wilderness living

  1. Benji91

    Snakes in the wild

    Just wondering how people deal with snakes in the wild. I've encountered a fair few carpet pythons in the bushland near me, they're big (and scary looking) but fairly easy to handle. Personally, I have a little experience with larger, non-venomous snakes like these - as well as cute little...
  2. tacopirate

    Foxfire Series of Survival Books (pdf)

    If anyone has ever had the chance to check these books out, I highly recommend them. When I was a kid, my grandpa always had these in the back bedroom. They taught me how to make moonshine, trap critters, and everything else you can imagine. All based on Appalachian history and folklore. I...
  3. I

    Spots in/around New Orleans?

    Heading to nola tomorrow and wondering if anyone has suggestions on good spots to camp out at, either inside the city itself or places near by
  4. ntdxc1878

    Camping in National Parks

    I really love National Parks, and I am planning to hit up Yosemite and a couple others out west this summer. Well I got this idea that I could just camp in the parks while I was there, maybe just off some of the hiking trails they have through the park. Anyone have any experience doing this? I...
  5. WanderLost Radical

    Alaskan grizzlies ain't nuthin' to fuck with!!

    Here's a post about some record grizzly bear being shot by a US forest service in Alaska. (Pictures in the original article) He was deer hunting last week when the large grizzly charged him from about 50 yards away. The guy emptied his 7mm Magnum semi-automatic rifle into the bear and...
  6. K

    Stealth Camping Tips

    This video is a little long, but pretty thorough. Plenty of useful tidbits for beginner through advanced campers. Happy camping!
  7. D

    Backwoods slingshot

    Backwoods slingshot One day at my camp in the Huachucas, I was riding out a hail storm under my tarp, and getting a little bored. I decided to make a slingshot. I had with me some wide rubber banding material , given to me by my good friend Shawn Sprague in Maine. It is a bit too wide to use...
  8. D

    Basic survival

    SURVIVAL BASICS: Covering the 4 essentials of wilderness survival 1. shelter 2. water 3. fire 4 .food SHELTER : If or when you find yourself lost in the wilderness, the first thing you need to do is stay calm. Don’t wander around in a panic and get yourself more lost. sit down, think...
  9. J

    Stealth Camping in Woods

    Hello, I was planning on stealth camping in the woods to avoid the 9-5, 40-hour work week, slave jobs. Basically my plan is to, every night, go into the woods far enough to be hidden, set up my tent, sleeping bag and sleeping pad, and then sleep there for the night. I won't be "living" in a...
  10. D

    Lighting a cigar with flint and steel(no text)

  11. Mankini


    I cache worldwide. Why carry seasonal, or heavy shit when you can just hit local caches? http://www.truthistreason.net/downloads/Special-Forces-Caching-Techniques-TC-3129A.pdf
  12. Gregory

    Leaving for the Wilderness, living off of nature

    Hi , I have been a backpacker all of my life and wilderness survival guide. I am going back into the remote wilderness to live in nature, away from society and man made things. I am looking for a partner and had rather have a female that has the will and desire to go off grid and into the...
  13. A

    The Book of Camping and Woodcraft

    AlmostAlwaysLost submitted a new file to the StP library: The Book of Camping and Woodcraft 1906 - A guidebook for those who travel in the wilderness Click here for more information on this file.
  14. A

    Tips for Long Term Survival Traveling

    I'm looking for tips on being out there long term. I've got some camping skills but I want to know from the veterans some tips. Is there a piece of gear you rely on the most, how do you not go crazy not having a place to live etc. I'm gonna be out at there at least 2years this next time and...
  15. A

    Use Hot Rocks to Dry Your Boots

    I was talking about using hot rocks to stay warm but evidently you can also use them to dry your boots fast.
  16. landpirate

    man survives two bear attacks

    Having had my first encounter with any sort of unusual wildlife this week (a grass snake, and yes I know thats lame but I'm in England and we only have lame wildlife :eek:) Seeing this video and report from a man who survived two bear attacks makes me realise that I'm lucky to be somewhere...
  17. Brother X

    Small Canadian town will give land, a job to anyone willing to move

    With a few catches, of course. IMAGE 1 OF 59 The Farmer's Daughter Country Market is offering land and a job to anyone willing to relocate. Of course, there are a few catches, but the near-paradise location might be worth it. >>KEEP CLICKING TO SEE MORE ... more Cape Breton is a small...
  18. D

    What I learned this summer!

    I learned to camp this summer! The few of you that know me know I'm more of a shelter hopper. This year, I got job and staying in the shelter with a job wasn't a good option. The other clients have no respect for themselves or anyone else so I left and started sleeping outside. I met a guy and...
  19. D

    Gun or no gun in Alaskan Wilderness?

    Hey guys, I've been debating whether I should get myself a grizzly killing machine. I already know what I'd get, just can't decide if I'd be better off with one verses the bear spray I already carry. 50/50 Alaskans here tell me I should, but then again it wouldn't help much with a close up...
  20. jojoofu

    Looking in Montana or the Yukon for a good spot

    Hey everyone, I'm planning on heading north very soon. I want to either live in Montana or the Yukon. Montana would be preferable as I don't have a pass port so I would need to sneak over the border to Canada. I'm looking for somewhere that is wooded with a nearby mountain or lake/stream. I'd...
  21. Cornelius Vango

    Extreme Climate Techniques and Tricks

    So, you've found yourself in the wilderness in an extreme climate. It's EXTREMELY hot, or cold, or rainy, or swampy, or dry... What are some ways that you keep yourself not only alive by meeting your basic needs, but also be comfortable as you can be (besides climbing into the nearest place with...
  22. salxtina

    Wilderness Responder/Search and Rescue experience?

    I've wanted to get Wilderness First Responder training for a while but the courses are **expensive** a.f.... Wondering if any Search And Rescue teams will train you if you volunteer with them? The ones I looked up around here (NH) seem to want you to be an EMT already, basically. Anybody ever...
  23. xeperu

    How do I research the safety of a watershed?

    Does anyone have ideas on how to research the safety of water you come across in the wild? In addition to biological contaminants that could make a person sick, I'm curious how I can find out about chemical wastes that might be in a water source making it unsafe to drink or bathe in. Things like...
  24. xeperu

    Interesting reading on tramping about in nature and solitude

    The author talks about learning the skills necessary to tramp and enjoy solitude outside cities and towns. They call it "hobo school", but I would call it "tramp school" or use their term economad. For people who like walking, biking, and other human powered transport as well as solitude, there...
  25. landpirate

    Why Do People Keep Trying to Visit the ‘Into the Wild’ Bus?

    There's also a link to a good wesbsite in here for planning adventures in Alaska and staying safe whilst doing it http://lfadventureclub.com/ http://www.vice.com/read/into-the-wild-bus-chris-mccandless?utm_source=vicefbus&utm_campaign=global Why Do People Keep Trying to Visit the ‘Into the...
  26. beginnavagabond

    Places to sleep around town

    (Not sure if this is the right thread but I didn't know where else to post) I am off for my first journey to Pennsylvania (where I grew up) and I'm very excited. I was planning on doing some couchsurfing or staying with friends, and sleeping in the woods. I was wondering what other places are...
  27. Raging Bird

    Chicken Coops

    Couldn't really find an appropriate place to post this so I figure I'll ask here. Does anyone have any experience building a chicken coop or raising chickens for eggs? I'm trying to get 3-6 hens to produce eggs for myself and the neighborhood (I figure giving people free shit is a good way...
  28. amor fati

    Dealing with heat - shade tarp?

    ive got a pretty sweet camp spot; heats up real quick when the sun is up tho & since my tent is stupidly bright colors, I covered it with a camo tarp. I threw this off as soon as I got up; it can't be helping the heat & the site is reasonably well hidden. I was thinking about getting a bigger...
  29. Explorer Oak

    Tribulation Preperation

    So i live in CA Sacramento area and i need to condition myself to be able to survive without ties to civilisation. I'm convinced things are going to get real bad worldwide here pretty soon. So not having any prior survival experience i've already collected some good intel here. I'm think i'll...
  30. Brent smith

    Plants of California

    I want to buy some books about plants in California. Like about what plants are poisonous and what plants are edible. What plants can be use for medical purposes. Herbs and spices. Anything and everything California soo, if you know any good books or reads let me know thanks
  31. D

    Survival/ wilderness skills Book

    Im not sure if anyone would be interested in this but a few years ago I self published a book on wilderness skills and survival. It is in both print on demand format and as a kindle ebook on amazon. The book is actually for former curriculum for a scout course I use to run in Arizona. I simply...
  32. D

    People have been suggesting camping

    Recently, I've been getting a lot more suggesting to camp out instead of looking for a squat. It turns out it's a lot safer and a lot more peaceful and private. Just like with squat, I have no sure appropriate gear, but I need to expand my options and way of thinking for the sake of my survival...
  33. XAlbertaWarriorWomenX

    How To Survive a Freezing Winter Sleeping Outside with no money

    For personal reasons, I cant stay at the shelter house during the winter and i hate being around strangers, im considering sleeping outside in the winter, but on da cheapest fundz possible. Any suggestions and comments people?
  34. salxtina

    Any extreme climbers here?

    So I've done a bit of cliff climbing and repelling before but I don't have any of my own gear, I'm wondering what people's advice is, on the basic minimum I'd need to buy (bike helmet ok? do I really need the climbing shoes or are chucks good enough?) - Also if anyone wants to meet up for...
  35. Mankini

    live fast, die young, leave attractive corpse? oh well, 1 of 3 aint bad.

    Going into southern lake baikal/vladivostok corridor to look for the amur tiger. its the biggest tiger in the world: still running wild around vladivostok: 4 day train ride from moscow. i may return, on the other hand, i may end up a steaming pile of tiger doo with nothing but a zz top tie...
  36. Garnet Henderson

    Want to talk to me for a VICE article?

    Hi everyone, I'm a freelance journalist working on an article for VICE about people living in U.S. National Forests, both by choice or because of hardship. It's a follow-up of sorts to an article I wrote about the housing shortage in my hometown, Jackson Hole (can't link to it because I'm a...
  37. Tony Pro

    The Tramp's Handbook

    Tony Pro submitted a new file to the StP library: The Tramp's Handbook (1903) - A guide to tramping in Edwardian England Click here for more information on this file.
  38. ShittyMike

    Growing Food and Other Cool Stuff

    Hopefully this is the right board, I figure the topics are similar enough though Anyone have experience with growing plants or raising animals? If so I'd really like to hear about your thoughts on it. But first, some of mine... I took up gardening last summer for the shiggles of it and found...
  39. Rolling Blackouts

    Forest Security - Game Cameras

    Whenever I'm setting up a new rural base of operations in the forest, whether it be camping / squatting / or working,I always make it a point to know what types of critter folk are out there lurking around at night. So I've taken to the habit of placing game cameras around my neck of the woods...
  40. DreaderDread

    Rat Race

    I'm looking to get out the rat race of Amerikkka and just start living. Seeking bush friend to help me on my way. I can bring some $ and supplies with me.
  41. Levantiel

    Wild Edibles and Medicinal Plants

    I just found this site a few days ago and have really enjoyed my time here so I thought I would contribute some of my knowledge concerning medicinal and edible plants. A little background... I've been a practicing herbalist for 5 years, spent 2 years tramping around California from 2001 - 2003...
  42. Xenji

    Camp Haven: Officially Being Funded!

    You may have heard in my previous post how I and a few others were planning to create a Squat Camp, located within the wilderness of Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada. We've finalized our idea and decided to build on the south-side of the Cowichan Valley mountain's, residing in the peaks looking out...
  43. Xenji

    The Mighty Valley Of Vancouver Island.

    If you're on this site, chances are you've contemplated living off-grid in order to live off the beauty of mother nature herself. The terminology "Squatter's" given to us are to me, nothing more than mere jealousy. Due to the fact the government can't control our flow of currency nor...
  44. stormcrow

    Bay Area Hiking Buddy

    So as I've said before I am currently stuck in Vallejo for some indeterminate amount of time. I have been really having the travelling itch and have found that hiking new spots(sort of) stymies that itch. I actually may be heading up to Washington at some point now, but the plans are kind of...
  45. JamesPrice94

    Neat way to survive cold nights with very minimal gear

  46. WanderLost Radical

    Make your own floatation device anywhere

    Just stumbled upon this video, and I thought I should share it with you guys! Might save a life! This is a Youtube link to a video where the guy make a life vest out of his pants. Doubt it's as effectivewith crust pants though ::wtf::
  47. Mankini

    Butterfly Living; treetop living.

    I read about Julia Butterfly living in a redwood for 2 years. Then thought...Hey, you know, I'm sick of worrying about pigz or others ganking my shit at my woodz camp while I'm gone for the day: why not take a page from Julia's Playbook and have a small set-up in the trees....Then I found hand...
  48. Amanda Palmer

    Incoming earthquake in Pacific Northwest- extremely informative article

    http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/07/20/the-really-big-one It's a long read, but it includes a lot of history and explanation, as well as survival advise... By the way, this is my first post, sorry it is so depressing! Looking forward to sharing and learning with you all. - Amanda
  49. Simon

    Primitive commune

    I have a piece of land completely hidden next to train tracks in texas. It is hot and humid in summer ,lots of bugs and pretty mild in winter. I have a large garden alreafy installed and ready to bulid temporary shelter ie tree house or wattle and dab. Mostly just gets boring out in the woods...
  50. MolotovMocktail

    The Strange & Curious Tale of the Last True Hermit

    http://www.gq.com/story/the-last-true-hermit?src=longreads The Strange & Curious Tale of the Last True Hermit For nearly thirty years, a phantom haunted the woods of Central Maine. Unseen and unknown, he lived in secret, creeping into homes in the dead of night and surviving on what he could...