Skinning, Tanning & Working Hides

    landpirate submitted a new file to the downloads area: Skinning, Tanning & Working Hides - Instructions on different techniques you can use to treat animals skins Click here to learn more about this file...
  42. benjysirois

    Foraged Favorites

    So I just came back from a little hike and was able to forage three of my spring favorites: fiddleheads, chives and wild leek. Back in the kitchen cooking 'em up right now. Sautéed with some butter and they're delectable. Made me wonder what your favorite seasonal forages are and what recipes...
  43. XAlbertaWarriorWomenX

    How to Urban Camp in May & keep warm?

    It's not actually summer yet, but considering urban camping in the city, instead of staying with "crackhead" friends, no offense, but can't have a decent sleep, and need to work and get important shit done. Anybody have any experiences with camping and keeping warmoutside in may, springtime...
  44. Traveler


    Traveler submitted a new file to the downloads area: Trapping - Traps for big game. Click here to learn more about this file...
  45. Traveler

    Camp Life in the Woods & the Tricks of Trapping & Trap Making

    Traveler submitted a new file to the downloads area: Camp Life in the Woods - The tricks of trapping and trap making Click here to learn more about this file...
  46. Traveler

    Handbook of Knots & Splices

    Traveler submitted a new file to the downloads area: Handbook of Knots & Splices - Handbook of Knots & Splices Click here to learn more about this file...
  47. Traveler

    Rocket Mass Heaters

    Traveler submitted a new file to the downloads area: Rocket Mass Heaters - Super efficient wood stoves you can build! Click here to learn more about this file...
  48. Traveler

    The Herb Handbook

    Traveler submitted a new file to the downloads area: The Herb Handbook - The Herb Handbook Click here to learn more about this file...
  49. spearchukka

    Continental Divide Trail

    Back in the States. This time I shall be attempting an end to end hike along the Continental Divide Trail with a few of my finest friends. For all those that are interested you can follow us as we meander north on www.therealdivide.com. Share, comment and spread the word as it helps us to get...
  50. Traveler

    Edible Plants of the World

    Traveler submitted a new file to the downloads area: Edible Plants of the World - Edible Plants of the World Click here to learn more about this file...